How to configure bluetooth on Windows 7 laptop


How to configure bluetooth on Windows 7 laptop

Bluetooth technology has long and firmly entered the use of users as PCs and laptops. Laptops especially often use this data transmission protocol, so it is a configuration - an important stage in the preparation of the device to work.

How to configure Bluetooth

The bluetooth configuration procedure on laptops with Windows 7 occurs in several steps: starts from the installation and ends directly with the setting for the task you need. Let's go in order.

Step 1: Bluetooth Installation

The first thing is to start configuration - loading and installing drivers, as well as the preparation of the computer. For users of laptops, it will be worthwhile to check the device for the presence of an appropriate adapter.

Lesson: How to find out if there is bluetooth on a laptop

Next, you need to download and install the drivers for the existing adapter, and then prepare the system to connect via Bluetooth.


Read more:

Installation of drivers for a Bluetooth adapter in Windows 7

Installing Bluetooth on Windows 7

Step 2: Turning on Bluetooth

After all the preparatory procedures, the use of this technology must be activated. All methods for this operation are considered in the following material.


Lesson: turn on Bluetooth on Windows 7

Stage 3: Connection Setup

After the driver for the adapter was installed and Bluetooth is enabled, the skill comes directly to configure the capabilities under consideration.

Activation of the icon in the system tray

By default, access to bluetooth settings is the easiest to get through the icon in the system tray.

Open Bluetooth system to configure on Windows 7

Sometimes, however, this icon is not. This means that its display is disabled. You can activate it back using the following actions:

  1. Click on the triangle icon and go to the "Configure" link.
  2. Open system tray to display Bluetooth icon

  3. Find the "Explorer (Bluetooth)" position list, then use the drop-down menu next to it, in which you select the "Show icon and notification" option. Click "OK" to apply the parameters.
  4. Enable the Bluetooth icon display to configure on Windows 7

Context menu

To access the Bluetooth settings, right-click on the icon in the tray. We will analyze these parameters in more detail.

  1. The Add Device option is responsible for mapping a laptop and a device connected via bluetooth (periphery, telephone, specific equipment).

    Option Add device Bluetooth icon to configure on Windows 7

    The selection of this item opens a separate window in which recognized devices should be displayed.

  2. Adding devices through the Bluetooth icon to configure on Windows 7

  3. The "Show Bluetooth Devices" option opens the "Devices and Printer" window, where previously conjugated devices are placed.

    Option Show Bluetooth icon devices for configuration on Windows 7

    Deleting Bluetooth icon from three on Windows 7

    Bluetooth parameters

    Now it came to tell you about the bluetooth parameters.

    1. The most important options are located on the "Parameters" tab. The first block called "Detection", contains the option "Allow Bluetooth devices to detect this computer". The inclusion of this feature allows you to connect a laptop with another computer, smartphones or other complex devices. After connecting the devices, the parameter is worth disconnecting for security purposes.

      Bluetooth Detection Settings on Windows 7

      The following section "Connection" is responsible for the connection of the laptop and peripheral devices, so the option "Allow Utensils. Bluetooth Connect to this PC "Disable is not worth it. Alert capabilities - at discretion.

      Bluetooth Connection Settings on Windows 7

      The last item duplicates the same option of the general context menu of the adapter control.

    2. The "COM port" tab for ordinary users is simply is located because it is intended to connect specific equipment on bluetooth by emulating the serial port.
    3. Settings for the emulation of the Bluetooth Compact on Windows 7

    4. The "Equipment" tab provides minimal control capabilities of the adapter.

      Bluetooth device management capabilities on Windows 7

      Naturally, to save all entered parameters you need to use the "Apply" and "OK" buttons.

    5. Depending on the type of adapter and drivers, the Shared Resource and Synchronization tabs may also be present: the first allows you to configure general directories, access to which the local Bluetooth devices are allowed. The functionality of the second today is almost useless, since it is designed to synchronize the device connected via bluetooth via the Active Sync utility, which has not been used for a long time.


    On this, the Bluetooth configuration guide on laptops with Windows 7 is over. Summing up, we note that the problems that arise during the setup process are considered in separate manuals, so it is impractical here to bring them here.

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