Audio device is disabled in Windows 7


Audio device is disabled in Windows 7

If during the use of the Windows 7 operating system, you received a notification that the sound device is disabled or does not work, the correction of this problem should be done. There are several ways to solve it, since the causes are different. You only need to choose the correct option and follow the instructions provided below.

We solve the problem "Audio device is disabled" in Windows 7

Before viewing the remedy methods, we strongly recommend ensuring that the connected headphones or columns are good and correctly function, for example, on another computer. To deal with the connection of the audio equipment you will be helped by our other links below.

Read more:

Connect wireless headphones to a computer

Connecting and configuring columns on a computer

Connect wireless columns to a laptop

In addition, you could accidentally or deliberately disable the device in the system itself, which is why it will not be displayed and operating. The inclusion is accepted as follows:

  1. Go to the "Control Panel" menu through the "Start".
  2. Go to the Control Panel Windows 7 Operating System

  3. Select the category "Sound".
  4. Go to sound settings in the Windows 7 operating system

  5. In the Playback tab, click on your empty place right-click and check the "Show Disabled Devices" item.
  6. Enable Display Disabled Devices in Windows 7

  7. Next, select PCM featured equipment and turn it on by clicking on the appropriate button.
  8. Enable the device in Windows 7

Such actions are not always effective, so you have to use other, more complex means of correction. Let's look at them in more detail.

Method 1: Enabling Windows Audio

Special system service is responsible for playing and working with sound equipment. If it is disabled or configured only manual launch, various problems may occur, including those considered by us. Therefore, first of all you need to check whether this parameter works. This is done like this:

  1. In the Control Panel, select the "Administration" section.
  2. Go to administration in the Windows 7 operating system

  3. A list of different parameters will open. It is necessary to open "services".
  4. Open service menu in Windows 7

  5. In the local service table, find "Windows Audio" and click on it twice with the left mouse button to open the properties menu.
  6. Windows Audio service in the Windows 7 operating system

  7. Make sure that the startup type is selected "automatically", and that the service is running. When you make changes, do not forget to save them before going out by clicking on "apply".
  8. Enable Windows Audio in Windows 7

After these actions, we recommend reconnecting the device to a computer and check whether the problem with its display was solved.

Method 2: Driver Update

Playback devices will function properly only if the correct drivers for a sound card were installed. Sometimes various errors occur when they are installed, which is why the problem under consideration may appear. We recommend to familiarize the method 2 from the link below. There you will find detailed instructions for reinstalling drivers.

Read more: Installing audio devices on Windows 7

Method 3: Troubleshooting

Above, two effective error correction method "Sound device is disabled" were shown. However, in some cases, they do not bring any result, and manually find the source of the problem is difficult. Then it is best to contact the easy-to-use troubleshooting center and automatically scan. This is done like this:

  1. Run the control panel and find "Troubleshooting" there.
  2. Go to troubleshooting in Windows 7

  3. Here you are interested in the section "Equipment and sound". First start the scan "Troubleshooting sound playback."
  4. Troubleshooting devices and sound windows 7

  5. To start the diagnosis, click on "Next".
  6. Run Windows 7 Playback Scanning

  7. Wait for the process to complete and follow the displayed instructions.
  8. Windows 7 playback scanning process

  9. If the error was not detected, we advise you to run the diagnostics of the "Device Settings".
  10. Run Device Settings in Windows 7

  11. Perform the instructions shown in the window.
  12. Go to the correction of Windows 7 devices

Such a system tool should help in detecting and correcting problems with playback devices. If this option was ineffective, we advise you to resort to the next one.

Method 4: Cleaning from viruses

With the non-response of all disconnected recommendations, it remains only to check the computer for malicious threats that could damage system files or block the operation of certain processes. Analysis and removal of viruses make any convenient method. Detailed guides on this topic can be found in the reference material below.

Read more: Fighting computer viruses

On this, our article comes up to the logical conclusion. Today we talked about the program methods of solving the "Sound device disabled" in Windows Windows 7. If they did not help, we advise you to contact the service center for diagnosing sound card and other connected equipment.

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