What is the purpose of the text processor


What is the purpose of the text processor

The text processor is a program for editing and previewing documents. The most famous representative of such software is MS Word, but the usual notebook cannot be fully called. Next, we will talk about differences in the concepts and give a few examples.

Text processors

First, let's figure it out that defines the program as a text processor. As we have spoken above, such a software is capable not only to edit the text, but also to show how the document being created will look after printing. In addition, it allows you to add images and other graphic elements, create layouts by placing blocks on the page using the built-in tools. In fact, it is a "advanced" notebook with a large set of functions.

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Nevertheless, the main difference between text processors from editors is the ability to visually determine the final appearance of the document. This property is called WYSIWYG (abbreviation, literally "What I see, I'll get"). For example, you can bring programs to create sites when we write the code in one window, and in the other you immediately see the end result, we can manually drag items and edit them directly in the workspace - Web Builder, Adobe Muse. Text processors do not mean writing a hidden code, we just work with data on the page and accurately (almost) know how it all looks on paper.

Adding text blocks in the LibreOffice text processor

The most famous representatives of this segment of: Lexicon, Abiword, Chiwriter, Jwpce, LibreOffice Writer and, of course, MS Word.

Publishing systems

These systems are a set of software and hardware tools for set, pre-maquetting, layout and edition of various printed materials. As a variety, differ from text processors in what are intended for paperwork, and not for direct text entry. Main features:

  • Layout (location on page) of pre-prepared text blocks;
  • Manipulation by fonts and printing images;
  • Editing text blocks;
  • Processing graphics on pages;
  • Output of processed documents in printing capacity;
  • Support for collaboration on projects in local networks, regardless of the platform.

Creation of printing products in the publishing system Adobe InDesign

Among publishing systems, you can highlight Adobe Indesign, Adobe Pagemaker, Corel Ventura Publisher, QuarkXpress.


As you can see, the developers took care that in our arsenal there was a sufficient number of tools for text processing and graphics. Conventional editors allow you to enter characters and format paragraphs, processors also include the firmware and preview functions of real-time results, and publishing systems are professional solutions for serious work with printing.

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