Failed to play Verified Windows 7


Failed to play Verified Windows 7

In some cases, during the initial configuration of the audio system of the computer under the control of Windows 7, you can encounter an error "Could not play the Windows 7 test sound". This notification appears when trying to check the performance of columns or speakers. Next, we will tell you why a similar error occurs, and how to fix it.

Causes of error

Note that the problem under consideration does not definitely have a software or hardware reasons; It can appear both in the first and second, and less - both. However, you can select the most frequent options for which this error is manifested:
  • Sound equipment malfunctions - both speakers and speakers and sound card;
  • Errors in system files - verification sound is a Windows system melody, when damaged the integrity of which a failure notification may appear in reproducing it;
  • Problems with sound equipment drivers - as practice shows, one of the most frequent causes of the manifestation of the failure;
  • Problems with the Windows Audio service - the main sound process of the OS often works with interruptions, as a result of which numerous problems with playing sounds appear.

In addition, malfunctions are possible with audio sequins or a compound of hardware components and motherboard, or problems on the motherboard. Sometimes the error "failed to reproduce the Windows 7 test sound" appears due to the activities of malicious software.

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Options solving the problem

Before describing how to eliminate failure, we want to warn - you will have to act by exclusion: try each of the proposed methods in turn, and in the case of ineffectiveness to move to others. This is necessary because of the difficulties of diagnosing the problem we mentioned above.

Method 1: Restarting the audio device in the system

Windows 7, even after a clean installation, it can work unstable to a wide variety of reasons. Sometimes this is manifested in the initialization problems of the device, which are corrected by restarting through the system utility "Sound"

  1. Find in the tray located on the taskbar, the speaker icon and click on it right mouse button. In the context menu, click on the "Playback Device" position.
  2. Open audio devices for troubleshooting windows 7

  3. The window "Sound" utility will appear. On the Playback tab, find the default device - it is appropriately signed, and its icon is marked by a green tick. Highlight it and click on it by PCM, then use the "Disable" option.
  4. Disable the audio device to troubleshoot the Windows audit audio

  5. After a while (the minutes it will be enough), turn on the sound card in the same way, only this time to select the "Enable" option.

Turn on the audio device to troubleshoot the Windows audit audio

Try recording sound. If the melody is played - the reason was incorrect to be the device initialization, and the problem is solved. If there are no errors, but there is no sound anyway, try again, but this time you carefully watch the scale in front of the name of the sound device - if a change appears on it, but there is no sound, then the problem is clearly hardware, and the device will need to be replaced.

In some situations, to re-initialize the device, you must restart through the Device Manager. The instructions for this procedure are in another material.

Read more: Installing audio devices on Windows 7

Method 2: Checking the integrity of system files

Since the Windows audit sound 7 is a system file that occurred with it failure can cause a manifestation of the error under consideration. In addition, the system sound module files may also be damaged, due to which the message "Could not play the Windows 7 test sound". The problem solving the integrity of system components will be a solution. This procedure deals with a separate detailed article, so we advise you to get acquainted with it.


Read more: Check the integrity of system files in Windows 7

Method 3: Reinstalling Sound Device Drivers

Most often a message about the impossibility to play the test sound is displayed when drivers with drivers for audio devices, usually an external card. The problem is solved by reinstalling the service according to these components. Guide You will find on the link below.


Read more: Reinstall the sound device driver

Method 4: Restarting the Windows Audio service

The second frequent software cause of the manifestation of the error with playback of the check melody is a problem with the Windows Audio service. They may arise as a result of software failures in the system, actions of malicious software or user intervention. To work correctly, the service should be restarted - we offer to get acquainted with the methods of making this procedure:


Read more: Running audio service on Windows 7

Method 5: Enable Audio Device in BIOS

Sometimes due to the failure of the system settings, the BIOS sound component can be disconnected, which is why it is displayed in the system, but all attempts to interact with it (including performance testing) are impossible. Solving this problem is obvious - you need to go to the BIOS and re-enable the audio playback controller in it. This is also dedicated to a separate article on our site - the link below is located below.


Read more: Running sound in BIOS


We reviewed the main causes of the error "Could not play the Windows 7 test sound", as well as solving this problem. Summing up, we want to note that if none of the options proposed above does not work - most likely, the cause of the failure is hardware, so without a hike to service can not do.

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