Error "BAD_POOL_HEADER" in Windows 7



The Windows 7 operating system is famous for its stability, however, it is not insured against problems - in particular BSOD, the main text of the error of which "Bad_Pool_Header". This failure manifests itself quite often, for a number of reasons - below we will describe them, as well as ways to deal with the problem.

Problem "bad_pool_header" and its solutions

The name of the problem speaks for itself - a highlighted memory pool is not enough for one of the components of the computer, why Windows cannot start or working with interruptions. The most frequent causes of this error:
  • Disadvantage of free space in the system section;
  • Problems with RAM;
  • Hard disk malfunctions;
  • Viral activity;
  • Software conflict;
  • Incorrect update;
  • Random failure.

Now we go to ways to solve the problem under consideration.

Method 1: Liberation of space on the system section

Most often, the "Blue Screen" with the code "Bad_Pool_Header" appears due to the lack of free space in the HDD system section. This is a symptom of this - the sudden appearance of BSOD after some time using a PC or laptop. The OS will allow you to boot normally, but after some time the "blue screen" appears again. The solution here is obvious - the C drive: you need to clear from unnecessary or garbage data. Instructions for this procedure can be found below.


Lesson: We release a disk on a C:

Method 2: Verification of RAM

The second prevalence is the reason for the appearance of the error "Bad_Pool_Header" - problems with RAM or its lack. The latter can be corrected by an increase in the number of "RAM" - ways to do this are given in the next manual.


Read more: Increase the RAM on the computer

If the methods mentioned are not suitable for you, you can try to increase the paging file. But forced to warn - this decision is not too reliably, so we still recommend that you use proven methods.


Read more:

Defining the optimal size of the paging file in Windows

Creating a paging file on a computer with Windows 7

Provided that the number of RAM is acceptable (according to the current article by the standards - at least 8 GB), but the error manifests itself - most likely, you encountered RAM problems. In this situation, the RAM must be checked, preferably using the boot flash drive with the recorded MEMTEST86 + program. This procedure deals with separate material on our website, we recommend familiar with it.


Read more: How to test RAM using the MemTest86 + program

Method 3: Check hard disk

When cleaning the system partition and manipulation with the RAM and the paging file was ineffective, we can assume that the cause of the problem lies in the HDD fails. In this case, it should be checked for errors or broken sectors.



How to check the hard disk on broken sectors

How to check hard disk for performance

If the verification showed the presence of problem areas of memory, you can try to treat the disc legendary in the specialist environment of the Victoria program.


Read more: We restore the hard drive Victoria program

Sometimes it is not possible to correct the problem with the problem - the hard drive is needed to replace. For users who are confident in their forces, our authors have prepared a step-by-step guide to self-replace HDD both in a stationary PC and a laptop.


Lesson: how to change the hard drive

Method 4: Elimination of viral infection

The malicious software develops almost faster than all other types of computer programs - today they arise among them and truly serious threats that can cause a violation of the system. Often, bsod appears due to viral activity with the designation "Bad_Pool_Header". Methods of combating viral infection There are many - we advise you to familiarize yourself with the selection of the most effective.


Read more: Fighting computer viruses

Method 5: Deleting Conflicting Programs

Another program problem, as a result, the error in question can occur - the conflict of two or more programs. As a rule, it includes utilities with the right to make changes to the system, in particular, antivirus software. It's no secret to anyone that it is harmful to keep two sets of protective programs on a computer, so one of them needs to be deleted. Below we provide links to the instructions for the removal of some antivirus products.

Read more: How to remove from Computer Avast, Avira, Avg, Comodo, 360 Total Security, Kaspersky Anti-Virus, ESET NOD32

Method 6: System Rollination

Another program cause of the failure described is to make changes to the OS from the user or incorrect installation of updates. In this situation, you should try to roll back Windows to a stable state by using the recovery point. In Windows 7, the procedure is as follows:

  1. Open the Start menu and go to the "All Programs" section.
  2. Open all programs to restore Windows 7 and solving the problem BAD_POOL_HEADER

  3. Find and open the "Standard" folder.
  4. Go to standard programs to restore Windows 7 and solving the problem BAD_POOL_HEADER

  5. Next, go to the "service" subfolder and run the utility "Restore System".
  6. Open service programs to restore Windows 7 and solving the problem BAD_POOL_HEADER

  7. In the first window, the utilities click "Next".
  8. Start Restore Windows 7 To solve the problem BAD_POOL_HEADER

  9. Now it is necessary to choose from the list of saved states of the system, what preceded the appearance of an error. Focus on the data and time column. To solve the described problem, it is desirable to use system recovery points, but you can use and manually created - to display them, check the option "Show other recovery points". Deciding with the selection, select the desired position in the table and click "Next".
  10. Select the Windows 7 recovery point to solve the problem BAD_POOL_HEADER

  11. Before pressing "Finish", make sure that you have chosen the correct recovery point, and only then start the process.

Get to restore Windows 7 to solve the problem BAD_POOL_HEADER

The system recovery will take some time, but not more than 15 minutes. The computer will reboot - it should not be in the process, it should be. As a result, if the point is selected correctly, you will get a workable OS and get rid of the error "Bad_Pool_Header". By the way, the method with the involvement of recovery points can also be used to correct the conflict of programs, but the solution is radical, so we recommend it only in extreme cases.

Method 6: PC reboot

It also happens that the error with incorrect definition of the allocated memory causes a single failure. It is enough to wait here until the computer restarts after receiving the BSOD - after loading Windows 7 will function as usual. Nevertheless, it is not necessary to relax - perhaps there is a problem in the form of a viral attack, a conflict of programs or violations in the HDD work, so it is best to check the computer according to the instructions above.


We have led the main factors of the bsod error "BAD_POOL_HEADER" in Windows 7. As we found out, a similar problem arises through many reasons and methods for its correction depends on correct diagnostics.

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