How to download from Google Disc: detailed instructions


How to download with google disk

One of the main functions of the Google disk is the storage of data of various types in the cloud, both for personal purposes (for example, backup) and for quick and convenient sharing files (as a sort of file sharing). In any of these cases, almost every user of the service will sooner or later encounter the need to download what was previously loaded into the cloudy repository. In our current article we will tell you how it is done.

Download files from disk

Obviously, under downloading from Google disk, users imply not only receiving files from their own cloud storage, but also from someone else to which they have provided access or simply gave a link. The task may also be complicated by the fact that the service we considers and its application-client is cross-platform, that is, used on different devices and in different systems, where there is noticeable differences in the performance seemingly similar actions. That is why then we will tell about all possible options for performing this procedure.


If you actively use Google Disk, then you probably know that on computers and laptops you can access it not only through the official website, but also with the help of the branded application. In the first case, downloading data is possible both from your own cloud storage, and from any other, and in the second - only from your own. Consider both of these options.


To work with Google disk, any browser will suit on the web, but in our example the related chrome will be used. To download any files from your storage, follow these steps:

  1. First of all, make sure that you are logged in in the Google account, data from the disk on which you plan to download. In case of problems, read our article on this topic.

    The result of a successful login to your google disk in Google Chrome browser

    Read more: How to log in to your account on Google Disk

  2. Go to the repository folder, file or files from which you want to download to the computer. This is done in the same way as in the standard "conductor" integrated into all versions of Windows - the opening is carried out by double the left mouse button (LKM).
  3. Open folder for downloading files from Google Disc in Google Chrome browser

  4. Having found the desired item, click on it with the right mouse button (PCM) and select "Download" in the context menu.

    Calling the context menu for downloading a file from Google Disc in Google Chrome browser

    In the browser window, specify the directory for its placement, set the name if there is such a need, then click on the Save button.

    Download single file from your google disk to computer

    Note: Downloading can be implemented not only through the context menu, but also with one of the toolboxes presented on the top panel - the buttons in the form of a vertical three-way, which is called "Other sections" . By clicking on it, you will see a similar point. "Download" But preliminarily need to highlight the desired file or the folder with a single click.

    Downloading files through the Google Drive Tools panel in Google Chrome browser

    If you need to download more than one file from a specific folder, select all of them, first pressing the left mouse button one by one, and then holding the "Ctrl" key on the keyboard, for all other. To go to download, call the context menu on any of the selected items or use the button previously indicated on the toolbar.

    Downloading multiple files from Google Drive in Google Chrome browser

    Note: If you download several files, they will first be packaged in the zip archive (this happens directly on the disk website) and only after that their download will begin.

    Preparation for downloading multiple files from your Google disc in Google Chrome browser

    Downloadable folders are also automatically transformed into archives.

  5. Selecting a folder for saving and downloading the archive from your Google Disc in Google Chrome browser

  6. Upon completion of the download, the file or files from the Google Cloud Storage will be saved in the directory you specified on the PC disk. If there is such a need to use the foregoing instructions, you can download any other files.
  7. Downloaded files in the archive from Google Disc in Google Chrome browser

    So, with downloading files from your Google disc, we figured out, now let's go to someone else's. And for this, all you need - have a direct link to file (or files, folders) created by the data owner.

  1. Follow the link to the file in Google disk or copy and paste it into the browser's address bar, then press "ENTER".
  2. Go to download the file by link to Google Disc in the Google Chrome browser

  3. If the link really provides the ability to access the data, you can view files contained on it (if it is a folder or zip archive) and immediately start downloading.

    Ability to view and download a file from Google Disc in Google Chrome browser

    Viewing the same way as on your own disk or in the "Explorer" (double click to open a directory and / or file).

    View the contents of the folder before downloading from Google Drive in Google Chrome browser

    After pressing the "Download" button, a standard browser automatically opens, where you want to specify the folder to save, as necessary to set the file you want the file and after clicking "Save".

  4. Saving the received file on your computer via Google disc in Google Chrome browser

  5. This is how simply downloading files from Google Disc, if you have a link to them. In addition, you can save the data on the link to your own cloud, for this there is an appropriate button.
  6. Ability to add a file to your disk via Google Disc in Google Chrome browser

    As you can see, there is nothing complicated in downloading files from the cloud storage to the computer. When contacting its profile, for obvious reasons, much more possibilities are provided.


Google disk exists in the form of an application for a PC, and with it, you can also download files. True, you can do it only with your own data that have previously been loaded into the cloud, but not yet synchronized with the computer (for example, due to the fact that the synchronization function is not included for some of the directory or its contents). Thus, the contents of the cloud storage can be copied to the hard disk as partially and the entire one.

Note: All the files and folders that you see in the directory of your Google disk on PC are already loaded, that is, they are stored simultaneously in the cloud, and on the physical drive.

  1. Run google disk (the client application is called Backup and Sync From Google) if it has not been launched earlier. You can find it in the "Start" menu.

    Running google application disk on a Windows computer

    Right-click on the application icon in the system tray, then the button in the form of a vertical triple to call its menu. Select "Settings" in the list that opens.

  2. Open Google Application Settings On Windows Computer

  3. In the side menu, go to the "Google Disc" tab. Here, if you mark the marker "Synchronize only these folders", you can select the folders whose contents will be downloaded to the computer.

    Choice of folders for synchronization in Google application disk on a Windows computer

    This is done by setting the ticks to the corresponding checkboxes, and for the "opening" directory you need to click on the right arrow at the end. Unfortunately, the ability to select specific files is missing for download, you can only synchronize whole folders, with all their contents.

  4. Download folders saved in Google application disk on a Windows computer

  5. After performing the necessary settings, click "OK" to close the application window.

    Saving settings made to Google application disk on a Windows computer

    When the synchronization is completed, the directories you marked will be added to the Google disk folder on the computer, and you can access all files contained in them using the system "conductor" for this.

  6. Folder with disk files in Google Explorer Disk on a Windows computer

    We looked at how to download files, folders and even entire archives with data from the Google disk to the PC. As you can see, you can do this not only in the browser, but also in the corporate application. True, in the second case, you can interact only with your own account.

Smartphones and tablets

Like most of the applications and Google services, the disk is available for use on mobile devices with Android and iOS, where it is represented as a separate application. With it, you can download in the internal storage of both your own files and those to which public access has been provided by other users. Consider in more detail how it is done.


On many smartphones and tablets with android, the application disk has already been provided, but in the absence of this, you should contact the playmark to install it.

Download Google Disc from Google Play Market

  1. Taking advantage of the link above, install the application client on your mobile device and run it.
  2. Installation Download and run Google Applications from Google Play Market

  3. Familiarize yourself with the capabilities of a mobile cloud storage, spray three welcome screens. If it is required that it is unlikely, log in to your Google account, the files from the disk are planning to download.

    Welcome screen Google Drive for Android

    See also: how to enter Google disk on android

  4. Go to that folder, files from which are planning to download to the internal storage. Click three vertical points located to the right of the item name, and select "Download" in the menu of the available options.

    Select a specific file and downloading in Mobile Google Disk for Android

    Unlike PC, on mobile devices, you can only interact with individual files, the whole folder will not work. But if you need to download several elements at once, highlight the first, holding your finger on it, and then mark the rest of the touch to the screen. In this case, the "Download" item will not only in the general menu, but also on the panel at the bottom.

    Selecting multiple files for download in Mobile Application Google Disc for Android

    If necessary, provide an application to access photo access, multimedia and files. Downloading will start automatically, which will signal the appropriate inscription in the lower domain of the main window

  5. Provide permission to download files in Mobile Application Google Disc for Android

  6. You can also learn from the notification in the curtain. The file itself will be in the "Download" folder, to get into which you can via any file manager.
  7. View files that were downloaded in Mobile Google Disk for Android

    Additionally: If you wish, you can make files from the cloud available offline - in this case they will still be stored on the disk, but you can open them without connecting to the Internet. It is done in the same menu through which downloading is done - simply select the file or files, and then mark offline access.

Provide Offline Access Files in Mobile Application Google Disc for Android

    In this way, you can download individual files from your own disk and only through the branded application. Consider how downloading the link to the file or folder from someone else's storage is done, but I will note that we note - in this case it is still easier.
  1. Go to the existing link or copy it yourself and insert it into the address bar of the mobile browser, then press "ENTER" on the virtual keyboard.
  2. You can immediately download the file, for which the corresponding button is provided. If you see the inscription "Error. Failed to download a file for the preview, "as in our example, do not pay attention to it - the reason is large or unsupported format.
  3. The ability to download the file by reference to Google Disc on the device with Android

  4. After pressing the "Download" button, a window will appear with an application selection suggestion for performing this procedure. In this case, you need to be taped by the name of the web browser you use at the moment. If confirmation required, click "Yes" in the window with a question.
  5. Getting started file link on the Google Disc on the device with Android

  6. Immediately after that, the file load will begin, behind which you can monitor the notifications panel.
  7. Download the file by link to Google disk on the device with Android

  8. Upon completion of the procedure, as in the case of a personal google disk, the file will be placed in the "Download" folder, to go to which you can use any convenient file manager.
  9. Display in the file manager of the downloaded file through Google disk on the device with Android


Copying files from the cloud storage under consideration into the iPhone memory, and more specifically - in the "sandbox" folders of iOS applications, is carried out using the Official Google Drive client available for installation from the Apple App Store.

Download Google Disk for iOS from Apple App Store

  1. Install Google Drive by clicking on the above link, and then open the application.
  2. Google disk for iOS - installing cloud service client application from App Store

  3. Touch the "Login" button on the first client screen and log in to the service using the Google account data. If there are any difficulties with the entrance, use the recommendations from the material available on the following link.

    Google drive for iOS - launch client application, authorization in cloud service

    Read more: Entrance to the Google Disk Account with iPhone

  4. Open the disk directory, the contents of which you need to download the memory of the iOS-device. Near the name of each file there is a three-point image, which needs to be tapped to call the menu of possible actions.
  5. Google disk for iOS - go to the folder in the repository, call the action menu with the download file

  6. Sign out the list of options up, find the item "Open with" and tap it. Next, expect the completion of the preparation for exports to the mobile device repository (the duration of the procedure depends on the type of downloadable and its volume). As a result, the application selection area will appear at the bottom, the file will be placed in the folder.
  7. Google Disk for iOS - Open menu item with - Go to the selection of the recipient application

  8. Next, double-opera:
    • In the top of the top, tap on the means icon for which the downloadable file is intended. This will launch the selected application and the opening of what you (already) downloaded a disk from Google.
    • Google disk for iOS - download file from cloud in app

    • Select "Save to" Files "and then specify the application folder capable of working with downloadable from the" cloud "data on the screen of the" Files "from Apple to manage the contents of the iOS-device memory. To complete the operation, click "Add".

    Google disk for iOS - download from the storage - save to files

  9. Additionally. In addition to the execution of the above steps leading to downloading data from a cloud storage to a specific application, in order to save files to the iOS memory, you can use the function "Offline access". This is especially convenient if there are many copied files, because the batch download functions in the Google Drive application for iOS is not provided.

  • Going to the catalog to google disk, long-term by pressing the file to highlight the file. Then short taps put marks on another folder content to be saved to access Apple-device when there is no connection to the Internet. After completing the selection, press three points at the top of the screen on the right.
  • Google disk for iOS - transition to the repository directory, selection of files in order to make them available offline

  • Among the items that appeared at the bottom of the menu, select "Enable Offline Access". After a while, under the names of the files, marks will appear, signing about their availability from the device at any time.
  • Google Disk for iOS - Enabling Offline Access for File Group

If you need to download the file not from the "your" google disk, but by reference provided by the service to share users to the contents of the storage, in the IOS environment will have to be resorted to the use of third-party application. Most often one of the file managers equipped with the download function from the network. In our example, this is a popular "conductor" for devices from Apple - Documents.

Download Documents from Readdle from Apple App Store

The following steps are applicable only for links to individual files (Opportunities to download the folder on iOS-device no)! It is also necessary to take into account the format of the downloadable - for individual categories of these data, the method is not applicable!

  1. Copy the link to the file with Google disk from the tool with which you received it (email mail, messenger, browser, etc.). To do this, click on the address to call the action menu and select "Copy the link".
  2. Google disk for iOS - copy link to the file contained in the cloud storage

  3. Run Documents and go to the "Explorer" a web browser, touching the "Compass" icon in the lower right corner of the app of the application.
  4. Google Disk for iOS - Running Documents Applications, Go to Browser to download a cloud storage file

  5. Long pressing in the "Go to" field, call the "Insert" button, tap it and then press "GO" on the virtual keyboard.
  6. Google Disk for iOS - Insert Links to File from Cloud Storage In Documents Application Browser

  7. Tap the "Download" button at the top of the web page that opens. If the file is characterized by a large volume, then a transition to a page with the notification of the impossibility to check it for viruses is to be presented - click here "download anyway". On the next Save File screen, if you need to change the file name and select the destination path. Next, tap "ready."
  8. Google disk for iOS - start downloading a file from a cloud service through the Documents application

  9. It remains to wait for the download to complete - you can watch the process, tapping on the "Download" icon at the bottom of the screen. The resulting file is found in the above directory as follows, which can be found by going to the "Documents" section of the file manager.
  10. Google Disk for iOS - Creating a file download from the repository through the Documents program

    As you can see, the possibilities for downloading the contents of Google disk to mobile devices are somewhat limited (especially in the case of iOS), in comparison with the solution of this task on the computer. At the same time, having mastered the generally simple techniques, save almost any file from the cloud storage in the memory of the smartphone or tablet is possible.


Now you know exactly how to download separate files from Google disk and even whole folders, archives. It is possible to perform at an absolutely any device, whether it is a computer, a laptop, a smartphone or a tablet, and the only prerequisite is to have access to the Internet and directly the cloud storage site or brand application, although in the case of IOS, you may need to use third-party tools. We hope this material was useful for you.

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