How to go to the playing market from a computer


How to go to the playing market from a computer

Google Play Market is the only official apps for devices running the Android operating system. At the same time, not everyone knows that it is possible to access most of the basic functions, not only from the mobile device, but also from the computer. And in our current article we will tell about how it is done.

We enter the playing market on PC

There are only two options for visiting and the further use of the Play Market on the computer, and one of them implies a complete emulation not only the store itself, but also the environment in which it will be used. Which one to choose, solve only to you, but before you still have to get acquainted with the material below.

Method 1: Browser

The version of Google Platage Market, which can be logged from a computer, is a regular website. Consequently, you can open it through any browser. The main thing is to have a suitable link or to know about other possible options. We will tell about everything.

Go to Google Play Market

  1. Taking advantage of the link presented above, you will immediately find yourself on the main page of Google Play Market. It may be necessary in it "Log in", that is, logged in at the same Google Account, which is used on the mobile device with Android.

    Log in browser to Google Play Market From Computer

    Successful authorization on Google Play Market is made from a computer

    Not all users know that through the web version of Google Play Market, you can also install applications on your smartphone or tablet, the main thing is that it is tied to the same Google account. Actually, working with this store is practically no different from similar interaction on a mobile device.

    Search and install the application in Google Play Market from a computer

    See also: How to install applications for android from a computer

    In addition to the transition by a direct link, which, of course, is not always at hand, to get to Google Platter Market, you can also from any other web application of the Corporation of Good. An exception in this case is only YouTube.

    • Being on the page of any of Google services, click on the "All Applications" button (1), and then on the "Play" icon (2).
    • Transition from any Google application in Google Play Market from a computer

    • This can be done from the google start page or directly from the search page.
    • Pleasure from Google home page on Google Play Market from a computer

      To always have access to Google Play Market with a PC or laptop, just save this site in the web browser bookmarks.

    Adding to Google Play Browser Browse Market from Computer

    Read also: How to add a browser site bookmarks

    Now you know how to go to the site of the playing market from the computer. We will tell about another way to solve this problem, much more complex in the implementation, but a mass of pleasant advantages.

    Method 2: Android emulator

    If you wish to use the PC with all the options and the functions of Google Play Market in the same form in which they are available in the Android environment, and the web version of you for some reason does not suit, you can install the emulator of this operating system. About what is such software solutions, how to install them, and then receive full-fledged access not only to the application store from Google, but also to the entire OS, we have previously been told in a separate article on our website with which we recommend familiarizing yourself.

    Google Play application in the Bluestacks System Applications section

    Read more:

    Installation of android emulator on PC

    Installing Google Platform Market to Computer


    From this small article you have learned about how you can go to Google Play Market from a computer. To do this with a browser, just visiting the website, or "bears" with the installation and setting of the emulator, solve yourself. The first option is simpler, but the second provides much more opportunities. If you have any questions about the topic considered by us, welcome to the comments.

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