Survey ports on Zyxel Keenetic


Survey ports on Zyxel Keenetic

Zyxel has been developing various network equipment, in the list of which there are routers. All of them are configured through almost identical firmware, but in this article we will not consider the entire process in detail, but we will focus on the task of the ports of ports.

Open ports on Zyxel Keenetic routers

Software that uses the Internet connection to work correctly, sometimes needs to open certain ports so that the external connection goes out normally. The proceed procedure is performed by manually by defining the port itself and editing the configuration of the network device. Let's consider everything step by step.

Step 1: Port Definition

Usually if the port is closed, the program will notify you about it and indicate which one should arouse. However, it does not always happen, therefore you need to find out this address yourself. It is done simply enough with a small official program from Microsoft - TCPView.

Download TCPView program

  1. Open the download page of the specified application above, where in the "Download" section, click on the appropriate link to start loading.
  2. Download TCPView program from an official source

  3. Wait for downloading and unpack the ZIP through any convenient archiver.
  4. Open downloaded archive with TCPVIEW

    The port found will be opened in the future through manipulation in the web interface of the router, which we go to the next.

    Step 2: Router Configuration

    This stage is the main one, because during it the main process is made - the network equipment configuration is set to broadcast network addresses. Worders of ZyXEL Keenetic routers need to perform the following steps:

    1. In the browser address bar, enter and go through it.
    2. Open the Zyxel Keenetic web interface

    3. When you first configure the router, the user suggests a login and password to enter. If you changed nothing, leave the "Password" field blank, and "Username" specify admin, then click on "Login".
    4. Login to the Zyxel Keenetic web interface

    5. On the bottom panel, select the "Home Network" section, then open the first tab of the "Devices" and in the Click on the Row of your PC, it is always the first.
    6. Go to the device in the Zyxel Keenetic web interface

    7. Tick ​​the Point "Permanent IP address" checkbox, copy its value and apply the changes.
    8. Find out the IP address of the device in the web interface

    9. Now it will be necessary to move to the category "Security", where in the section "Translation of network addresses (NAT)" you need to proceed to adding a new rule.
    10. Add a new broadcast rule on the Zyxel Keenetic router

    11. In the Interface field, specify "Broadband Connection (ISP)", select "TCP" protocol, and enter one of your copied port. Insert the IP address of your computer, which you received during the fourth step. Save the changes.
    12. The first rule of port forward on the Zyxel Keenetic router

    13. Create another rule by changing the protocol to "UDP", while the remaining items fill in accordance with the previous setting.
    14. The second rule of port forward on the Zyxel Keenetic router

    On this, the work in the firmware is complete, you can proceed to the port check and interaction in the required software.

    Step 3: Open Port Check

    Make sure that the selected port was successfully leaning, special online services will help. There are a fairly large number, and for example, we chose You need to perform the following actions:

    Go to the site 2IP

    1. Open the main service page through the web browser.
    2. Navigate to the "Port Check" test.
    3. Go to ports of ports on the site

    4. In the "Port" field, enter the desired number, and then click on "check".
    5. Enter the port for checking on the website

    6. After a few seconds of expectations, you will display the information status information that interests you, on this check is completed.
    7. Information about the proven port on the site

    If you are faced with the fact that the virtual server does not function in a specific software, we recommend turning off the installed anti-virus software and a Windows protector. After that, recheck the operability of the open port.

    See also:

    Turn off the firewall in Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8

    Disable antivirus

    Our guide is suitable for logical conclusion. Above you have been familiar with the three main stages of the port of ports on the Zyxel Keenetic routers. We hope you managed to cope with the task without much difficulties and now all software functions correctly.

    See also:

    Skype: port numbers for incoming connections

    About ports in utorrent

    Definition and configure port forwarding in VirtualBox

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