Beautiful characters for VKontakte


Beautiful characters for VKontakte

If you wish to properly decorate any text within the framework of the social network VKontakte standard characters may not be enough. In such cases, it is possible to use decorative signs available to those or in other ways. Next, we will tell you everything you need to know about the use of beautiful characters on the VK website.

Beautiful characters for VK

Within the limits of the social network under consideration, it is possible to resort to almost any existing keyboard layout, which is why the simplest possible use of beautiful characters is to install additional language packets and connecting them in the operating system. In detail related procedures, we described in the article below.

Adding language packets in Windows 10

Read more: Install language packs and a change of interface language in Windows 10

An alternative to installing language packs can be different resources on the Internet. An excellent example will be the "Google Translator", automatically not only by transferring phrases to another language, but also an adapting font according to the characteristics of the languages. Thanks to this, you can take advantage of hieroglyphs or Arabic writing.

Using beautiful characters from another language

The available methods without the use of third-party means includes the "ASCII" symbol table containing a large number of various options. Suitable signs include hearts, stripes, figures in the form of cardas and much more.

Go to ASCII Symbols Table

Sample ASCII Symbols Table

For their insertion, special keyboard combinations are used, which differ from the usual key combinations in that it is often necessary to recruit several numbers at once. In addition, you can resort to the HTML code, creating a modified text and large spaces with it. You can familiarize yourself with the options on the next page, where the symbol is located in the left column, and in the right code for its addition.

Go to table with HTML codes

Using HTML code to create beautiful WC characters

See also: How to make a stressed and fat text

You can familiarize yourself with one of the convenient tables of various beautiful characters. To use them, you will need to highlight the character you like, copy it and insert into the VKontakte text box.

Go to the table of beautiful characters

Example of beautiful characters for VKontakte

The last and most common variant of beautiful symbols is to use text emoticons, many of which will be automatically converted to Emodi. This makes no sense to emphasize attention, since you are probably familiar with a similar phenomenon.


Due to the attentive study of our article, you can take advantage of a huge number of characters, both steadily displayed on all devices and having a limited range of applications. In any case, if you have any questions about the options described, contact us in the comments.

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