Green Screen when watching video in Windows 10


Green Screen when watching video in Windows 10

Users of the tenth version of the Microsoft operating system are sometimes encountered with the following collection: while watching the video picture or zelenite, or it is impossible to see it through the greens, and this problem is manifested both in online rollers and in the clips downloaded to the hard disk. Fortunately, you can simply cope with her.

Correction of the green screen in video

A few words about the causes of the problem. They differ for online and offline video: the first version of the problem is manifested with the active acceleration of drawing Adobe Flash Player graphics, the second - when using an outdated or incorrect driver for the graphics processor. Consequently, the malfunction of failure is different for each reason.

Method 1: Disable Acceleration in Flash Player

Adobi Flash Player is gradually coming out of use - browser developers for Windows 10 do not pay too much attention to him, which is why problems arise, including problems with hardware video acceleration. Disable this feature will solve the problem with the green screen. Act the following algorithm:

  1. To begin with, check Flash Player and make sure that you have its newest version. If an outdated option is installed, update using our manuals on this topic.

    View Adobe Flash Player in Google Chrome browser

    Read more:

    How to find out the version of Adobe Flash Player

    How to update Adobe Flash Player

  2. Then open the browser in which the problem is observed, and go to the following link.

    Open Official Flash Player Check

  3. Scroll down the page down to the point at number 5. Find the animation at the end of the point, hover the cursor on it and click the PCM to call the context menu. The item you need is called "Parameters", select it.
  4. Select Flash Player Parameters to solve a green-screen video solution in Windows 10

  5. In the first tab of the parameters, locate the "Enable hardware acceleration" option and remove the mark from it.

    Turn off the acceleration flash player to solve the problem with the green screen video in Windows 10

    After that, use the Close button and restart the web browser to apply changes.

  6. If the Internet Explorer is used, then additional manipulations will be needed for it. First of all, click on the button with the gear icon at the top on the right and select the "Browser Properties" option.

    Open Internet Explorer properties to solve the problem with the green screen video in Windows 10

    Then, in the properties window, go to the "Advanced" tab and scroll down the list to the "Acceleration of Graphs" section, in which you remove the mark from the "Use Software Recruit ..." item. Do not forget to click on the "Apply" and "OK" buttons.

Disable hardware acceleration in Internet Explorer to solve a green-screen video solution in Windows 10

This method is effective, but only for Adobi Flash Player: If the HTML5 player is used, it is pointless to use the considered instruction. If you have problems with this application, use the following method.

Method 2: Working with Video Card Driver

If the green screen appears while playing video from a computer, not online, the cause of the problem is most likely to be outdated or incorrect drivers for the GPU. In the first case, an automatic service update will help: as a rule, the newest options are fully compatible with Windows 10. One of our authors provided detailed material for this procedure for the "dozens", so we recommend to use it.


Read more: Ways to update video card drivers in Windows 10

In some cases, the problem may be just in the latest version of the software - alas, but not always developers can test their product qualitatively, which is why such "shoals" pop up. In such a situation, you should try the operation of rollback of drivers to a more stable version. The details of the NVIDIA procedure are described in the Special Instructions for the link below.


Lesson: how to roll back NVIDIA video card driver

GPU users produced AMD are best resorted to the help of the Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition branded utility, which will help the following manual:


Read more: Installing drivers via AMD Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition

In the built-in video speakers from Intel, the problem under consideration is practically not found.


We reviewed solutions to the problem of the green screen when playing video on Windows 10. As you can see, the specified methods do not require some special knowledge or skills from the user.

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