Error 0xC0000225 when booting Windows 7


Error 0xC0000225 when booting Windows 7

Sometimes during Windows 7 booting window appears with an error code 0xC0000225, the name of the sinking system file and the explanatory text. Error This is not easy and solutions have a lot - with them we want to introduce you today.

Error 0xC0000225 and ways to fix it

The code of the error under consideration means that Windows cannot be correctly booted due to problems with the carrier to which it is installed, or encountered an unexpected error during loading. In most cases, this means damage to system files due to a software failure, a hard disk problem, unsuitable BIOS settings or a violation of the order of operating system loading, if several are set. Since the reasons are different in nature, there is no universal method of elimination of failure. We will give the entire list of solutions, and you can only choose a suitable case.

Method 1: Checking the Status of the Hard Disk

Most often, the 0xC0000225 error reports that the presence of a hard disk problem. The first thing to do is to check the HDD connection status with the computer's motherboard and the power supply: The cables or contacts may be damaged.


If the mechanical connections are in order, the problem may be in the presence of failed sectors on the disk. You can check this using the Victoria program recorded on the boot flash drive.


Read more: Checking and treating Victoria program

Method 2: Windows loader recovery

The most common cause of the problem we consider today is to damage the boot record of the operating system after incorrect completion of the user or actions of the user. You can cope with the problem of the loader recovery procedure - use the instructions for the link below. The only remark - due to the causes of the error, the first method of leadership is most likely to use will not work, so immediately go to methods 2 and 3.

Read more: We restore the Windows 7 bootloader

Method 3: Restore partitions and hard disk file system

Often, a message with code 0xC0000225 occurs after incorrect HDD breakdown to logical partitions using system tools or third-party programs. Most likely, an error occurred during the breakdown process - the space occupied by system files turned out to be in the not marked area, which is legally not possible to boot from it. The partition problem can be solved by combining space, after which it is desirable to restore the launch in the method presented below.


Lesson: How to combine hard disk sections

In case of damage to the file system, the situation is complicated. The violation of its structure means that the Winchester will be unavailable to recognize the system. In such a situation, when connecting to another computer, the HDD file system will be indicated as RAW. Our site already has an instruction that will help to cope with the problem.

Lesson: How to Repair RAW File System on HDD

Method 4: Changing SATA Mode

Error 0xc0000225 can manifest itself due to incorrectly selected mode when setting up the SATA controller in BIOS - in particular, many modern hard drives will work incorrectly with the IDE selected. In some cases, the problem can cause AHCI mode. More information about the modes of the hard disk controller, as well as their change can be read in the material below.


Read more: What is SATA MODE in BIOS

Method 5: Set the correct load order

In addition to the wrong mode, often the problem causes an inappropriate load order (if more than one hard disk or HDD and SSD combination is used). The simplest example - the system was transferred from a conventional hard drive to SSD, but the first system partition was left from which Windows and tries to boot. The difficulty of this kind can be eliminated by setting up the order order to BIOS - we already touched this topic, so we give a reference to the corresponding material.


Read more: How to make a disc boot

Method 6: Change HDD Controller Drivers to Standard

Sometimes an error 0xc0000225 is manifested after installing or replacing the "motherboard". In this case, the cause of the fault usually lies in the non-compliance of the service by the chip, which manages the relationship with the hard drives, the same controller on your disk. Here you will need to activate the standard drivers - for this you will need to use the Windows Recovery Middle loaded from the flash drive.

Read more: How to make a bootable USB flash drive 7

  1. We go into the recovery environment interface and click SHIFT + F10 to start the "command line".
  2. Zapusk-Komandnoy-Stroki-V-Startovom-Okne-Programmyi-Ustanovki-Windows-7

  3. Enter the Regedit command to run the registry editor.
  4. Run the system registry to correct the 0xC0000225 error when booting Windows 7

  5. Since we boot from the recovery environment, you will need to highlight the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE folder.

    Select the position in the registry editor to correct the error 0xc0000225 when booting Windows 7

    Next, use the "Load bush" function located in the File menu.

  6. Load the system registry to correct the 0xC0000225 error when booting Windows 7

  7. The registry data files that we need to download are located at D: \ Windows \ System32 \ Config \ System. Select it, do not forget to set the name of the mount point and click "OK".
  8. Set the name of the loadable bustle to correct the error 0xc0000225 when booting Windows 7

  9. Now find a loaded branch in the registry tree and open it. Go to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ TEMPSYSTEM \ CURRENTCONTROLSET \ SERVICES \ MSAHCI parameter and instead of Start suck 0.

    Change the AHCI value in the system registry to correct the 0xC0000225 error when booting Windows 7

    If you download the disc in IDE mode, then open the HKLM \ TEMPSYSTEM \ CURRENTCONTROLSET \ SERVICES \ PCIIDE branch and do the same operation.

  10. Open the "file" again and select "Unload bush" to apply changes.

Save changes in the system registry to correct the error 0xc0000225 when booting Windows 7

Exit the registry editor, after which you leave the recovery environment, pull out the USB flash drive and restart the computer. Now the system should be loaded normally.


We covered the causes of error 0xc0000225, as well as the troubleshooting options. In the process, we found out that the problem under consideration arises due to a whole range of reasons. Summing up, add that in rare cases this failure occurs also in problems with RAM, however, problems with RAM are diagnosed by much more explicit symptoms.

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