Keyboard and mouse in windows 7


keyboard and mouse in windows 7

The keyboard and the mouse today still remain standard instrument management tools, and if one of these devices stop working, another will come to the rescue. However, sometimes they refuse both both, and users turn out to be allegedly a hopeless position. But there is a way out, and today we will tell about such for Windows 7.

Return health management

The problem under consideration occurs for the following reasons:
  • hardware problems (with the devices themselves or connectors on the motherboard);
  • Damage to driver files or spoiled records about them in the system registry.

Let's start the analysis of the methods of eliminating failure in order.

Method 1: Elimination of hardware problems

Often, the problem is hardware faults both the keyboard and mouse and mouse and the corresponding connectors on the motherboard. Check it very easy - try connecting problem devices to other connectors or other computer. If the failure is still observed, the reason is unique in devices, and they should be replaced. In the same way, check the connectors on the board, connecting to them knowingly working peripherals - if the reason in the motherboard should be attributed to the service center.


Thus, we indicated the reasons why the mouse and the keyboard stop working in Windows 7, and also considered the methods that can be returned to the devices.

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