How to get out of the account on youtub


How to get out of the account on youtub

The popular video hosting YouTube is much more convenient to use with authorization, because entering your account, you can not only subscribe to channels and leave comments under the video, but also to see personalized recommendations. However, in rare cases, you can encounter the task of the opposite nature - the need to exit the account. On how to do it, we will also tell me further.

Exit from your account on YouTube

YouTube, as you know, belongs to Google and is part of the proprietary services, which are a single ecosystem. To gain access to any of them, the same account is used, and an important nuance implies from this - the ability to exit a specific site or application is missing, this action is performed for the Google account as a whole, that is, for all services at once. In addition, there is a tangible difference in performing the same procedure in a web browser on a PC and a mobile client. Let's proceed to a more detailed consideration.

Option 1: Browser on a computer

The exit from the Utub Account in the web browser is equally in all programs of this type, however, in Google Chrome, this action will entail very serious (true, not for all users) consequences. What exactly, learn further, but as the first, general and universal example, we will use the "competitive" solution - Yandex.Bauzer.

Any browser (except Google Chrome)

  1. Being on any page of YouTube, click on the image of your profile located in the upper right corner of the page.
  2. Pressing the icon of your profile to open its menu on YouTube website in the browser

  3. In the parameter menu, which will be open, select one of the two available options - "Change account" or "Exit".
  4. Select options from your account on YouTube website in the browser

  5. Obviously, the first item provides the ability to add a second account for using YouTube. The output from the first will not be implemented, that is, you can switch between accounts as needed. If you fit this option, use it - log in to the new Google Account. Otherwise, just click on the "Get out" button.
  6. Adding a new account or output from your YouTube website in the browser

    After leaving the account on YouTube, instead of an image of the profile, to which I appeal in the first step, the inscription "Log in" will appear.

    Exit from account successfully completed on the YouTube website in the browser

    An unpleasant consequence about which we mentioned above is that you will be de-evantized including from Google's account. If such a state of affairs is suitable - excellent, but otherwise, for the normal use of good service services, it will be necessary to log in again.

    How to get out of the account on youtub 5878_6

Google Chrome.

Since chromium is also a Google product, for normal operation it requires authorization in the account. This action will not only automatically access all the services and sites of the company, but also activates the data synchronization function.

Output from the account on YouTube in the Google Chrome browser

Exit from the YouTube account, which is performed in the same way as in Yandex.Browser or any other web browser, in Chrome will be fraught with not only forced output from Google account, but also suspension of synchronization operation. The image below shows how it looks like.

Data synchronization with Google account is suspended after accessing the account on YouTube in the browser

As you can see, there is nothing difficult to get out of an account on YouTube in a PC browser, but the consequences that this action entails are not far away. If the possibility of full access to all google services and products is important for you, without using an account, it's simply not to do.

Re-logging into Google account after accessing from the account on YouTube in Google Chrome browser

If the account is changed, implying its preliminary addition, insufficient measure, and you are resolutely set up to exit not only from YouTube, but also from Google as a whole, you need to do the following.

  1. Open the "Settings" of your mobile device and go to the "Users and Accounts" section (or the item similar to it, since on different versions of the android, their name may differ).
  2. Open Settings and Go to Applications and Accounts on Android

  3. In the list of profiles connected to a smartphone or tablet, find the google account from which you want to exit, and tap it to go to the page with the information, and then by the "Delete Account" button. In the window with a request, confirm your intentions by clicking on a similar inscription.
  4. Delete Google Account To exit YouTube in Android settings

  5. The Google account you selected will be deleted, which means you will leave not only from YouTube, but also from all other services and applications.

    The selected Google account is deleted in the account settings on Android


    Since Apple ID is playing a primary role in the "apple" ecosystem, and not a Google account, the output from the account on YouTube is much simpler.

    1. As in the case of Android, running Yutub, tap on the image of your profile in the upper right corner.
    2. Go to the parameters of the profile in your YouTube application on iOS

    3. In the list of available options, select "Change Account".
    4. Change account in your YouTube mobile application on iOS

    5. Add a new account by clicking on the appropriate lettering, or exit from the currently used by selecting "Watch YouTube without entering an account".
    6. Adding or out of account in your YouTube mobile application on iOS

    7. From this point on, you will watch YouTube without authorization, as reported by including the inscription appeared in the lower area.
    8. Exit from account successfully completed in your YouTube mobile application on iOS

      Note: Google account from which you came out with YouTube will remain in the system. When trying to re-entry, it will be offered in the form of "Tips". For complete deletion you need to go to the section "Account Management" (The gear icon in the account change menu), click there by name of a specific record, and then located in the bottom area of ​​the screen of the inscription "Delete Account from Device" And then confirm your intentions in the pop-up window.

      Full deleting Google account in your YouTube mobile application on iOS

      That's so simple, almost without nuances, and certainly without negative consequences for the user, exit from the Utub account on mobile devices from the EPL.


    Despite the seeming simplicity of the task voiced in the subject of this article, it does not have an ideal solution, at least in browsers on PC and mobile devices with Android. An output from the YouTube account entails a way out of Google account, which, in turn, stops data synchronization and overlaps access to most functions and services provided by the search giant.

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