Reset Windows 7 password through the "Command Line"


Windows 7 password reset via the command line

Protection of the Windows 7 account password is relevant over a variety of reasons: parental control, separation of working and personal space, desire to protect data, etc. However, you can encounter a nuisance - the password is lost, and you need access to the account. Most Internet manuals are recommended to use third-party solutions for this, but to ensure the preservation of data it is better to use system instruments - for example, the "command line", which we are lower and tell.

Reset the password through the "Command Line"

The procedure is generally simple, but quite laborious, and consists of two stages - preparatory and actually relief of the code word.

Stage 1: Preparation

The first stage of the procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. To call a "command line" without access to the system, you will need to boot from the outer medium, so you need to have a bootable USB flash drive or installation disk.

    Read more: How to create Windows 7 bootable media

  2. Connect the device with a recorded manner to a computer or laptop. When the graphical interface window is loaded, press the SHIFT + F10 combination to call the command input window.
  3. Zapusk-Komandnoy-Stroki-V-Startovom-Okne-Programmyi-Ustanovki-Windows-7

  4. Type in the box regedit, and then confirm by pressing Enter.
  5. Run the system registry to reset the password via Windows 7 command prompt

  6. To access the registry of the installed system, select the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE directory.

    Select the directory in the registry editor to reset the password on Windows 7

    Next, select "File" - "Load a bush".

  7. Download bush in the registry editor to reset the password on Windows 7

  8. Go to the disk on which the system is installed. The recovery environment that we now use, displays them differently than the installed Windows - for example, a disk under the letter C: responsible for the section "Reserved by the system", while Tom with the directly installed windows will be designated as D:. The directory in which the registry file is located at the following address:

    Windows \ System32 \ Config

    Set the display of all file types, and select the document with the System name.

  9. Select a file to change in the registry editor to reset the password on Windows 7

  10. Give any arbitrary name unloaded branch.
  11. Set the name of the downloaded bush in the registry editor to reset the password on Windows 7

  12. In the registry editor interface, go to the address:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ * The name of the unloaded section * \ SETUP

    Here we are interested in two files. The first is the parameter "CMDLINE", it needs to enter the value cmd.exe. The second is "setupType", it is necessary to replace the value of 0 to 2.

  13. Change the parameter values ​​in the registry editor to reset the password on Windows 7

  14. After that, highlight the downloaded partition with an arbitrary name and use the files "File" - "unload bush".
  15. Unload bush in the registry editor to reset the password on Windows 7

  16. Turn off the computer and remove the bootable media.

This preparation is over and go directly to the password reset.

Step 2: Reset Set Password

Resetting the code word is easier than preliminary action. Act the algorithm:

  1. Turn on the computer. If you did everything right, then the command line should be displayed on the login screen. If it does not appear, repeat the steps 2-9 again from the preparatory stage. In case of problems, refer to the troubleshooting section below.
  2. Enter the Net User command to display all accounts. Find the name of the one for which you want to reset the password.
  3. The result of the Net User command to reset the Windows 7 password

  4. The same command is used to install a new password for the selected user. The template looks like this:

    Net User * account name * * New password *

    Instead of the name of the account *, enter the name of the user, instead of * a new password * - invented combination, both items without the framework of the "stars".

    Password reset in Windows 7 command prompt

    It is possible to completely remove the protection code word using the command

    NET User * Account Name * ""

    When one of the commands entered, press ENTER.

After these operations, enter your account with a new password.

"Command Line" does not open when the system starts after the preparatory stage

In some cases, the method of launching a "command line", given in step 1, may not work. There is an alternative option to launch CMD.

  1. Repeat steps 1-2 of the first stage.
  2. Type in the "Command Line" the word NotePad.
  3. Call a notebook to receive a system command line to reset the password in Windows 7

  4. After starting the "Notepad", use it "File" items - "Open".
  5. Open conductor through a notebook to call the command line in the Login window

  6. In the "Explorer", select a system disk (how to do it, described in step 5 of the first stage). Open the Windows / System32 folder, and select Displays all files.

    Start renaming files through a notepad to call the command line in the login window

    Next, you should find the executable "on-screen keyboard" file, which is called osk.exe. Rename it in osk1. Then select the EXE file "Command Line", its name - CMD. It is also to rename it, already in OSK.

    Rename files via Notepad to call the command line in the Login window

    What is this shamanism and why it is necessary. Thus, we replacing the executable "command line" and "screen keyboard" executable files, which will allow us to call the console interface instead of a virtual input tool.

  7. Leave the Windows installer, turn off the computer and disconnect the bootable media. Run the machine and wait for the login screen appears. Click the "Special Features" button - it is located at the bottom of the left - select the option "Entering text without keyboard" and click "Apply" and "OK".
  8. Calling a system command line to reset the password in Windows 7

  9. The command line window should appear from which you can reset the password.

Getting a system command line to reset the password in Windows 7

We considered the procedure for resetting the Windows 7 account password through the "Command Line". As you can see, manipulation and in fact simple. If you have some questions, ask them in the comments.

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