Terminal server on windows 10


Terminal server on windows 10

By default, the Windows 10 operating system does not allow multiple users to simultaneously connect to one computer, but in the modern world, such a necessity occurs more and more. Moreover, this function is applied not only for remote work, but also for personal purposes. From this article you will learn how to configure and use the terminal server in Windows 10.

Windows 10 Terminal Server Setup Guide

No matter how difficult at first glance did not seem to be voiced in the topic of the article, the task is actually all before indecency. All that is required of you is to clearly follow these instructions. Please note that the connection method is similar to those in earlier versions of the OS.

Read more: Creating a terminal server on Windows 7

Step 1: Installation of specialized

As we said earlier, the standard Windows 10 settings do not allow using the system simultaneously to several users. When trying to such a connection, you will see the following picture:

An example of the simultaneous login of several users in Windows 10

To fix it, you need to make changes to OS parameters. Fortunately, for this there is a special software that will do everything for you. Immediately warn you that the files that will be discussed below are modifying system data. In this regard, in some cases, they are recognized as dangerous for the Windows itself, so it is possible to use them or not - to solve only you. All the actions described were verified in practice by us personally. So, proceed, first of all, do the following:

  1. Click on this link, then click on the string that is indicated in the image below.
  2. RDPWrap Application Link

  3. As a result, the archive boot will begin with the desired software on the computer. Upon completion of the download, remove all its contents at any convenient place and find the named "Install" among the received files. Run it on behalf of the administrator. To do this, click on it right mouse button and select the line with the same name from the context menu.
  4. Starting Install file to install software in Windows 10

  5. As we mentioned earlier, the system will not determine the publisher of the file being launched, so it can work the built-in "Windows Defender". He simply will warn you about it. To continue, click the Run button.
  6. SMARTSCREEN WARNING when startup of a suspicious application Windows 10

  7. If your profile control is enabled, a request may appear on the screen to launch the "Command Line" application. It is in it that will be installed by software. Click in the "Yes" window that appears.
  8. Confirmation to start the application from account control in Windows 10

  9. Next, the "Command Line" window will appear and automatic installation of modules will begin. You only need to wait a bit until it appears to press any key that you need to do. This will automatically close the installation window.
  10. Successful ending installation of the RDP utility in Windows 10

  11. It remains only to check all the changes made. To do this, find "RDPCONF" in the list of extracted files and run it.
  12. Running the RDPCONF file in Windows 10

  13. Ideally, all items that we noted in the next screenshot should be green. This means that all changes are made correctly and the system is ready to connect multiple users.
  14. The check window of the installed RDP utility in Windows 10

    This is the first step to configure the terminal server completed. We hope you have no difficulty. Moving further.

Step 2: Changing the parameters of profiles and settings

Now you need to add profiles under which other users can connect to the desired computer. In addition, we will produce some system settings. The list of action will be as follows:

  1. Click on the desktop together the "Windows" and "I" keys. This action activates the Windows 10 basic settings window.
  2. Go to the "Accounts" group.
  3. Go to section Accounts from the Windows 10 parameters window

  4. In the side (left) panel, go to the "Family and other users" subsection. Click on the "Add user for this computer" button somewhat right.
  5. Add new user button in Windows 10

  6. A window with Windows login parameters will appear. You should not enter anything in the only string. It is necessary to simply click on the inscription "I do not have data to enter this person."
  7. New user data entry window in Windows 10

  8. Next, you need to click on the "Add user without a Microsoft account".
  9. Add user button without Microsoft account in Windows 10

  10. Now specify the name of the new profile and the key to it. Remember that the password should be missed. Otherwise, there may be problems with remote connections to the computer. All other fields also need to fill. But this is already the requirement of the system itself. After completion, click the Next button.
  11. Enter the name and password of the new account in Windows 10

  12. A few seconds later, the new profile will be created. If everything goes successfully, you will see it in the list.
  13. List of existing user users in windows 10

  14. We now move on to changing the parameters of the operating system. To do this, on the desktop on the "Computer" icon, right-click. Select the "Properties" parameter from the context menu.
  15. Running a computer properties window in Windows 10

  16. In the next window that opens, click on the list marked below.
  17. Opening additional system parameters in Windows 10

  18. Go to the "Remote Access" subsection. Below you will see the parameters that should be changed. Tick ​​the checkbox "Allow connections to a remote assistant to this computer", as well as activate the "Allow deleted connections to this computer" option. Upon completion, click the Select Users button.
  19. Changing the system parameters for connecting to a remote desktop

  20. In the new small window, select the Add function.
  21. Window add new users to connect remote desktop

  22. Then you need to register the username to which remote access to the system will be opened. Make it need in the lowest floor. After entering the profile name, click on the "Check Names" button, which is right.
  23. Enter and checking an account to access the remote desktop in Windows 10

  24. As a result, you will see that the username will be transformed. This means that it has passed the check and was found in the list of profiles. To complete the operation, click OK.
  25. Confirmation of adding an account to the list of trusted profiles

  26. Apply the changes made in all open windows. To do this, click them on "OK" or "Apply". It remains quite a bit.

Step 3: Connect to a remote computer

Connection to the terminal will occur through the Internet. This means that we need to first find out the address of the system to which users will connect. Make it is not difficult:

  1. Open the "Parameters" of Windows 10 again using the "Windows + I" keys or the Start menu. In the system settings, go to the "Network and Internet" section.
  2. Go to Network and Internet section in Windows 10 settings

  3. On the right side of the window that opens, you will see the "Change Connection Properties" string. Click on it.
  4. Network Connection Properties Change Button in Windows 10

  5. The next page will be displayed all available information about the network connected. Go down until you see the network properties. Remember the numbers that are located opposite the stitch noted in the screenshot:
  6. Row indicating the IP address of the network in Windows 10

  7. We received all the necessary data. It remains only to connect to the created terminal. Next steps need to be performed on the computer from which the connection will occur. To do this, click on the Start button. In the list of applications, find the "Standard-Windows" folder and open it. The list of items will be "Connecting to a remote desktop", and you need to run it.
  8. Run the application connection to the remote desktop from the Windows 10 Start menu

  9. Then in the next window, enter the IP address you learned earlier. At the end, click the "Connect" button.
  10. Entering the address in the Connection Window to the Remote Desktop

  11. As with the standard login in Windows 10, you will need to enter the username, as well as the password from the account. Please note that at this stage you need to enter the name of that profile you gave permission to remotely connect earlier.
  12. Enter the name and password when connected to a remote desktop

  13. In some cases, you can see the notification that the system failed to verify the authenticity of the remote computer certificate. If this happens, click Yes. True, it is necessary only if you are confident in the computer to which you connect.
  14. Warning window about dubious sectivity in Windows 10

  15. It remains only to wait a bit while the remote connection system is loaded. When you first connect to the terminal server, you will see a standard set of options that can be changed if desired.
  16. System Settings at the first input in Windows 10

  17. Ultimately, the connection should be completed, and you will see the desktop image on the screen. In our example, it looks like this:
  18. An example of a successful connection to the remote desktop in Windows 10

That's all we wanted to tell you in the framework of this topic. Having done the steps described above, you can easily connect to your or work computer remotely almost from any device. If you subsequently have difficulties or questions, we recommend familiarizing yourself with a separate article on our website:

Read more: We solve the problem with the impossibility of connecting to a remote PC

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