How to disable power saving mode on iPhone


How to disable power saving mode on iPhone

With the release of iOS 9 users received a new feature - power saving mode. Its essence is to disconnect some iPhone tools, which allows you to extend the life of the battery from one charge. Today we will look at how this option can be turned off.

Turn off IPhone Energy Saving Mode

During operation of the energy saving function on the iPhone, some processes are blocked, such as visual effects, download email messages, the automatic update of applications and the other is suspended. If you are important to have access to all these phone features, this tool is worth disconnecting.

Method 1: iPhone Settings

  1. Open the smartphone settings. Select the "Battery" section.
  2. Battery Settings on iPhone

  3. Find the power saving mode parameter. Translate near it the slider into an inactive position.
  4. Disable power saving mode on iPhone

  5. Also, disable power savings can also be through the control panel. To do this, make the swipe from the bottom up. A window will appear with the basic settings of the iPhone in which you need to tap once on the battery icon.
  6. Disable power saving mode through the control panel on the iPhone

  7. The fact that power saving is disabled, you will say the battery charge icon in the upper right corner, which will change the color from yellow to standard white or black (depending on the background).

Disable Energy Saving Mode on iPhone

Method 2: Charging the Battery

Another simple way to disable energy saving is to charge the phone. As soon as the battery level reaches 80%, the function will automatically turn off, and the iPhone will work as usual.

Charging iPhone.

If the phone has completely little charges, and you still have to work with it, we do not recommend turning off the energy saving mode, since it can significantly extend the life of the battery.

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