DOCX Converter in PDF online


DOCX Converter in PDF online

Most text files have DOCX format, open and edited through special software. Sometimes the user needs to be transferred to the entire contents of the object mentioned above in PDF to create, for example, a presentation. We will help to carry out the task of online services, whose basic functionality is focused on the execution of this process.

Convert DocX to PDF online

Today we will talk in detail only about two relevant web resources, since more of their number will be overwhelmed just meaningless, because all of them are about the same, and control almost one hundred percent is similar. We propose to pay attention to the following two sites.

The transformation procedure will take a maximum of a few minutes, after which the final document will already be ready for download. After reading our instructions, you will understand that even a beginner user will understand with work on the SmallPDF website.

Method 2:

The site differs from SmallPDF only by appearance and some additional functionality. In this case, the conversion process is almost the same. Nevertheless, let's step by step by analyzing the actions that you need to perform for successful processing the necessary files:

Go to the site

  1. On the main page, select the appropriate language by using the pop-up menu on the left at the top of the tab.
  2. Select language on the site

  3. Move in the "Word to PDF" section.
  4. Select the desired category on the site

  5. Add a file to process any convenient method.
  6. Add files to work on the site

  7. Wait until the conversion is completed. During this process, do not close the tab and do not interrupt the connection to the Internet. It usually takes no more than ten seconds.
  8. Waiting for the completion of processing on the site

  9. Download a ready-made file to a computer or unload online storage.
  10. Download the finished file on the site

  11. Go to the transformation of other files by clicking on the "Start first" button.
  12. Go to another conversion on the site

    Above you have been familiar with two almost identical web resources for converting DOCX format documents in PDF. We hope that the instructions provided helped to deal with this task to those who faced her for the first time and never worked on such sites, the basic functionality of which focuses on processing various files.

    See also:

    Convert DocX to Doc

    Convert PDF in DocX online

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