How to assign default programs in Windows 10


How to assign default programs in Windows 10

The use of a already well-developed operating system Windows 10 can be even more comfortable if it is properly configured and adapting to your needs. One of the defining parameters in this context is the assignment of the default programs to perform specific functions - play music, video playback, Internet access, work with mail, etc. How to do this, as well as about a number of accompanying nuances and will be told in our current article.


If you often have to work with electronic correspondence not in the browser, but in a specially intended program, the mail client, will reasonably assign it as the default used for these purposes. If the standard mail application integrated into Windows 10 is satisfied with you, this step can be skipped (the same applies to all subsequent settings).

  1. In the Default Application Default tab, under the "Email" under the inscription, click LKM on the program presented there.
  2. Select the default application to work with email in Windows 10

  3. In the pop-up window, select what way you plan to interact with mail in the future (open letters, write them, get it, etc.). The list of available solutions typically presents the following: standard email client, its analogue from third-party developers, if installed, Microsoft Outlook if the computer is installed on the computer MS Office, as well as browsers. Additionally, it is possible to search and install a suitable application from Microsoft Store.
  4. List of devices available defaults to work with email in Windows 10

  5. Deciding with the choice, just click on the appropriate name and, if necessary, confirm your intentions in the window with the request (not always).
  6. Changing the default application to work with email in Windows 10

    By appointing the default program to work with mail, we can move to the next step.


    Most users are used to using Google or Yandex map searches for navigating or banal searching in any browser and on mobile devices with Android or iOS. If you want to do this using an independent PC program, you can assign such in Windows 10 parameters by selecting a standard solution or setting its analog.

    1. In the "Maps" block, click the "Select Default Value" or the name of the application that you can be indicated there (in our example, the pre-installed "Windows maps" was previously removed).
    2. Select the default value for working with cards in Windows 10

    3. In the list that opens, select the appropriate program to work with maps or go to Microsoft Store to search and install such. We will use as a second option.
    4. Go to the search for applications to work with karatmi in Microsoft Store on Windows 10

    5. You will be opened a store page with cards. Choose that of them you want to install on your computer and use in the future by clicking on its name.
    6. Maps page in Microsoft Store on Windows 10

    7. Once on the page with a detailed description of the program, click on the "Get" button.
    8. Install the application to work with the MICROSOFT STORE cards in Windows 10

    9. If after that the installation does not start automatically, use the "Install" button, which will appear in the upper right corner.
    10. Confirm the installation of the application to work with the MICROSOFT STORE cards in Windows 10

    11. Wait for the installation of the application, which will signal the inscription appearing on the page with its description and the button, and then return to the Windows "parameters", more precisely, in the previously open tab of the default applications.
    12. The program for working with maps has been successfully installed from the Application Store in Windows 10

    13. In the map block (if there was empty there), the program you are installed. If this does not happen, select it from the list on your own, similar to how it was done with Email.
    14. Mounted from the Microsoft Store app appointed as the main to work with maps in Windows 10

      As in the previous case, most likely, no confirmation of actions will be required - the selected application will be assigned as the default automatically used.

    Music player

    The standard Groove player, which is offered by Microsoft as the main solution for listening to music, is quite good. Nevertheless, most users are accustomed to applications from third-party developers, at least due to their wider functionality and support of various formats and audio codecs. The default player assignment instead of the standard is carried out in the same way as in the cases considered by us.

    1. In the "Music Player" block, you must click on the name "Music Groove" or what is used instead of it.
    2. Choosing a Music Player Default in Windows 10

    3. Next, in the list that opens, select your preferred application. As before, it has the ability to search and install a compatible product in Microsoft Store. In addition, raritet lovers can stop their choice on Windows Media Player, swinging in the "top ten" from previous versions of the operating system.
    4. List of available music playback applications in Windows 10

    5. The main audio player will be changed.
    6. The default music audition application is changed in Windows 10

    View photos

    The choice of application for viewing photos is no different from the similar procedure in previous cases. However, the complexity of the process is that today in Windows 10, in addition to the standard "photograph", several more solutions are offered, which, although integrated into the operating system, are not literally viewers.

    1. In the "View Photos" block, click the name of the application, which is now used as the default viewing.
    2. Go to the selection of the main application for viewing photos in Windows 10

    3. Select the appropriate solution from the list available by clicking on it.
    4. Selecting an application for viewing photos from the list available in Windows 10

    5. From this point on, it will use the application that you yourself to be appointed to open graphic files in supported formats.
    6. Default application to view photos changed in Windows 10

    Video player

    Like the music Groove, the standard for the "dozen" video player - movies and TV is quite good, but it can be easily changed to any other, more preferably the application.

    1. In the "Video Player" block, click on the name of the program assigned at the present moment.
    2. Changing the program to view video files in Windows 10

    3. Choose the one you want to use as a basic by clicking on it LKM.
    4. List of available Application Application Lookup Videos in Windows 10

    5. Make sure that the system "has come" with your decision - for some reason at this stage, choose the necessary player is not always the first time.
    6. The default video player is selected on a Windows 10 computer.

    Note: If in some of the blocks you can't do instead of a standard application to assign your own, that is, the system does not respond to choice, restart "Parameters" And repeat the attempt - in most cases it helps. Probably, Windows 10 and Microsoft are too strongly want to simply simply attach everyone to their branded software products.

    Web browser

    Microsoft Edge, although it exists from the moment of being published the tenth version of Windows, it was not possible to make decent competition more advanced and sought-after web browsers. Like the Internet Explorer preceding him, it still remains a browser to search, download and install other browsers. Assign the main "Other" product as well as the rest of the application.

    1. To begin with, click on the name of the application installed in the Web Browser block.
    2. Go to the selection of a new web browser by default in Windows 10

    3. In the list that appears, select the web browser you want to use to access the Internet and open the default links.
    4. Select from the list of available suitable default browser in Windows 10

    5. Get a positive result.
    6. The default browser is successfully changed in Windows 10

      Advanced default applications

      In addition to the direct selection of default applications, you can set additional settings for them in the same section of the "Parameters". Consider briefly available opportunities here.

      Additional features of the default applications in Windows 10 parameters

      Standard File Types Applications

      If you want to perform a more subtle configuration of individual default applications by defining them to work with specific file formats, go to the "Select Standard Applications for File Types" link - the first of the three marked on the above image. In the left part of the list that opens, the list of file types registered in the system (in alphabetical order) will be presented, in the center - programs that are used for opening them or, if any are not yet appointed, the possibility of their choice. This list is quite large, so to study it simply scroll down the parameter page down, using the mouse wheel or runner on the right side of the window.

      Select file formats for default applications in Windows 10 OS

      Changing the set parameters is carried out according to the following algorithm - find the format in the list, the opening method you want to change, rightly click on the application assigned at the moment (or the absence of such) and select a suitable solution from the list available. In general, referring to this section "Parameters" of the system is advisable in cases where you need to assign an application by default, whose belongings are different from the above categories (for example, programs for working with disk images, design systems, modeling, etc. ). Another possible option is the need to divide the formats of the same type (for example, video) between multiple similar programs.

      Changing the default application for a specific file format in Windows 10

      Standard applications for protocols

      Similar to file formats, you can determine the operation of applications with protocols. Speaking more accurately, here you can compare protocols with specific software solutions.

      Match Protocols with defined applications in Windows 10

      An ordinary user no need to dig in this section, and in general, it is better not to do it to "break anything" - the operating system itself copes very well.

      Select default application for specific protocols in Windows 10 environment

      Default values ​​for applications

      Going in the "Default Application" options by the "Set Default Value" link, you can more accurately determine the "behavior" of specific programs with various formats and protocols. Initially, for all items, the standard or previously previously specified parameters are specified in this list.

      The ability to more accurately set values ​​for default applications in Windows 10

      To change these very values, select a specific application in the list, first by clicking on its name, and then by the "Control" button that appears.

      Jump to the control values ​​of specific applications in the default Windows OS parameters

      Further, as in the case of formats and protocols, on the left, locate and select the value you want to change, and then click on the program installed for it and in the list that appears, select the one you want to use as the main one. For example, by default, Microsoft EDGE can be used to open the PDF format, you can replace it with another browser or specialized program if this is installed on the computer.

      Determining default values ​​for specific applications in Windows 10

      Reset to the initial settings

      If necessary, absolutely all default applications options previously specified can be reset to their initial values. To do this, in the section under consideration, the corresponding button is provided - "reset". It will be useful when you mistaken or ignorance configured something wrong, but you do not have the ability to restore for the same value.

      Reset the default application parameters to the initial settings in Windows 10

      Read also: Personalization parameters in Windows 10


      On this, our article comes up to its logical conclusion. We considered in the most detailed as possible how the default programs are assigned to Windows 10 and defining their behavior with specific file formats and protocols. We hope this material was useful for you and gave an exhaustive answer to all available questions on the topic.

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