How to start the game truckers 2 on windows 7


How to start the game truckers 2 on windows 7

The famous truckers 2 autosimulator was released back in 2001. The game immediately won the hearts of many gamers and gained a large fan base. For seventeen years, a lot has changed, including the operating systems installed on computers. Unfortunately, truckers 2 work correctly only with Windows XP and versions below, however, there are ways to run it on Windows 7. This is what our today's article will be devoted.

Launch the game truckers 2 on Windows 7

For the normal operation of the outdated application on the new OS, you need to change some system settings and set specific game settings. It is done quite easily, you only need to follow the instructions provided below, and so as not to get confused, we broke it into the steps.

Step 1: Changing the volume of consumed resources

If you manually drop the plank of the resource system consumed, it will help truckers 2 start on your computer. Before performing this setting, it is worth considering that the changes will affect all other processes, which will reduce the speed or the impossibility of running individual programs. After completing the game, we recommend setting back standard startup values. This procedure is performed using the built-in utility.

  1. Hold the Win + R key combination to run the "Run" window. Enter in the msconfig.exe field, and then click on "OK".
  2. Run the system parameters in Windows 7

  3. Move into the "Load" tab, where you want to select the "Advanced Settings" button.
  4. Additional startup options in Windows 7

  5. Tick ​​the "Number of Processors" checkbox and set the value to 2. The same makes the "maximum memory", setting 2048 and exit this menu.
  6. Establish resource consumption in Windows 7

  7. Apply the changes and restart the PC.
  8. Apply resource consumption changes in Windows 7

Now the OS is running with the parameters you need, you can safely switch to the next step.

Step 2: Creating a BAT file

The BAT format file is a set of serial commands entered by a user or system. You will need to create such a script so that the application starts correctly. When starting, it will complete the operation of the conductor, and when the simulator is turned off, the state will return to the same.

  1. Open the root folder with the game, right-click on an empty place and create a text document.
  2. Create a new text file in Windows 7

  3. Insert the script below.
  4. Taskkill / F / Im Explorer.exe


    Start C: \ Windows \ Explorer.exe

    Enter the script to the Windows 7 text file

  5. Through the File pop-up menu, locate the "Save As" button.
  6. Save text file in Windows 7

  7. Name the game.bat file, where Game is the name of the executable game starter file, which is stored in the root folder. The "File Type" field must have "all files", as in the screenshot below. Save the document in the same directory.
  8. Select name for saving file in Windows 7

All further launches of truckers 2 only through the created Game.Bat, only so the script will be activated.

Step 3: Changing the settings of the game

You can change the graphic application settings without its pre-launch through a special configuration file. Such a procedure further you will need to do.

  1. At the root of the folder with the simulator, find the Truck.ini and open it through the notepad.
  2. Open truckers configuration file 2 Windows 7

  3. In the screenshot, the lines you are interested in. Compare their values ​​with your own and change those that differ.
  4. xres = 800.

    Yres = 600.

    FullScreen = OFF.

    Cres = 1.

    D3D = OFF.

    Sound = ON.

    JoyStick = ON.

    Bordin = ON.

    Numdev = 1.

    Check the Truck Schedule Settings 2 Windows 7

  5. Save the changes by clicking on the appropriate button.
  6. Save changes to Windows 7 graphics

The graphs are now set to normal startup in Windows 7, the last final stage remains.

Step 4: Enable Compatibility Mode

Compatibility mode helps to open programs using specific commands for old versions of Windows WINTOVS, which allows them to function correctly. It is activated through the properties of the executable file:

  1. Find the Game.exe folder at the root, click on the PCM and select "Properties".
  2. Open the properties of the Windows 7 executable file

  3. Move to the "Compatibility" section.
  4. Go to the Windows 7 OS Compatibility tab

  5. Put a marker near "Run a program in compatibility mode" and in the pop-up menu, select "Windows XP (Update Pack 2)". Before entering, click on "Apply".
  6. Enable Windows 7 Compatibility Mode

On this process of setting up Trucker 2 under Windows 7 completed, you can safely run the simulator through the previously created Game.Bat. We hope the above instructions helped to deal with the task, and the problem with the start of the application was solved.

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