How to add hard disk in windows 7


How to add hard disk in windows 7

Now on computers, users accumulate more information. Often the situation occurs when the volume of one hard disk is not enough to store all data, therefore it is decided to acquire a new drive. After purchase, it remains only to connect it to the computer and add to the operating system. It is about this that will be discussed further, and the management will be described on the example of Windows 7.

Add a hard disk in Windows 7

Conditionally, the whole process can be divided into three stages, during each of which the user needs to carry out certain actions. Below we will analyze in detail every step so that even inexperienced user has no initialization problems arose.

Now the local disk dispatcher can manage the connected information storage device, so it's time to go to the creation of new logical partitions.

Step 3: Creating a new volume

Most often, HDD is divided into several volumes in which the user saves the required information. You can add one or more of such sections yourself by defining the desired size for each. You need to do such actions:

  1. Perform the first three steps from the previous instructions to find in the "Computer Management" section. Here you are interested in "disks".
  2. Click the PCM on the unallocated disk location and select "Create a simple volume".
  3. Creating a new Tome for a hard disk in Windows 7

  4. A wizard of creating a simple volume will open. To start work in it, click on "Next".
  5. Getting started in the Windows 7 disk wizard

  6. Set the appropriate size of this section and go on.
  7. Select size for hard disk volume via Windows 7 wizard

  8. Now the arbitrary letter is selected, which will be assigned to that. Specify any convenient free and click on "Next".
  9. Set a letter for a new volume via the add-on wizard in Windows 7

  10. The NTFS file system will be used, so in the pop-up menu, set it and move it to the final stage.
  11. Format a new hard disk volume in Windows 7

It will only be done to make sure that everything went successfully, and on this process of adding a new volume is completed. Nothing prevents you from creating some more partitions if the memory capacity on the drive allows you to do this.

Read also: Ways to delete hard disk partitions

The above instructions, broken in stages, should help deal with the pre-disk initialization theme in the Windows 7 operating system. As you might notice, there is nothing complicated in this, you just need to correctly follow the management, then everything will definitely work out.

See also:

The reasons for which the hard disk clicks and their solution

What if the hard drive is constantly loaded at 100%

How to speed up the hard disk

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