How to delete all friends in VKontakte


How to delete all friends in VKontakte

We are pleased to communicate in various social networks, including VKontakte, get a lot of virtual friends, look at their news and photos. But sometimes the presence of other users in their frantist begins to strain seriously and an urgent desire arises to remove from from there. Is it possible to clear your list of friends right away from all users there?

Delete all friends in VKontakte at once

The administration of VKontakte, unfortunately, did not provide for the participants of the resource the possibility of simultaneous removal of all friends from the personal account. Therefore, if you did not have time to make friends with a large number of users, it is easiest to use the traditional way and remove each jouser from the FranDlist individually. About how to do it, read in another article on our website.

Read more: Removing friends VKontakte

But if you have hundreds or thousands of friends, then this method will not suit you. Let's see what can be invented in such a situation.

Method 1: Special Script

To simultaneously delete all people from the list of their friends, you can try to apply scripts specially written for this purpose, that is, a software script that will automate the task set before us. A set of such commands can be found in VKontakte communities, and if you wish and knowledge in programming, write yourself.

  1. In any Internet observer we go to the site of VKontakte. We go through authorization to enter your profile by entering into the appropriate login fields, which is the phone number or email address, and password. Confirm the input to your account with the "Login" button.
  2. Authorization on VKontakte website

  3. In the left column, choose the "Friends" section, where and move for further manipulations.
  4. Go to friends on VKontakte website

  5. Click on the keyboard F12. At the bottom of the web page, the "Developer" window opens, in the top toolbar of which click the left mouse button along the Console column, opening the appropriate tab.
  6. Opening console in developer tools

  7. Copy and try to insert the following script into the free field:

    f = document.getelementsbyclassname ('friends_field_act');

    for (i = 0; i


    Friends.DeleteFriend (event, + f [i] .getattribute ('href'). SUBSTR (5), THIS);


    You can try such a scenario:

    Buts = document.getelementByid ("List_Content"). GetElementsByClassName ("ui_actions_menu_item");

    for (i = 0; i

    if (buts [i] .innerhtml == "Remove from friends") buts [i] .click ();


    Security system will require confirmation of our actions. We recruit the phrase: "Allow insert" and click Enter.

  8. Allow insert in developer tools

  9. Insert the text of the script. We start the key to enter the process. Every second will be removed by 30 friends. We are waiting for the end of the full cleaning of the Frank. Ready!

Script in the console of the developer

Method 2: VKCpleanacc application

There are also programs and plugins for various browsers that are significantly expanding the capabilities of the User VKontakte to manage their profile. We will try as an example to use one of these applications that is designed, including to quickly remove all your comrades from the list of friends. It is called vkcleanacc.

Download vkcleanacc from the official site

  1. Download the archive with the Vkcleanacc program, unpack it in a convenient directory for you on the hard disk. The application takes only a few megabytes and does not need installation process. We go to the folder with the program and run it. In the window that opens, we click the left mouse button on the "Authorization".
  2. Transition to authorization in the VKCpleanacc application

  3. We enter in the appropriate login and password access to your profile VKontakte. Press the "Login" button.
  4. Authorization in the VKCpleanacc program

  5. The application confirms that authentication has been successfully completed and the list of your friends is loaded. We put a mark in the "Delete All Friends" row. We think well about the consequences of your actions and click on the "Start" icon and wait until the removal is completed.
  6. Remove all friends in VKCpleanacc

  7. You can also delete users from buddies in this application on certain criteria, which, you see, is also very convenient and fast.

So, as we installed, to simultaneously delete all friends Vkontakte, you can use special scripts or programs. The choice of method remains yours. The main thing is to thoroughly consider the possible consequences of your manipulations. Really familiar to you people can take offense and regard your actions as unfriendly.

See also: how to hide your friends in VKontakte

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