Download task scheduler for android


Download task scheduler for android

In the modern world, it is difficult to keep all your plans in my head, upcoming meetings, affairs and tasks, especially when there are quite a lot of them. Of course, you can write everything in the old man with a handle to a regular notebook or organizer, but much more appropriate will be used by the smart mobile device - a smartphone or tablet with android, for which quite a few specialized applications have been developed - task planners. On the five most popular, simple and convenient representatives of this segment of this segment and will be discussed in our current article.

Microsoft To-Do

Relatively new, but rapidly gaining popularity of the task scheduler developed by Microsoft. The application has a rather attractive, intuitive interface, thanks to which it is not difficult to master it. This "wristman" allows you to create different lists of cases, each of which will include their tasks. The latter, by the way, can be supplemented with a note and smaller subtasks. Naturally, for each record, you can set a reminder (time and day), as well as specify the frequency of repetition and / or the final execution period.

Microsoft To-Do - Application Planner App for Android

Microsoft TO-DO, unlike most competitive solutions, is distributed completely free. This task scheduler is well suited not only for personal, but also for collective use (your task lists can be opened for other users). The lists themselves can be personalized under their needs, changing their color and theme, adding icons (for example, a pack of money to the list of purchases). Among other things, the service is closely integrated with another Microsoft product - Outlook email client.

Download Microsoft to-Do from Google Play Market - App Task Scheduler for Android

Download Microsoft to-Do from Google Play Market


Not so long ago, this task scheduler was the leader in its segment, although, judging by the number of installations and custom estimates (very positive) on Google Play Market, it is also today. As the TO-DO considered above, the "miracle list" belongs to Microsoft, according to which the first must replace the second one with time. And yet, while WunderList is supported and regularly updated by developers, it can be safely used to plan and conduct business. Here, too, there is also the possibility of drawing up lists of cases, including tasks, subtasks and notes. Additionally, there is a useful opportunity to attach references and documents. Yes, externally, this application looks significantly more strictly than his young analogue, but it is possible to "decorate" thanks to the possibility of installing replaceable decorations.

Wunderlist - App Task Scheduler for Android

This product can be used for free, but only for personal purposes. But for the collective (for example, family) or corporate use (collaboration), one will have to be issued. This will significantly expand the functionality of the scheduler, providing users with the opportunity to share their own lists of affairs, discuss tasks in chatting and, in fact, to effectively manage the workflow through specialized tools. Clear case, setting reminders with time, date, repetitions and final execution deadlines here is also present, even in the free version.

Download Wunderlist from Google Play Market - Task Scheduler app for Android

Download Wunderlist application from Google Play Market


A truly effective software solution for effective business management and tasks. Actually, the only planner who makes a worthy competition considered above Wunderlist and accurately exceeds it in terms of interface and ease of use. In addition to the obvious compilation of lists of cases, setting tasks with subtasks, notes and other additions, you can create your filters here, add tags to records (tags), specify the time and other information directly in the title, after which everything will be formulated and presented in "Proper "Form. For understanding: recorded by the words of the phrase "Water Flowers every day at nine hundred thirty-in-thirt in the morning" will turn into a specific task that is repeated daily, with its date and time, and also, if you specify a separate label in advance by the place.

TODOIST - Application Planner App for Android

As the above, the service has been considered for personal purposes, it is quite possible to use it for free - its basic features will be sufficiently majority. The extended version that contains in its arsenal the toolkit necessary for collaboration will allow without restrictions to add filters and tags mentioned above without restrictions, to put reminders, to arrange priorities and, of course, organize and control the workflow (for example, to provide tasks to subordinates , discuss business with colleagues, etc.). Among other things, after making a subscription, there can be integrated with popular web services such as Dropbox, Amazon Alexa, Zapier, Ifttt, Slack and others.

Download Todoist from Google Play Market - App Task Scheduler for Android

Download the Todoist application from Google Play Market


Free (in its basic version) An application that, according to the developers, is a WunderList in the appearance of the TODOIST. That is, it is equally well suited for personal planning tasks, and for collaboration on projects of any complexity, it does not require money for a subscription, at least when it comes to basic functionality, and pleases the eye with its pleasant view. The lists of cases and tasks created here, as in the decisions discussed above, can be broken on subtasks, complement the notes and notes, attach various files to them, put reminders and repetitions. Diffinctly feature TickTick is the ability to voice entry.

TickTick - Application Planner App for Android

This task scheduler, like a tuduist, maintains user productivity statistics, providing the possibility of tracking it, allows you to customize lists, add filters and create folders. In addition, it has been implemented close integration with a well-known Timer Pomodoro, Google calendar and tasks, and there is also the possibility of exporting its lists of tasks from competing products. There is also a PRO version, but most users it will not need - available for free features here "for eyes".

Download TickTick from Google Play Market - Application Planner App for Android

Download the TickTick app from Google Play Market

Google tasks

The most recent and most minimalistic task scheduler in our today's selection. It was released quite recently, together with the global update of another Google product - Gmail Mail Service. Actually, all the possibilities are incorporated in the name of this application - it can be tasks in it, accompanying them with only the necessary minimum of additional information. So, all that can be specified in the record is the headline itself, a note, the date (even without time) of execution and subtasks, no more. But this maximum (more precisely, at least) features available for free.

Google Tasks - Task Scheduler application for Android

Google tasks are made in a rather attractive interface corresponding to other products and services of the company, as well as in general, the appearance of the modern OS android OS. The advantages include except for the close integration of this scheduler with e-mail and calendar. Disadvantages - the application does not contain in its composition tools for collaboration, and also does not allow you to create unique lists of cases (although the possibility of adding new task lists is still present). And yet, for many users, it is simplicable tasks from Google will serve as a decisive factor in favor of its choice - this is a truly optimal solution for modest personal use, which, quite possibly, will become much more functional over time.

Download Google Tasks from Google Play Market - App Task Scheduler for Android

Download the application "Tasks" from Google Play Market

In this article, we looked at simple and convenient to use, but very effective task scheduler for mobile devices with Android. Two of them are paid and, judging by high demand in the corporate segment, you really have something to pay for what. At the same time, it is not necessary for personal use for personal use - there will be enough free version. You can also pay your attention to the remaining trinity - free, but at the same time multifunctional applications in which there is everything necessary for doing business, tasks and setting reminders. What to stop your choice - decide for yourself, we will finish on this.

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