FUNCTION "FIND IPHONE" does not find a phone



The "Find iPhone" feature is the most important protective tool that not only does not allow an attacker to reset the device to factory settings, but also allows you to find out where the phone is currently at the moment. Today we understand the problem when "finding iphone" does not find a phone.

Why the function "Find iPhone" does not find a smartphone

Below we will look at the main reasons that may affect the fact that the next attempt to determine the location of the phone turns into failure.

Cause 1: The function is disabled

First of all, if you have a phone on your hands, you should check whether this tool is active.

  1. To do this, open the settings and select the Control section of your Apple ID account.
  2. Apple Id Account Settings on iPhone

  3. In the next window, select "ICLOUD".
  4. ICLOUD Settings on iPhone

  5. Next, open "Find iPhone". In a new window, make sure that you activate this feature. It is also recommended to enable the "Last Geoction" parameter, which allows you to fix the location of the device at the moment when the charge level of the smartphone is virtually zero.

Activation function

Cause 2: No Internet Connection

For the correct work "Find iPhone", the gadget must be connected to a stable Internet connection. Unfortunately, if the iPhone is lost, the attacker could simply remove the SIM card, as well as disable Wi-Fi.

Cause 3: The device is disabled

Again, it is possible to limit the ability to define the location of the phone by simply turning it off. Naturally, if the iPhone is suddenly turned on, and access to the Internet connection is saved, the ability to search for the device will be available.

Last geoposition on iPhone

If the phone was turned off due to the discharged battery, it is recommended to keep the active function "Last Geoction" (see the first reason).

Cause 4: The device is not registered

If the attacker knows your Apple ID and password, then it can manually disable the phone search tool, and after and reset to the factory settings.

In this case, when you open a card in ICloud, you can see the message "No devices" or the system will display all the gadgets connected to the account, excluding the iPhone itself.

Cause 5: Geolocation is disabled

In the iPhone settings there is an geolocation control point - a function responsible for defining the location based on GPS data, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. If you have a device in your hands, you should check the activity of this function.

  1. Open settings. Select the "Privacy" section.
  2. Privacy Settings on iPhone

  3. Open "Geolocation Services". Make sure this parameter is activated.
  4. Geolocation Services Settings on iPhone

  5. In the same window, go down the same below and select "Find iPhone". Make sure that the "Using Program" parameter is set for it. Close the settings window.

Enable geolocation for function

Cause 6: Log in to another Apple ID

If you have a multiple Apple ID, make sure that when logging in to ICloud, you enter the account that is used on the iPhone.

Reason 7: Outdated Software

Although, as a rule, the "Find iPhone" function should work correctly with all supported IOS versions, it is impossible to exclude the likelihood that this tool will face due to the fact that the phone is not updated.

Installing updates for iPhone

Read more: How to update the iPhone to the latest version

Reason 8: Failure to "Find iPhone"

The function itself can give malfunctions, and the easiest way to return to it normal performance - turn it off and turn it on.

  1. To do this, open the settings and select the name of your account. Open the "icloud" section.
  2. Go to iCloud Settings on iPhone

  3. Select "Find iPhone" and move the slider near this function to an inactive position. To confirm the action you need to specify the password from the Apple ID account.
  4. Disable function

  5. You should only turn on the function again - simply translate the slider to the active position. Check out the performance of "Find an iPhone".

Activation function

As a rule, these are the main reasons that may affect the fact that the smartphone cannot be found through the built-in Apple tools. We hope this article helped you, and you could successfully eliminate the problem.

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