Sound amplifiers for android


Sound amplifiers for android

The legislation of most countries of the world prescribe software to limit the maximum volume in the headphones that the Android device can be issued. Users who have a smartphone or tablet replaces players, such a state of affairs is undoubtedly saddened. Fortunately, from the position there is a way out. The first is to use the instructions from the relevant article, the second is to use the application to enhance the sound. We want to talk today about the latter.

Strengthening sound on android

To begin with, make a reservation immediately - we will not mention independent sound engines like Ainur or Viper, since such things most of them require installation through third-party recovery and work far from all devices. We focus on simpler solutions available to even inexperienced users.

GOODEV volume amplifier

Easy to look, but a fairly cracked application. Allows you to raise the volume up to 100% higher than the factory, but the developers warn that the hearing may irreversibly suffer. Indeed, inclusion enhance more default is usually meaningless.

GOODEV volume amplifier program for Android

From additional chips, we note the display of the volume controller (it is useful for Android 9 users, where this function has not been changed not for the better), an increase in the maximum sound threshold and an asynchronous amplification that allows you to reduce the wear of speakers. The only drawback - displays advertising.

Download GOODEV volume amplifier from Google Play Market

Sound amplifier (Feniksenia)

Another, but not too multifunctional application to increase the volume of the speaker or sound in the headphones. Allows you to adjust both the system volume and amplification mode. As in the previous solution, the maximum level is set manually.

Sound amplifier program (feniksenia) Android

Opportunities This solution also resembles a goodEV product, but still poorer - only the display of notifications in the status bar and soft gain are available. Of the minuses, we note omnipresent advertising.

Download Sound Amplifier (Feniksenia) from Google Play Market


This program is also similar to those considered earlier - as in the case of other sound amplifiers, the voluminium AP allows you to separately adjust the volume and level of amplification, as well as set the upper threshold of the latter. Funny, but no warnings about the harm for hearing this program does not show.

VOLUME UP Sound Enhancement Program for Android

Differs Volume Up from competitors. Except for a more modern and colorful interface, as well as integration with the player from the same developer (you need to install additionally). Well, the most annoying advertisement from all presented.

Download Volume Up from Google Play Market


Minimalism is not always bad, which proves the following application to enhance sound. There are no additional features other than the volume and playback slider, there is no: set the desired value, checked and changed, if required.


The only thing that is slightly knocked out of the total minimalist painting is a warning that the application best shows itself with headphones or external columns. However, the developers themselves also violated their principle by adding a booster to the free advertising, which, however, does not prevent the use of Volume Booster Pro in direct intended.

Download Volume Booster Pro from Google Play Market

Volume Booster Plus.

The name of this application is not particularly original, but developers are more than compensated for the lack of fantasy capabilities. First, he has the most unique and beautiful interface from all those represented in today's list.


Secondly, simple and understandable control is a switch stylized by handle adjustments and the amplifier slider. From remarkable features, you note the quick start button of the music player; If there are several sets, pressing this button will cause a system selection dialog option. The minuses of Volume Booster Plus are advertising and unloading from memory on firmware with an aggressive tesk manager.

Download Volume Booster Plus from Google Play Market


We reviewed the most popular solutions to enhance sound on Android devices. Summing up, we note that despite the apparent abundance of this kind of applications in the playing markete, most of them are clones of the product above.

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