Setting up the Netgear N300 router


Setting up the Netgear N300 router

Netgear routers are still rarely found in post-Soviet expanses, but managed to prove themselves as reliable devices. Most routers of this manufacturer who are in our market belong to budgetary and medium-budget classes. One of the most popular are the N300 series routers - about setting up these devices and will be discussed.

Preset routers N300.

To begin with, it is worth clarifying an important point - the N300 index is not a model number or designation of the model range. This index indicates the maximum speed of the 802.11n Wi-Fi adapter router. Accordingly, gadgets with such an index there are more than a dozen. The interfaces of these devices almost do not differ from each other, so the example below can be successfully used to configure all possible variations of the model.

Before starting the configuration, the router must be prepared accordingly. This stage includes such actions:

  1. Select the location of the router. Such devices should be installed away from sources of possible interference and metal barriers, and it is also important to choose a place approximately in the middle of the possible coating zone.
  2. Connecting a power supply device with the subsequent connection of the Internet service provider cable and connecting to a computer to configure. All ports are located on the back of the housing, get confused in them, as they are signed and marked with different colors.
  3. Netgear N300 Routher Interface Connectors

  4. After connecting the router, go to a PC or laptop. You need to open the LAN properties and set the automatic receipt of TCP / IPv4 parameters.

    Setting up a network card for NetGear N300

    Read more: Setting up a local network on Windows 7

After these manipulations, we turn to the configuration of NetGear N300.

Configuring routers of the N300 family

To open the settings interface, start any modern Internet browser, enter the address and go to it. If the address entered is not suitable, try or The input combination will be a combination of Admin as a login and password as a password. The exact information for your model can be found on the back of the housing.

Data to enter the Netgear N300 router settings interface

You will appear the main page of the web interface of the router - you can start configuring.

Configure Internet

The routers of this model range support the entire basic range of connections - from PPPoE to PPTP. We will show you the settings of each option. Settings are located in the "Settings" items - "Basic Settings".

Log in to Internet settings on Netgear N300 router

On the latest versions of firmware known as NetGear Genie, these parameters are located in the "Extras" section. Settings ", tabs" Settings "-" Configuring the Internet ".

Log in to Internet settings on the Netgear N300 router on the new firmware

The location and name of the desired options is identical on both firmware.


The PPPoE connection to Netgear N300 is configured as:

  1. Mark "Yes" in the upper block, since the PPPoE connection requires data entry for authorization.
  2. Select Netgear N300 Router Information PPPOE Information

  3. Connection type Set as "PPPOE".
  4. Netgear N300 PPPOE connection connection

  5. Enter the authorization name and code word - this data is obliged to provide the operator in the "Username" and "Password" graphs.
  6. Enter login and password PPPoE to configure the NETGEAR N300 router

  7. Select a dynamic receipt of the addresses of the computer and the domain name server.
  8. Automatic PPPoE addresses to customize NETGEAR N300 router

  9. Click "Apply" and wait until the router saves the settings.

Take the Netgear N300 PPPOE Routher Settings

Connection via PPPoE is configured.


The connection to the specified protocol is a VPN connection, so the procedure is somewhat different from PPPoE.

Note! In some old variants, NETGEAR N300, the L2TP connection is not supported, you may need to update the firmware!

  1. Check the "Yes" position in the options input options for connecting.
  2. Select L2TP data entry to configure the NETGEAR N300 router

  3. Activate the "L2TP" option in the connection type block.
  4. Select L2TP to configure the NETGEAR N300 router

  5. Enter the authorization data received from the operator.
  6. L2TP authorization data for setting the NETGEAR N300 router

  7. Next, in the "Server Address" field, specify the VPN server of the Internet operator - the value can be in digital format or as a web address.
  8. Installing the L2TP VPN server to configure the NETGEAR N300 router

  9. Getting DNS Set how to "get automatically from the provider".
  10. Automatic receipt of DNS L2TP to configure the NETGEAR N300 router

  11. Use "Apply" to end the setting.

Apply Settings L2TP router NETGEAR N300


PPTP, the second version of the VPN connection is configured as follows:

  1. As with other types of connection, mark the option "Yes" in the upper block.
  2. PPTP connection information To configure the NETGEAR N300 router

  3. Internet provider in our case PPTP - Mark this option in the appropriate menu.
  4. Select PPTP connection type to configure NETGEAR N300 router

  5. Enter the authorization data that the provider issued is the first thing the username and phrase password, then the VPN server.

    Login, password and PPTP server to configure the NETGEAR N300 router

    Next, actions differ for options with external or built-in IP. In the first, specify the desired IP and subnet in the marked fields. You can also select the manual DNS server entry option, after which you specify their addresses in the "Main" and "optional" fields.

    Static PPTP address to configure the NETGEAR N300 router

    When connected to the dynamic address of other changes is not required - just make sure that the username, password and virtual server correctly entered correctly.

  6. To save the parameters, press "Apply".

Apply PPTP configuration to set up the NETGEAR N300 router

Dynamic IP.

In the CIS countries, the connection type for a dynamic address is gaining popularity. On Netgear N300 routers it is configured as follows:

  1. In the Input Connection Information Point, select "No".
  2. Enable dynamic IP to set up the Netgear N300 router

  3. With this type of receipt, all the necessary data comes from the operator, so make sure the address options are set in the "Get dynamically / automatically" position.
  4. Getting Dynamic IP addresses to set up the Netgear N300 router

  5. DHCP connection authentication often occurs by reconciliation of the MAC address of the equipment. To work correctly, this option you need to select "Use the MAC address of the computer" or "Use this MAC address" in the MAC address of the router. When choosing the last parameter, you will need to manually register the desired address.
  6. Configuration of the MAC address of the dynamic IP to configure the NETGEAR N300 router

  7. Use the "Apply" button to complete the configuration process.

Save dynamic IP configuration to set up the NETGEAR N300 router

Static IP.

The router configuration procedure for connecting to static IP almost coincides with the procedure for a dynamic address.

  1. In the top block of options, tick the item "No".
  2. Select static IP to customize NETGEAR N300 router

  3. Next, select "Use a static IP address" and register the desired values ​​in the marked fields.
  4. Enter a static IP to set up the NETGEAR N300 router

  5. In the domain name server block, specify "use these DNS servers" and enter the address provided by the operator.
  6. Enter static IP DNS to configure the NETGEAR N300 router

  7. If required, set the binding to the MAC address (we spoke about it in a dynamic IP item), and click "Apply" to complete the manipulation.

Save Static IP Parameters To configure the Netgear N300 router

As you can see, setting up and static, and the dynamic address is incredibly simple.

Wi-Fi Setup

For full-fledged wireless connection on the router under consideration, it is necessary to produce a number of settings. The required parameters are located in "Setting" - "Wireless Connection Settings".

Open Settings Wi-Fi Router NETGEAR N300

On the firmware NetGear Genie, the options are located at the address "Extras. Settings "-" Setup "-" Setting up Wi-Fi network. "

Open the settings of the Wi-Fi router NETGEAR N300 on the new firmware

To configure the wireless connection, you need to make the following:

  1. In the SSID Name field, set the desired name Wi-fi.
  2. Name Wi-Fi to set up the NETGEAR N300 router

  3. Region Indicate "Russia" (Users from the Russian Federation) or "Europe" (Ukraine, RB, Kazakhstan).
  4. Set Wi-Fi Region To configure the Netgear N300 router

  5. The position "Mode" option depends on the speed of your internet connection - set the value corresponding to the maximum bandwidth of the connection.
  6. Select Wi-Fi mode to configure the NETGEAR N300 router

  7. Security options are recommended to choose as "WPA2-PSK".
  8. Wi-Fi encryption selection to configure Netgear N300 router

  9. Latest in the "phrase password" column, enter a password to connect to Wi-Fi, and then click "Apply".

WPS settings on the new NETGEAR-N300 router firmware

If all settings are written correctly, the Wi-Fi connection will be connected to the previously selected name.


NetGear N300 routers support the "Wi-Fi Protected Setup" option, abbreviated WPS, which allows you to connect to a wireless network by pressing a special button on the router. More information about this feature and its configuration you will find in the appropriate material.

WPS settings on the NETGEAR N300 router on the new firmware

Read more: What is WPS and how to configure it

On this, Netgear N300 router configuration guide comes to an end. As you could make sure the procedure is quite simple and does not require any specific skills from the end user.

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