How to open "folder parameters" in windows 10


How to open folder parameters in windows 10

Each Windows user can flexibly configure folder settings for convenient operation with them. For example, it is here that the visibility of the default folders, interaction with them, as well as the display of additional elements is configured. For access and change each property corresponds to a separate system section where you can get different options. Next, we will look at the main and convenient ways to start the folder parameters window in different situations.

Go to "folder parameters" on Windows 10

The first important remark - in this version of Windows, the usual partition is already called no "folder parameters", but "Explorer parameters", so then we will call it. However, the window itself is referred to as well, and so that it depends on the method of calling it and is connected this may be with the fact that Microsoft has not yet been renamed the section under one format.

In the article, we will also affect the option of going to the properties of one folder.

Method 1: Folder Menu Panel

While in any folder, you can run directly from there "Explorer parameters" directly, it is worth noting that the changes made will touch the entire operating system, and not just the folder that is open at the moment.

  1. Go to any folder, click on the View tab on the top menu, and select "Parameters" from the list of items.

    Parameter Parameters in the View Explorer Type in Windows 10

    A similar result will be achieved if you call the File menu, and from there to "change folder and search options".

  2. Point of folder and search options in the Conductor File tab in Windows 10

  3. The corresponding window will immediately start, where various parameters for flexible custom settings are located on three tabs.
  4. Window Explorer Settings in Windows 10

Method 2: "Run" window

The "Run" tool allows you to directly access the desired window by entering the name of the partition of interest to us.

  1. We open the Win + R keys to "execute".
  2. We write in the CONTROL FOLDERS field and press ENTER.
  3. Running the Explorer settings from the Run window in Windows 10

This option may be inconvenient for the reason that not everyone can remember what kind it is necessary to enter into "execute".

Method 3: Start menu

"Start" allows you to quickly go to the element you need. Opening it and start typing the word "conductor" without quotes. The appropriate result is slightly lower than the best match. We click on it with the left mouse button to start.

Running the parameters of the conductor from the start in Windows 10

Method 4: "Parameters" / "Control Panel"

In the "dozen" there are two interfaces for managing the operating system. So far, there is still a "control panel" and people use it, but those who have switched to "parameters" can be launched by the "Explorer parameters" from there.


  1. Call the window by clicking on "Start" with the right mouse button.
  2. Menu Parameters in an alternative start in Windows 10

  3. In the search field, start typing "Explorer" and click on the compliance of the "Explorer" compliance.
  4. Running Explorer settings from the Options window in Windows 10


  1. Call the toolbar through the "Start".
  2. Running control panel in Windows 10

  3. Go to "Design and Personalization".
  4. Transition to the design and personalization of the control panel in Windows 10

  5. Click the LKM on the already familiar name "Explorer Parameters".
  6. Running the conductor parameters from the control panel in Windows 10

Method 5: "Command String" / "PowerShell"

Both versions of the console can also run the window to which this article is dedicated.

  1. Run "CMD" or "PowerShell" in a convenient way. The easiest way to do this by clicking on the "Start" with the right mouse button and choosing the option that you are set as the main one.
  2. Run a command line with administrator rights in Windows 10

  3. Enter Control Folders and press ENTER.
  4. Running the parameters of the conductor from the command line in Windows 10

Properties of one folder

In addition to the ability to change the Global Explorer Settings, you can manage each folder separately. However, in this case, the editing parameters will be different, such as access, the appearance of the icon, change the level of its safety, etc. To go, it is enough to click on any folder with the right mouse button and select the "Properties" line.

Folder Properties in Windows 10

Here, using all available tabs, you can change certain settings at your discretion.

Folder properties window in Windows 10

We disassembled the main options for access to the "Explorer" parameters, but other, less convenient and obvious ways remained. However, they are unlikely to suit someone at least once, so it makes no sense to mention them.

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