Download Youtube Music app for Android


Download YouTube Music for Android

Stringing services are becoming increasingly popular and popular among users, especially if they are intended to watch video and / or listening to music. Just about the representative of the second segment, and not devoid of some opportunities of the first, we will tell in our current article.

YouTube Music is a relatively new service from Google, which is understandable from the name, is intended for listening to music, although certain possibilities of the "big brother", video storage, is also present in it. This music platform came to the change of Google Play music and earned in Russia in the summer of 2018. We will tell about the main opportunities.

Download Mobile Youtube Music App for Android

Personal recommendations

As it should be assumed to any Stringing Service, YouTube Music provides each user with personal recommendations based on its preferences and tastes. Of course, the pre-Musical YouTube will have to "train", indicating his favorite genres and performers. In the future, stumbled upon the artist you are interested in, be sure to subscribe to it.

Personal recommendations in Youtube Music Application for Android

The longer you will use this platform, not forgetting to celebrate the tracks you like, the more accurate will be recommendations. If the song that you do not like to do not like to do it in the list of playback, just put her "finger down" - it will also improve the overall presentation of the service about your tastes.

Listening to music in Youtube Music application for Android

Thematic playlists and collections

In addition to personal recommendations, updated daily, YouTube Music offers a fairly large number of thematic playlists and various selections. Categories, each of which contains for ten playlists, are divided into groups. Some of them are formed by the mood, others - on the weather or season, the third - by the genre, the fourth - they ask the mood, the fifths are well suited under certain occupation, work or rest. And this is the most generalized view, in fact, categories and groups that they are divided into the Web service under consideration much more.

Personal playlists and thematic selections in Youtube Music Application for Android

Among other things, it is worth noting how the youTube works in each of the supported countries - playlists and selections with Russian music are bred into a separate category. Here, as in the case of the rest of the playlists, the content is also presented, potentially interesting for a particular user service.

Collections and thematic playlists with music in Youtube Music App for Android

Your mix and favorites

The playlist called "Your Mix" is an analogue of the button "I'm lucky" in Google search and the same name in Play Music. If you do not know what to listen to, just select it in the category "Favorites" - there will definitely be not only the music that you likely like it, but also a new one who applies to the same title. Thus, you will definitely find something new for myself, especially since "your mix" can be restarted an unlimited number of times, and there will always be completely different collections.

Your Mix and Favorites in Youtube Music Application for Android

All in the same category "Favorites", containing, perhaps, the most pleasant random, the playlists and music performers, who have previously already listened to, were positively appreciated, added to their library and / or subscribed to their page in Youtube Music.

View Favorites in Youtube Music Application for Android

New Releases

Absolutely every Streaming Platform, and the music YouTube considered here did not exception here, it tries to advance the most effectively promote new releases of well-known and not very performers. It is logical that all the novelties are bred into a separate category and consist of mostly from albums, singles and EP of those performers who already like or may like. That is, listening to the foreign rap or classic rock, you definitely will not see the Russian chanson on this list.

Page with new releases in the Youtube Music application for Android

In addition to new products from specific performers, on the main web service page there are two more categories with fresh musical content - this is "new music" and "Top hits of the week." Each of them is represented by ten playlists, compiled according to genres and topics.

New collections and playlists in Youtube Music Application for Android

Search and category

By no means be sure to rely solely on personal recommendations and thematic selections, as if qualitatively YouTube Music did not make them. The application has a search function that allows you to find the tracks, albums, performers and playlists you are interested in. You can refer to the search box from any section of the application, and the content found as a result will be divided into thematic groups.

Search artist by name in Youtube Music application for Android

Note: The search can be carried out not only by names and names, but also by the text of the song (separate phrases) and even its description. There is no one of the competing web services so useful and truly working.

Search categories in Youtube Music application for Android

In general search, the summary content of the categories presented is displayed. To move between them, you can use both vertical swipes along the screen and thematic tabs on the top panel. The second option is preferable if you want to see the entire content relevant to one category, for example, all playlists, albums or tracks.

Search results in Youtube Music application for Android

History of listening

For those cases when you want to once again listen to what listened to lately, but at the same time do not remember that it was, on the main page of YouTube music there is a category "Listen to Once again" ("From the history of listening"). There are ten positions of the latest reproduced content, including albums, performers, playlists, selections, mixes, etc.

Music from listening history in Youtube Music application for Android

Video clips and live performances

Since YouTube Music is not only a musical streaming service, but also a part of a large video hosting, you can watch clips, live performances and other audiovisual content from the performers you are interested in. It can be both official videotapes published by the artists themselves and fan video or remixes.

Playback of clips in Youtube Music application for Android

Both for clips and for living performances, individual categories are allocated on the main page.

Category of video clips and live performances in Youtube Music Application for Android


This section YouTube Music is, in its essence, the analogue of the Trends tab on Bolshoy YouTube. Here are the most popular innovations in the whole web service, and not according to your preferences. For this reason, something is really interesting, and the most importantly, unfamiliar, it is unlikely that you can do this music, this music will reach you "from irons." And yet, familiarization in order to keep up with the tendencies, at least once a week you can look here.

Woother - Popular New in Youtube Music Application for Android


It is easy to guess that all the fact that you added to the library fall into this section of the application. These are albums, and playlists, and individual compositions. Here you can familiarize yourself with the list of recently listened (or viewed) content.

Library Contents in Youtube Music Application for Android

Special attention deserves the tabs "Liked" and "Downloaded". The first presents all the tracks and clips that you estimate your finger up. In more detail about what and how it falls into the second tab, it will be discussed further.

Albums, Artists, Mixes and Liked Tracks in Youtube Music App for Android

Download tracks and clips

YouTube Music, as well as competing services, provides the ability to download any content presented on its expanses. After downloading the albums, playlists, music compositions, or video clips in memory of your device, you can reproduce them even without access to the Internet.

Go to download music in Youtube Music for Android

Find all that is available offline, you can in the "Library" tab, its "downloaded", as well as in the application settings of the application.

View downloaded songs in Youtube Music application for Android

See also: How to download YouTube video on Android


By contacting the Music YouTube Settings section, you can define the default quality for the contents of the content (separately for the cellular and wireless network), enable or disable traffic savings, activate parental control, configure the parameters of the rewind, subtitles and notifications.

View settings and options in Youtube Music application for Android

Among other things, in the application settings, you can set a place to store downloaded files (internal or external device memory), familiarize yourself with the busy and free space on the drive, as well as determine the quality of the downloaded tracks and video. Additionally, there is an automatic (background) download and update of offline mix, for which you can also set the desired number of tracks.

Changing download options in Youtube Music Application for Android


  • Support for Russian language;
  • Minimalistic, intuitive interface with convenient navigation;
  • Daily updated personal recommendations;
  • Ability to view video clips and live performances;
  • Compatibility with all the modern OS and types of devices;
  • The low cost of subscription and the possibility of free use (however, with restrictions and advertising).


  • Lack of certain performers, albums and tracks;
  • Some new items appear with a delay, and there are no no at all;
  • No possibility of simultaneous listening to music by more than one device.
YouTube Music is a great streaming service for all music lovers, and the presence in his library of video recordings is a very pleasant bonus that does not boast every such product. Yes, now this musical platform is lagging behind its main competitors - Spotify and Apple Music, - but newly from Google has every chance if you do not exceed them, then at least catch up.

Download YouTube Music for free

Load the latest version of the application from Google Play Market

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