Search on the picture online


Search on the picture online

From time to time, each user has the need to search on the picture via the Internet, it allows not only to find similar images of its other sizes, but also to find out where they are still used. Today we will tell you about how to use this feature through two known many online services.

Search on the picture online

Even the inexperienced user will be able to find the same or similar image, it is important only to choose a suitable web resource that will help make it high quality and quickly. Huge corporations of Google and Yandex have in their search engines and such a tool. Next, we will talk about them.

Method 1: Search Engines

Each user specifies requests in the browser through one of the search engines. There are only several of the most popular services through which all information is being found, they also allow searching for images.


First of all, let's raise the fulfillment of the task through a search engine from Google. This service has a section "Pictures", through which similar photos are being found. You only need to insert a link or download the file itself, after which literally after a few seconds you will find yourself on a new page with the results shown. On our site there is a separate article to implement such a search. We recommend familiar with it by clicking on the following link.

Get acquainted with the search results on the picture in Google

Read more: Search for pictures in Google

Although the search for pictures in Google and is good, but it is not always an effective and its Russian competitor Yandex copes with this task much better. So let's consider it in more detail.


As mentioned above, the search on the image from Yandex is sometimes better than Google, so if the first option did not bring any results, try using it. The location procedure is carried out by approximately the same principle as in the previous version, however there are some features. Expanded Guide to this topic read the article Next.

Using the image found in Yandex

Read more: How to search on the picture in Yandex

In addition, we recommend paying attention to a separate function. You can right-click on the image and choose a "Find Picture" item there.

Run the image search in the browser

To do this will be used that search engine, which is installed in the browser as the default used. More information about how to change this option, read in another material on the following link. All the manuals given there are discussed on the example of the search engine from Google.

Read more: How to make Google search by default in the browser

Method 2: Tineye

Above, we talked about finding images through search engines. The implementation of such a procedure is not always effective or turned out to be low. In this case, we recommend paying attention to the site Tineye. I will not find a photo through it will not be a lot of work.

Go to the site Tineye

  1. Use the link above to open the Tineye's main page where you immediately go to add an image.
  2. Go to download image for Tineye

  3. If the selection is made from the computer, select the object and click on the Open button.
  4. Upload Image for Tineye

  5. You will be notified of how much results managed to get.
  6. Number of results found in Tineye

  7. Use the filters present if you need to sort the results according to certain parameters.
  8. Sort results in Tineye

  9. Below on the tab you are available for detailed familiarization with each object, including the site where it has been published, date, size, format and permission.
  10. Information on the pictures found in Tineye

Summing up, I would like to note that each of the above web resources uses its own algorithms for finding pictures, therefore, in some cases, they differ in efficiency. If one of them did not help, we also recommend performing the task with the help of other options.

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