What is VKontakte ID


What is VKontakte ID

The term "ID" can be quite often found in various fields of information technology. In the social network of VC, this concept also plays a very important role. As part of the article, we will tell you about everything you need to know about VKontakte identifiers.

What is ID VK

Within the framework of the social network, the ID is a set of several numbers, unique for each individual case. The identifier can be found almost on every page of the site, which in particular relates to user questionnaires and communities regardless of the format.

Calculating your own identifier on VKontakte website

See also: Calculate a person by ID VK

Calculate the IDs can be calculated both using the standard resource capabilities and through third-party resources. We considered this process as much as possible in another article.

Note: Calculate ID on any page, including deleted accounts.

Example of the user ID on VKontakte website

Read more: How to find out the ID page ID

On the social network site there are two types of communities, differing from each other not only by functions, but also by the ID number. Calculate a type of public. You can via information on the main page or paying attention to the identifier in the targeted line of the Internet browser:

  • "Club" - group;
  • Example of group identifier on VKontakte website

  • "Public" - Public page.
  • Example of the Public Page ID VKontakte

Read more: How to find out the ID of the VK group

At the request of the owner of the profile or community, the unique identifier can be changed in the settings for a special link. However, despite this, the ID number will still be assigned to the page, thanks to which you can get access to it at any time regardless of the user address.

Example Link to page on VKontakte website

Read more: How to change the address of the VK page

In addition to user accounts and communities, the ID is automatically assigned to all once loaded images, video recordings, posts and most other documents. Such identifiers look different depending on the type of file.

Example of a photo identifier on VKontakte website

See also: How to copy the VK link

ID number is often used separately from the domain name of the social network VKontakte, representing an internal link. This should be considered when working with some functions of the site, for example, wiki-markup, as the external URLs are strongly limited in the embedding plan.

READ ALSO: How to find out the login page VK


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