How to upload video to VK from phone


How to upload video to VK from phone

As you know, any participant in Vkontakte has the opportunity to replenish the social network catalog of your own video record. Upload a media file on the resource expanses is not at all difficult, and the material that suggested your attention contains instructions that are used by Android-smartphones and iPhone users.


Before switching to the consideration of the video loading methods in social network from android devices, it should be noted that the operation is carried out much easier and faster if the official VKontakte application has been installed in the system. The only instruction from the following suggested, allowing you to do without the specified client - this is "Method 5".

How to upload video to VK with android smartphone

Method 1: Annex VC for Android

To implement the first method of placement of videos from the Android device's memory, the functionality of the official application VK is used on the social network and nothing more. In fact, the following instruction is the easiest and most universal way to share your video recordings with VKontakte's audience.

Download the official VKontakte application for Android

If the client VK for Android is missing in the phone, it can be installed from Google Play Market or other methods.

Read more: How to install VKontakte application on Android-smartphone

  1. Run VK for Android, log in to your account if it has not been done earlier.
  2. VKontakte for Android Running the official application of the social network, authorization

  3. Go to the "Video" section from the main application menu (three drops at the bottom of the screen) and then tap "+" in the upper right corner.
  4. VKontakte for Android Adding video through the official app of the social network

  5. Opened due to the execution of the previous item of the menu instruction allows you to select a media file, as well as create a new directory (album) to download it on your page in the social system.

    VKontakte for Android Menu to download video to the social network in the official application

    Select the item corresponding to your current needs:

    • "Write a video" - launches the Android-camera "Camera", where you can initiate a roller entry with a tape on the corresponding button. After the recording is stopped, tap the check mark.
    • VKontakte for Android Running the camera for shooting video and unloading it to the social network

    • "Select existing" - opens a file manager showing all video files detected in the memory of the smartphone. Tap on the preview of any roller. Next, you can view it, as well as trim (Edit Button). If the file is ready for adding to the social network, click "Attach".
    • VKontakte for Android Add a video to my videos through the official app of the social network

    • "By reference from other sites." In the social network catalog, it can add files not only from the memory of their devices, but also videos from various Internet resources (for example, YouTube). Insert the link to such content into a special window and tap "OK" - the record will be instantly placed in "added".
    • VKontakte for Android Add a video link from other sites through the official Customer of the social network

    • "Create an album" - provides the ability to create a new directory for room containing content. This feature helps not only systematize the downloaded, but also to manage the level of access to it from other participants in VKontakte.
    • VKontakte for Android Creating a new album to download video recordings

  6. If you specify "record a video" in the previous step of this instruction and there is a subsequent manipulation, the new video window will appear where you can define the name of the roller downloaded to the social network, as well as add it description. After completing these actions, tap "OK". After some time (the duration depends on the amount of the file being downloaded) the new video will appear in the "Uploaded" tab.
  7. VKontakte for Android New video recording - assign a name and description before downloading to social network

If you find a convenient to use to view photos and rollers on the phone, the standard android component, called the "Gallery", the following way to load the content in the VKontakte catalog from the smartphone will probably seem the most rational one.

VKontakte for Android How to unload video to social network through the gallery

It should be noted that, depending on the Android-shell device installed by the manufacturer and the OS version, the application interface with the specified name may differ slightly. In addition, the owners of modern smartphones running the "clean" android may not at all detect a "gallery" in their system - in this case, other methods of unloading files in VK should be used.

  1. Open the "Gallery" and find the video that you wish to download to the social network.
  2. VKontakte for Android Search video for download to social network in gallery

  3. Highlight the roller unloaded by a long press on its preview. By the way, a few media files can be added to the social network at once - in this case, set the marks on everything that you want to send. Simultaneously with the allocation of one or more video in the "Gallery", the menu appears at the top. Touch "Send", and then in the list of available recipient services, find the "VK" icon and tap it.
  4. VKontakte for Android Choice video for download to social network in gallery - button Share

  5. The result will be displayed "Share Videos Search". It remains to choose where exactly the media file will be sent.

    VKontakte for Android Social Network Selection menu for sending video from the gallery

    • "Send to the wall" - the media file is attached to the record, which is placed on the wall of your page VK.
    • VKontakte for Android How to lay out a video from the gallery to your wall on social network

    • "Add to my videos" - the roller replenishes the list "Uploaded" in the section "Video" of your page in the service.
    • VKontakte for Android Select Unloading Video in My Videos on the Social Network from the gallery

    • "Send in the message" - the list of friends, which you can pass the file, and after selecting the recipient, the content is attached to the message.
    • VKontakte for Android Sending videos from the gallery, in a message to friends in the social network

  6. No matter what option from those listed in the previous paragraph you will choose - before the record unloaded from the smartphone will appear on the social network, you will have to wait a bit.
  7. VKontakte for Android process unloading video recording on a social network from the gallery

Method 3: Google Photo

Google service Photo created for storage, systematization, editing and sharing photos, as well as video, takes today one of the leading positions in the list of funds with specified functions available to users of various OS. The Google photo app for Android is an excellent alternative to the above-described "gallery" and also "can" unload media files in VKontakte. If the media under consideration is missing in the smartphone, it can be installed from Play Market.

VKontakte for Android - download video to social network using Google photo

Download Google photos from Play Market

  1. Open the photo application and find the roller to be downloaded to VK.

    VKontakte for Android Running Google Photo for unloading video on social network

    To quickly display on the screen all the videos, call in the device's memory, tap "Albums" at the bottom of the screen and then select "Video".

    VKontakte for Android Google Photo quick video search for adding to social network

  2. Long pressing along the preview of the roller highlight it. Next, you can mark some more files if it is planned to add an unnecessary record. Touch the "Share" icon at the top of the screen. In the area displayed at the bottom with the choice of the recipient's service, find the "VK" icon and tap it.

    VKontakte for Android Choosing a video for download to social network in Google Photos, Share Button

  3. On the next screen, select "Source Size". Next, click on the item name of the desired section in the social network where the downloadable will be placed.

    VKontakte for Android Sending a video in social network through Google photos, choosing a service partition

  4. Expect the file transfer completion (s) - soon the roller appears on your page in VK.

    Vkontakte for Android process download video in a social network from the Google application photo

Method 4: File Manager

Place content on the social network VKontakte from the phone, in addition to the above applications, also enable file managers for Android. The operation is carried out both with the help of a standard "conductor" pre-installed in the mobile OS and from solutions from third-party developers, subject to the availability of the official client VK in the system. In the example below, work with the popular ES File Explorer file manager is demonstrated.

VKontakte for Android - download video to the social network using the file manager

  1. Run the ES conductor and go to the directory in the internal storage or on the removable drive of the device in which the video file is stored, which is supplied to the unloading to the social network. To simplify the search, you can simply touch the "Video" category icon on the main screen of the manager - all the files of the corresponding type, present in the smartphone, will be automatically found and displayed.
  2. VKontakte for Android Running ES Explorer to add a video from a smartphone memory to social network, search for video

  3. Long tap highlight one or more rollers sent to VK. At the same time, the action menu will appear at the bottom of the screen. Touch "more" and in the list that appears, select "Send".
  4. VKontakte for Android How to add a video in social foot from ES Explorer - Send menu item

  5. In the "Send Using" area, find the "VKontakte" icon and tap it. It remains to choose where the video will be placed on the wall, in the "My Videos" section or attached to another participant (friend) in VK.

    VKontakte for Android Process sending a video file from ES Explorer to a social network

  6. After touching the desired section of the VK in the menu when executing the previous step, the record instruction will be unloaded and after a while it will be available in the social network.
  7. VKontakte for Android video downloaded to a social network using ES conductor

Method 5: Browser

All of the above methods of downloading video from the phone on Android in VKontakte suggest presence in the device of the official application of the social network. At the same time, if the installation and use of the client VK for Android for any reason is impossible or undesirable, in order to unload the media file in the directory of the resource under consideration, you can use almost any browser. The example below uses one of the most popular web browsers - Google Chrome.

VKontakte for Android - how to upload video to the social network using a browser for android

Download Google Chrome for Android in Play Market

  1. Open the browser and go to Log in to the social network.
  2. VKontakte on Android authorization on social network via browser

  3. Open the main menu of the service, touching the three drops at the top of the page on the left. Next, you need to go from the mobile version of the site VKontakte, by default displayed by the web browser for the mobile OS, to the "desktop" version of the resource. To do this, sign the items of the Main Menu of the VK up and tap the "Full Version" link located in the penultimate place.
  4. VKontakte on Android through the browser - the transition from the mobile version of the social network site to the full version

  5. For easy gestures, increase the scale of the site display and go to the "Video" section from the menu on the left. On the web page that opens to the right of your avatar, there is a "Add video" button - press it.
  6. VKontakte on Android Go to the video Social network video section through the browser, the Add button

  7. In the "New Video" window that appears, tap "Select File" - this will display the area where you need to define the source of the downloadable - "camera", "camcorder" (to start recording and subsequent roller boot); "Documents" to specify the path to the file stored in the memory of the smartphone. The last paragraph should be used in most cases.
  8. Vkontakte on Android Selecting a file from the memory device to download to VC via Mobile Browser

  9. Call the menu of the running module (three drops at the top of the left), tap "video", and then highlight a long press on the preview of the video recording. Tap "Open".
  10. VKontakte on Android Start unloading video file to social network via Mobile Browser

  11. Expect the end of copying a file to the VKontakte server, and then fill in the "Name" and "description" fields. Optionally, you can choose the album where the downloaded video will be placed, as well as placing an entry with the attached roller on your own wall by installing a tick in the corresponding Checkbos on the page. After determining the parameters, tap "Finish" - on this content loading on the social network VKontakte from the phone through the Android browser is complete.
  12. VKontakte on Android Completion of the boot of the video in social network through the browser


VK participants that are used to access the Apple smartphones to access the social network, as well as users of other hardware and software platforms, can use to download media files to the resource expanses not the only tool and apply several methods for the operation. Most ways (№ 1-4 below in the article) suggest that in the smartphone the VKontakte client for the iPhone is installed, but this is not a fundamental requirement - to solve the problem, you can do in IOS applications (Instruction No. 5).

How to upload video to VK with iPhone

Method 1: VC application for iOS

Perhaps the easiest and fastest method of downloading video to the VC is to use the Official Customer functionality for the iPhone - any content from the "Mediamatka" IOS can be copied to the appropriate section of the resource under consideration, the application developers made everything to simplify the procedure.

VKontakte for iPhone How to upload video to social network through the official iOS application client

Method 2: photo app

The main tool offered by Apple to access users to the multimedia content of the memory of their iPhone is the "Photo" application. In addition to the mass of other features, the program allows you to share videos with one of the friends in the social network under consideration or put the video on your wall in VKontakte.

Vkontakte for iPhone How to lay out video in social network from iOS application photo

  1. Touch the Photo icons on the iPhone desktop to start the application. Next you need to find the video you plan to place in VK. The easiest way to search by clicking on "albums" from the menu at the bottom of the screen is.

    Vkontakte for iPhone Starting an application photo in iOS, go to the album section to search for video added to social network

    Sign out the list of albums up and in the "Types of Media Files" Click "Video" - it narms the circle of displayed multimedia files and will allow you to quickly detect the desired roller.

    VKontakte for iPhone Search video for download to social network in iOS application photo

  2. Tap on the preview of the media file laid out in the VK, which will take you to the screen, where it can be viewed (click "Play") and trim (item "edit" at the top). Making sure that recording is ready to send to the social network, click the Share icon at the bottom of the screen on the left.

    VKontakte for iPhone IOS-app photo, choice and editing of the roller before downloading in social network

  3. In the field appeared at the bottom of the screen, the list of roller recipient services and tap "still". Next, activate the switch opposite the VK icon and confirm the addition of the item in the tape menu by "ready".

    VKontakte for iPhone Adding a VK in the Share menu to download the video in the social network

  4. Touch the Social School icon displayed now in the "Share" menu described.

    VKontakte for iPhone Icon VK on the Share App applications for iOS

    Next there are two options:

    • Click Address if you plan to attach the video to the message sent via VK. Next, add a comment to the message and tap "Send"
    • VKontakte for iPhone sending video to friends in social networks from iOS application photo

    • Select "Send on the page" to place the roller in the form of an entry on your wall.
    • VKontakte for iPhone Sending video on the wall on the social network from iOS application photo

  5. It remains to wait for the completion of sending a file to VC, after which the task in question can be considered performed.
  6. VKontakte for iPhone Video is located on the wall in the social network via iOS-app photo

Method 3: camera application

Those IOS users who do not want to lose a second time and immediately share their own written videos with VKontakte's audience, will find a useful opportunity to immediately transmit rollers to social network, without closing the camera "Camera" after shooting interesting moments.

VKontakte for iPhone How to send a video to social network from iOS application camera

  1. Run the "Camera" and write down the roller.
  2. Vkontakte for iPhone Starting a camera for recording video for the purpose of subsequent download in social network

  3. Stopping the entry, tap the preview of the resulting roller in the lower left corner of the screen. Before sending to VK, you have the ability to view a media file, as well as trim it - if such a need is present, use the appropriate screen elements.
  4. Vkontakte for iPhone Recording, viewing and editing video to accommodate in the social network using the camera

  5. Click "Share" at the bottom of the screen. In the area providing the choice of a destination service, tap the "VK" icon. (If there is no icon, you need to activate its display as described in paragraph 3 of the "Method 2" instruction above in the article.)
  6. Vkontakte for iPhone Beginning of downloads in the social network video created using the camera

  7. Specify the recipient by tapping by his name in the list of friends on the social network, or post an entry on your own wall by selecting "Send on the page". Add a comment to the posting record and click "Send"

    VKontakte for iPhone Placement process in the social network video captured using iPhone Camera

  8. Expect the video to copy the video to the VKontakte server and its appearance on your wall or in the message sent.

    VKontakte for iPhone Video from the camera placed on the wall in the social network

Method 4: File Manager

The owners of the iPhone, which prefer to use to work with media files loaded in the memory of the device, tools from third-party developers, will find a very useful feature of use to accommodate content on the social network Vkontakte File managers for iOS. In the example below, a task is shown from the title of the article using the application. Documents from Readdle.

Vkontakte for iPhone How to post a video in social network from file manager Docoments

Download Documents from Readdle from Apple App Store

  1. Open Documents from Readdle and find the video file planned to the VK VK in the Documents tab of the application.
  2. Vkontakte for iPhone Starting Documents from Readdle, video search for lad out in a social network

  3. The preview of any roller is equipped with three dots, the tap by which leads to the display of the menu of possible actions with the file - call this list. Touch "Share" and then click on the "VK" icon in the list of possible recipient services.
  4. Vkontakte for iPhone Share videos in social networks from Documents File Manager from Readdle

  5. Click "Write on the page" if you plan, in any case temporarily posting an entry on your wall. Or select the Roller Recipient from the list of friends in VC.
  6. Vkontakte for iPhone video transfer process in social network from Documents File Manager from Readdle

  7. Next, it remains only to wait for the end of the file transfer to the social network.
  8. Vkontakte for iPhone - the video is posted in scet and sent in a message through the file manager for iOS

Method 5: Browser

If you for any reason are not using the official VK client for iOS, preferring to "walk" into a social network through a web browser, it does not mean that there are serious obstacles to download the video in the resource storage. In the example below, to solve the content of content loading with Apple-device in VC used Safari. , pre-installed in any iPhone, but you can use any other preferred browser, acting in the same way described by the method.

VKontakte for iPhone Loading video on social network via browser for iOS

  1. Run the web browser, go to Vkontakte website and log in if necessary.
  2. VKontakte on iPhone Access through the browser - Running the browser, authorization in the social network

  3. Open the main menu of the service by clicking on three drops in the upper left corner of the page, sign up the list of points down and tap the "Full Version" link.

    VKontakte on the iPhone Transition to the full version of the social network site in the browser

    You will appear to the VK website interface, as if you opened it on the computer. For convenience, adjust the scale of the signs displayed using gestures.

    Vkontakte on the iPhone change the scale of the display of the socialclay site

  4. Go to the "Video" section from the menu on the left, and then click "Add Video". In the window that appears, tap "Select File".
  5. VKontakte on the iPhone button Add video in the full version of the social network site opened through the mobile browser

  6. Next, you have the opportunity to choose from the Source of the video downloaded to the social network. The easiest way, if it is already worth "Mediator" File - Tap the appropriate item, and then find the roller on the opened screen.
  7. VKontakte on iPhone Loading video from the library to social network through the browser

  8. Touching the preview of the media file, you will open the screen where you can run it playback. Making sure that the recording is exactly what you want to share on the social network, click "Select".
  9. VKontakte on the iPhone Beginning of the video on a social network through a web browser

  10. Assign the name loadable to the VK video, add the description as desired and select the available album from the list, where the record will be posted, and also determine the level of access of other participants in the social network to view content. Additionally, you can immediately put the video to your wall - for this, equip the corresponding checkbox. After completing the definition of the parameters, click "Finish" - the video will be placed in the VKontakte directory.
  11. VKontakte on the iPhone Definition of Attributes Video when downloading it to social network through a browser for iOS

Having considered the instructions proposed above, you can make sure that the owners of smartphones on Android or ios, who want to download vocabys in the social network VKontakte, have a choice from the mass of action options. The developers welcome the resource in every way useful, interesting and entertainment content, so the process of adding media files to the user is simplified as much as possible, and its implementation can be carried out in various ways.

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