How to fix the keyboard on the laptop


How to fix the keyboard on the laptop

The laptop keyboard distinguishes from the usual the fact that it is quite rarely unusable separately from all other components. However, even if this happens, in some cases it can be restored. In this article, we describe actions that should be taken when the keyboard breakage on the laptop.

Repair keyboard on a laptop

In total, you can resort to three different package options, the choice of which is determined by the degree of breakage and your personal features. At the same time, the most radical decision is the complete replacement of the component, taking into account the technical features of the laptop.


The most frequent problems become: incorrect OS configuration, failure of the controller or loop. Detailed causes of keyboard breakdowns and malfunctional measures by us were described in another article. Examine it to not be mistaken with the choice of the most suitable solution when fixing.

Elimination of system problems with keyboard on a laptop

Read more:

Causes of the inoperability of the keyboard on a laptop

What if the keyboard does not work in the BIOS

Here, we will not focus on the procedure for the installation of the keyboard, since for an inexperienced user without proper skills, this process will be unnecessary. Because of this aspect, the best option will be the appeal to the service center.

Read also: What to do if the keys on the laptop are sticking

Changing keys

If keyboard faults are mainly in the keys, the easiest way will be replaced by new ones. The procedure for removing and installing keys on a laptop We reviewed in another material on our website. In this case, the actions are practically identical for any laptops, including devices with an integrated keyboard integrated in the upper part.

Note: You can try to repair the keys without purchasing new, but in most cases it is unjustified time spent with a rather unreliable result.

The process of replacing the keys on a laptop keyboard

Read more: Proper keyboarding keys on laptop keyboard

Changing keyboard

As we mentioned in the first section of the article, the most serious problems are mechanical damage to the elements important for the keyboard. In particular, this refers to the loop and tracks, when the failure of which will not be able to do anything often. The only relevant solution in this case will be the complete replacement of the component in accordance with the features of the laptop. We described this procedure in detail in the instructions on the link below on the example of the ASUS laptop.

Replacing the keyboard on the laptop asus

Read more: Proper keyboard replacement on ASUS laptop


We tried to summarize all actions that can be performed to restore the keyboard. If you have any questions, we will be happy to answer them in the comments under the article.

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