DNS-server is not responding in Windows 7


DNS-server is not responding in Windows 7

One of the most common problems faced by users of the Internet are errors in the DNS-server operation. Most often, there is a notice that he does not answer. To deal with this problem in several ways, in fact, provoke its appearance failure of a different nature. Today we will talk about how to troubleshoot this problem on a computer running the Windows 7 operating system.

Resolves an issue with the DNS-server performance in Windows 7

Priority should be to restart the router, as is now at home there are a large number of devices - a router passes a large flow of data and it just can not cope with such a task. Turning off equipment for ten seconds and then re-enable help to get rid of the problem you are having. However, this does not always work, so if you did not help such a decision, we suggest you review the following methods.

In this first method comes to an end. He is effective in cases where the standard network configuration has not been dropped accidentally or automatically. In the case of this method ineffective recommend switch to the next.

Method 2: DNS-server configuration

The OS windose 7 contains a number of parameters which are responsible for the DNS-server operation. It is important to make sure that they all exhibited right and do not cause disruptions in the connection. First, we recommend to do the following:

  1. Through the "Start" menu, go to "Control Panel".
  2. Open the Control Panel via the Windows Start 7

  3. Locate and open the "Administration".
  4. Go to the Windows 7 Administration

  5. In the menu, find the "Services" and then run them.
  6. Open the menu with the services in the administration of Windows 7

  7. At the top you will see the service «DNS-client". Go to its properties by double clicking LMB on the parameter name.
  8. Open DNS-Client service in Windows 7

  9. Make sure the service is running, and start automatically. If not, change it, activate the setting and apply the changes.
  10. Parameters DNS-client in Windows 7 Service

This configuration should help to correct a failure arising CSN. However, if everything is set correctly, but the error persists, set the address manually, which is carried out as follows:

  1. In the "Control Panel" find "Control Center Network and Sharing Center."
  2. Go to the center of the Network and Sharing Center in Windows 7

  3. In the left section, click on the link "Change adapter settings".
  4. Adapter Settings in the operating room

  5. Choose a suitable, click on it and open PCM "Properties".
  6. Open the properties of the adapter on Windows 7

  7. Mark the line "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP / IPv4)» and click on "Properties".
  8. Open Settings Internet Protocol version 4 to 7 windose

  9. Highlight the point "Use the following DNS servers" addresses and write in two fields and save the setting.
  10. Change the DNS server settings in Windows 7

After performing this procedure, restart the browser if it is open, and try to open any convenient site.

Method 3: Updating Network Equipment Drivers

We put this method as the latter, since it is least effective and will be useful in extremely rare situations. Sometimes network hardware drivers are installed incorrectly or need to be updated, which can cause malfunctions in the operation of the DNS server. We recommend to familiarize another our article on the link below. In it, you will find the search and software update manuals for the network card.

Read more: Search and installation driver for network card

The above three options for correcting an error associated with the lack of response from the DNS server are effective in different situations and in most cases help in solving the problem. If one of the ways did not help you, go to the next until you find suitable.

See also:

Connecting and configuring a local network on Windows 7

Configuring a VPN connection on Windows 7

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