How to remove email


How to remove email

Unlike most resources on the Internet that do not allow manual removal of the account from the database, the email mailbox can be deactivated independently. This procedure has several features, and in the course of this article we will consider all of them.

Deleting email

We will consider only the four most popular services in Russia, the peculiarity of each of which is directly connected with some other projects within a single resource. Because of this, the disposal of the mail will not be able to deactivate the account, which in turn will help you if necessary to restore the box.

Note: Any email recovery tools allow you to return only the address and the box itself, while the letters are not returned at the time of deletion.


In the modern world, a large number of people regularly use the services of Google, the account on which is directly related to the Gmail postal service. Its removal can be made both separately from the main account, and deactivating the profile completely, automatically disabling all the associated services. You can delete only with full access, by need to confirm with the help of the phone number.

Account Removal Process on Gmail Mail

Read more: How to remove Gmail mail

Before deactivation of mail separately or together with the account, we recommend making backup copies of letters chains that we have been mentioned in the instructions on the link presented above. This will allow not only to save the letters, but also transfer them to another mailbox, including services that are not related to Google. At the same time, any settings and subscriptions will still be reset.

We reviewed all the important aspects of mail removal on the Rambler website and hope to help you figure out how this procedure is performed. If something does not work, inform about it in the comments.


After studying our instructions and all the articles related to it, you can easily get rid of an unnecessary mailbox, if necessary, restoring it after some time. However, remember that the deactivation of mail is a serious solution with certain consequences and therefore it is not worth doing this without significant reasons. Most of the problems can be solved through technical support without resorting to radical methods.

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