How to view saved passwords in Chrome


How to view saved passwords in Chrome

One of the most useful features of Google Chrome is the password save feature. This allows you to re-authorize on the site, do not waste time on login and password, because These data are substituted by the browser automatically. In addition, if necessary, in Google Chrome, you can easily view passwords.

How to watch saved passwords in chrome

Password storage in Google Chrome is an absolutely safe procedure, because All of them are securely encrypted. But if you suddenly needed to find out where passwords are stored in the chrome, then we will consider this process below below. As a rule, the need for this appears in the case when the password is forgotten and the autofill form does not work or on the site there is already authorization, but it is required under these same data to log in from a smartphone or other device.

Method 1: Browser Settings

Standard viewing option of any password that you saved in this web browser. In this case, the previously deleted passwords are manually or after complete cleaning / reinstalling chromium there will not be displayed.

  1. Open the menu and go to "Settings".
  2. Input in the Google Chrome browser settings menu

  3. In the first block, go to the "Passwords" section.
  4. Section Passwords in Google Chrome Browser

  5. You will see the entire list of sites for which your passwords are saved on this computer. If logins are in free access, you need to click on the eye icon to view the password.
  6. Button for viewing passwords in Google Chrome browser

  7. You will need to enter google / Windows account data, even if you do not enter the security code when you start the OS. In Windows 10, this is implemented as a form in the screenshot below. In general, the procedure was created to protect confidential information from people with access to your PC and browser, including.
  8. Enter the credentials to view passwords in Google Chrome

  9. After entering the desired information, the password for the selected site is displayed, and the eye icon will become crossed. By pressing it again, you hide the password again, which, however, will cease to be visible immediately after closing the settings tab. To view the second and subsequent passwords, you will have to enter the Windows account data every time.
  10. Icon of the access to the saved password in Google Chrome

Do not forget that if you used earlier synchronization, some passwords can be stored in the cloud. As a rule, it is relevant for users who are not logged in in Google's account after reinstalling the browser / operating system. Do not forget to "enable synchronization", which is also being done in the browser settings:

Now you know how to view passwords stored in Google Chrome. If you plan to reinstall the web browser, do not forget to pre-enable synchronization so as not to lose all the saved combinations to enter sites.

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