How to open a local security policy in Windows 7


How to open a local security policy in Windows 7

Providing a computer security is a very important procedure that many users neglect. Of course, some set anti-virus software and include Windows Defender, but this is not always enough. Local security policies allow you to create an optimal configuration for reliable protection. Today we will talk about how to get into this menu settings on the PC running the Windows operating system 7.

Method 3: "Control Panel"

The main elements of the Windows OS parameters editing are grouped into the control panel. From there you can easily get into the "Local Safety Policy" menu:

  1. Open the "Control Panel" through the Start.
  2. Go to control panel in Windows 7

  3. Go to Administrative Section.
  4. Opening the Administration section in Windows 7

  5. In the list of categories, find the link "Local security policy" and click on it twice with the left mouse button.
  6. Go to the Security Policy section through Windows 7 administration

  7. Wait until the main window of the accessory you need opens.
  8. View Window Local Security Policy Windows 7

Method 4: Microsoft Management Console

The management console offers users enhanced computer management functions and other accounts using equipped with accessories. One of them is the "Local Safety Policy", which is added to the root of the console as follows:

  1. In search "Start" Print MMC and open the program found.
  2. MMC search via Windows 7 Start menu

  3. Expand the File pop-up menu, where to select "Add or remove snap-ins".
  4. Go to adding a new snap to the Windows 7 console

  5. In the Scribes list, find the "object editor", click on "Add" and confirm the output from the parameters by clicking on "OK".
  6. Select snap to add Windows 7

  7. Now the "Local PC" policy appeared in the root of the snap. In it, expand the "Computer Configuration" section - "Windows Configuration" and select "Security Settings". All policies that relate to ensure the protection of the operating system appeared in the right section.
  8. Transition to security policies through windows 7

  9. Before leaving the console, do not forget to save the file so as not to lose the created snapshots.
  10. Saving Windows 7 Console File

You can read in detail with Windows 7 group policies in another material on the link below. There is a detailed form about the use of some parameters.

READ ALSO: Group Politics in Windows 7

Now it remains only to choose the correct configuration of the opened snap. Each section is edited under the individual user requests. To deal with this will help you separate our material.

Read more: Configure LAN security policy in Windows 7

On this, our article came to an end. Above you have been familiar with the four options for switching to the main window of the Safety Policy. We hope all the instructions were understandable and you no longer have questions on this topic.

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