How to set Google Translate extension


How to set Google Translate extension

Information on various websites on the Internet, to the great regret of many users, is quite often presented on a different from Russian, be it English or any other. Fortunately, it is possible to translate it literally in a few clicks, the main thing is to choose the most suitable tool for these purposes. Google Translate, about installing which we will tell today, just that is.

Installation of Google Translator

Google Translate is one of the many brand services of a good corporation, which in browsers is represented not only in the form of a separate site and add-on to the search, but also as an expansion. To install the latter, you need to refer either to the official Chrome WebStore, or to a third-party store, which depends on the web browser you used.

Google Chrome.

Since the translator is considered within our today's article - this is the product of Google's company, it will be logical first to tell about how to install it in the chrome browser.

Download Google TRANSLATE for Google Chrome

  1. The link presented above leads to the Google Clome WebStore brand store, directly on the installation page of the translator you are interested in. For this, the corresponding button is provided, which should be pressed.
  2. Installing Google Extension Translator in Google Chrome Browser

  3. In a small window, which will be opened on top of the web browser, confirm your intentions using the "Install Extension" button for this.
  4. Confirmation of the Google Translate Extension Installation in Google Chrome browser

  5. Wait for the installation to be completed, after which the Google Translate label appeared to the right of the address bar, and the addition itself will be ready for use.
  6. The result of the successful setting of the Google Translate extension in the Google Chrome browser

    Since the chromium engine is based on a fairly large number of modern web browsers, and, together with it, the link to download the expansion can be considered a universal solution for all such products.

    Mozilla Firefox.

    "Fire Lox" differs from competitive browsers not only by its appearance, but also its own engine, and therefore extensions are presented in different from Chrome format. Install the translator can be as follows:

    1. By making the transition to the link presented above, you will find yourself in the official store supplements for the Firefox web browser, on the translator page. To start it, click on the "Add to Firefox" button.
    2. Add Google Extension Translator to Mozilla Firefox Browser

    3. In the pop-up window, reof using the Add button.
    4. Confirm Google Expansion Installation Translator in Mozilla Firefox Browser

    5. As soon as the extension is set, you will see the appropriate notification. In order to hide it, click OK. From this point on, Google Translate is ready to use.
    6. The result of a successful installation of the extension of Google Translator into the Mozilla Firefox browser


      As the above masila, the opera is also equipped with its own store additions. The problem is that the official Google translator is absent in it, and therefore it is possible to install in this browser similar, but the product inferior to the functionality from a third-party developer.

      Download Unofficial Google Translate for Opera

      1. Once on the translator page in the Opera Addons Store, click on the Add to Opera button.
      2. Add an unofficial Google Translate extension to Opera browser

      3. Wait until the expansion is completed.
      4. Installing the unofficial extension of Google Translate in Opera browser

      5. After a few seconds, you will be automatically redirected to the developer's website, and Google Translate itself, more precisely, its fake will be ready for use.
      6. The result of a successful installation of the unofficial extension of Google Translate in the Opera browser

        If for some reason you will not suit this translator, we recommend you to familiarize yourself with the solutions similar to it for the opera browser.

        Read more: Translators for Opera

      Yandex browser

      The browser from Yandex, according to the reasons, still does not have its own supplement store. But it supports work with both Google Chrome WebStore and Opera Addons. To install the translator, we turn to the first, since we are interested in exactly the official decision. The algorithm of action here is exactly the same as in the case of chrome.

      Download Google Translate for Yandex Browser

      1. By clicking on the link and finding ourselves on the extension page, click on the Set button.
      2. Installing Google Translate Extension in Yandex Browser

      3. Confirm installation in the pop-up window.
      4. Confirmation of the Google Translate Extension Installation in Yandex Browser

      5. Wait for its completion, after which the translator will be ready for use.
      6. The result of a successful setting of the Google Translate extension in Yandex browser

        READ ALSO: Additions to transfer text in Yandex.Browser


      As you can see, in all web browsers, setting the Google Translate extension is carried out by a similar algorithm. Unconsidible differences are consisting only in the appearance of brand stores, which are the ability to search and install additions for specific browsers.

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