Wi-Fi does not work on a laptop with Windows 7


WiFi does not work on a laptop with Windows 7

Paraphrasing the quotation of the literary hero, Wi-Fi is not a luxury, but the need, especially for users who prefer portable technique like smartphones, tablets or laptops. The last category of devices is often also a working tool - because it is doubly disappointing when the laptop loses connection to the network. Therefore, in this article we will provide ways to eliminate this problem.

Restoring a wireless network connection

Wi-Fi can not work for many reasons, but all of them are divided into two large categories: hardware and software, and for each of them there is a method for eliminating failure. We can not consider everything to united, but here are the most common revealing and tell how to fix them.

Method 1: Wi-Fi hardware

Since the laptop, first of all, a mobile device, manufacturers are achieved as long as possible from the battery. It so happened that the wireless networks, including Wi-Fi - the second in the list of "voraciousness", therefore, in most laptops, it is possible to manually turn off the wireless module from the supply by a separate key or combination with Fn, as well as the switch.

A separate Wi-Fi button usually looks like this:

Separate Wi-Fi Enable Button on Laptop

And this species can receive a switch:

Wi-Fi Status Switch on Laptop

With a combination of keys, the situation is slightly more complicated: the desired is usually located in the top row and is indicated by the Wi-Fi icon.

Wi-Fi Enable Keys on Laptop

As a rule, when using this method, the laptop should notify the user about the inclusion of the wireless network. If the switch, a separate button or key combination, did not occur the effect, it is possible that the problem is the absence of suitable drivers for this control element and they must be installed.

Read more: Installing drivers for a laptop on the example of Lenovo G500

Method 2: Enable Wi-Fi tools for Windows 7

In addition to hardware startup, the ability to connect to the wireless Internet should be activated in the system itself. For Windows 7, the procedure is quite simple, but for inexperienced users, our authors have prepared a guide.


Lesson: turn on Wi-Fi on Windows 7

Method 3: Disconnection of the energy-saving mode

Often the laptop ceases to connect to Wi-Fay after exiting the sleeping state or during the action of the power saving mode. In this case, the problem in software is crashing, fix that can only be rebooting the laptop. From such a trouble, you can save the exception of the module deactivation in the settings of the device's power plan.

  1. Call the "Control Panel" (you can do it through the "Start" menu) and go to the "Power".
  2. Open power management to correct non-working WiFi on a laptop with Windows 7

  3. The active plan is indicated by the point - click on the "Setting the Power Plan" opposite it.
  4. Open Power Plan Settings to correct non-working WiFi on a laptop with Windows 7

  5. Next, get access to additional settings - the corresponding item is located at the bottom of the window.
  6. Change Advanced Plan Settings to correct non-working WiFi on a laptop with Windows 7

  7. In the equipment list, scroll down to the "Wireless Adapter" item. Open the settings branch and set the power saving mode to the "Maximum Performance" position.
  8. Configure energy saving to correct non-working WiFi on a laptop with Windows 7

  9. Next, call the Device Manager - you can also do it through the control panel.
  10. Call the device manager to correct non-working WiFi on a laptop with Windows 7

  11. Find the "Network Adapters" section and open it. Select your Wi-Fi module in the list, click on the PCM on it and use the Properties item.
  12. Go to the properties of the adapter to correct the non-working WiFi on a laptop with Windows 7

  13. Go to the "Power Management" tab and uncheck the checkbox with the "Allow shutdown of this device to save energy". Take the changes by pressing "OK".
  14. Disable the adapter shutdown to correct the non-working WiFi on a laptop with Windows 7

  15. Restart your laptop.

The problem will be solved, but the price of increased consumption of battery resources.

Method 4: Installing a network adapter drivers

The most popular reason for the irrevocability of Wai-fi on laptops running Windows 7 is installed inappropriate drivers for the corresponding module or software is not installed at all. Most often, users who have just reinstalled the system are often faced with such a problem. In this case, you need to download the appropriate software package and install it.


Read more: How to install drivers for a network card

Method 5: Connection Setup

The second frequency is the reason for this behavior - an incorrectly configured or unconfigured wireless connection in Windows. Configure the connection or check its parameters using the following manual:


Lesson: Setting up Wi-Fi on a laptop

Method 6: Reset Network Settings

In some cases, manipulation with the settings of the wireless connection does not result. This failure can be corrected by the returned network settings to the original state.

  1. Run the "command line" one of the possible ways.

    Read more: Run "Command Line" on Windows 7

  2. To reset the adapter settings, enter the following command and press ENTER.

    Netsh Winsock Reset.

  3. Enter the reset adapter settings command to correct non-working WiFi on a laptop with Windows 7

  4. Restart the laptop and check whether the problem is fixed. If the problem is still observed, call the interface again to enter text commands, and this time use the following operator:

    Netsh int ip reset c: \ resetlog.txt

  5. Enter the RESET RESET command to correct the non-working WiFi on a laptop with Windows 7

Restart the computer again, and this time the problem must be solved. If this did not happen - read further.

Method 7: Troubleshooting Trouble

The problem with the disability Wi-Fi can also be not in a laptop, but in the router that this very Wi-Fi is distributed. Typically, the failure is isolated, and the restart of the router can be corrected.


Lesson: Restart the router on the example of TP-LINK

The cause of the problem may also be the wrong settings of the router - about how to configure such devices, we have already told.

Read more:

How to set up ASUS, D-link, TP-Link, Netgear, Zyxel, Microtik, TenDa

How to reset TP-LINK router settings

The problematic state of the router is also not excluded - for example, an incorrect or obsolete firmware. On most such devices, the firmware update does not take a lot of effort or time, so we recommend to update even to users in a timely manner who do not have problems with the wireless network.


Lesson: How to update the firmware on the router


We have considered ways to solve the problem of unavailability of Wi-Fi on laptops with installed Windows 7. As we see, the reasons for such a problem can be a set, starting from a single software failure and ending with the incorrect firmware of the network router.

Read more