How to enable the F1-F12 keys on a laptop


How to enable the F1-F12 keys at a laptop

On the keyboard of any laptop, the F1-F12 key block is mandatory. Often they work without any additional settings, but sometimes users face a situation when they perform secondary - multimedia instead of their intention.

Enable the F1-F12 keys on a laptop

As a rule, on all laptops, a number of F-keys are configured to two modes: functional and multimedia. Previously, a simple single pressing performed inside the program, games or operating system Action assigned to this default key (for example, F1 opened an application help). Pressing the F key together with Fn has already performed a different action attached by the manufacturer. It could be a turning off volume or something else.

Function keys with FN on laptop keyboard

However, in modern devices, you can meet the reverse principle of operation: the usual pressing on the F-key starts the action assigned by the manufacturer, and the combination (take the same example with F1) Fn + F1 opens the help window.

For users using F1-F12 by functional purpose more often than in secondary multimedia, such a change of order often has no way. Especially it is uncomfortable for amateurs of computer games, requiring a quick response to actions. Fortunately, it is possible to change the priority of work very simply by editing one of the BIOS parameters.

After changing the mode, you can, as before, without any problems to use F1-F12. To use additional functions such as volume, brightness, enable / disable Wi-Fi, you will need to simultaneously press the corresponding function key along with Fn.

From this short material you learned why the function keys in games, programs and Windows could not work in your laptop, as well as the way they are turned on. If you have questions, use the comment form below.

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