How to get out of mail


How to get out of mail

When using any mailbox, sooner or later there is a need to exit, for example, in order to move to another account. We will tell about this procedure within the framework of the most popular postal services in today's article.

Mailbox output

Regardless of the drawer used, the output procedure is practically no different from similar actions on other resources. Because of this, it will be enough to know how to get out of one account so that there are no problems with any other postal services.


To date, the Gmail mailbox is most convenient to use at an intuitive interface and high speed. To exit it, you can clean the history of the online browser used or use the "Exit" button in the special unit open when you click on the profile photo. In detail, all the necessary actions by us were described in another instruction on the link below.

Go to the output from the email Gmail

Read more: How to exit Gmail Mail

Mail.Ru mail is very popular among Russian Internet users, closely associated with other services of this company. In this case, you can also use the function cleaning of visits in the browser or click on a special button.

  1. On the top panel on the right side of the browser window, click on the link "Exit".
  2. Go to output from email Mail.Ru

  3. Leave the box is also possible through the account disconnection. To do this, expand the block by clicking the link with your email address.

    Transition to Mail.Ru Email Account

    Here, opposite the profile you want to leave, click "Exit". In both options you will have to leave the account.

  4. Disabling account email Mail.Ru

  5. If you do not need to leave the account, but you need to change it, you can click on the "Add Mailbox" link.

    Transition to adding mail account Mail.Ru

    After that, you will need to enter data from another account and click "Login".

    After you exit you will automatically leave not only mail, but also an account in other services.

    Yandex Mail

    The Yandex mailbox, just like Mail.Ru, is very relevant from Russian users through stable operation and communications with other no less useful services. You can get out of it in several ways, each of which was mentioned by us in a separate article on the site. The necessary actions in such a situation are largely similar to Gmail Mail.

    Transition to the exit from Yandex.Mes

    Read more: How to get out of Yandex.Wef

    Rambler mail

    In terms of decor, Rambler / Mail is not inferior to its competitors, but despite the convenient interface and excellent speed of work, it does not use such popular as the above resources. At the same time, the exit procedure is similar to Yandex and Gmail.

    1. Left-click on the profile avatar in the upper right corner of the page.
    2. Transition to output from Rambler email

    3. From the list presented, you must select the "Exit" item.

      Rambler email process

      After that, you will be redirected to the start page of the postal service, from where you can again perform authorization.

    4. Successful output from Rambler email

    5. In addition, do not forget about the possibility of cleaning the history of visits to the Internet observer, which will automatically exit not only from the mail, but also any other accounts on the sites on the network.
    6. Ability to clean the history of visits in the browser

    As you can see, leave the mail, regardless of the service, you can practically identically.


    Despite the number of services reviewed, it is possible to exit on most other resources. We complete this article and, if necessary, we propose to contact us in the comments with questions on the topic.

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