How to completely remove avast on windows 10


How to completely remove avast on windows 10

From day to day, not only useful software is developing and improved, but also malicious software. That is why users resort to help antiviruses. They, like any other applications, from time to time also have to reinstall. In today's article, we would like to tell you how to completely remove Avast anti-virus from the Windows 10 operating system.

Complete removal methods from Windows 10

We allocated two main effective methods of uninstallation of the said antivirus - with the help of specialized third-party software and regular means of the OS. Both are very effective, so you can use anyone after reading the detailed information about each of them.

Method 1: Specialized application

In one of the previous articles, we talked about programs that specialize in cleaning the operating system from garbage from which we recommend to get acquainted to get acquainted.

Read more: 6 best solutions for complete removal of programs

In the case of removing Avast, I would like to highlight one of these applications - Revo Uninstaller. It has all the necessary functionality even in the free version, besides, little "weighs" and is very quickly coping with the tasks set.

  1. Run Revo Uninstaller. In the main window, a list of programs that are installed in the system will immediately be displayed. Find Avast among them and highlight a single click of the left mouse button. After that, click the Delete button on the control panel at the top of the window.
  2. Delete application button from list in Revo Uninstaller

  3. You will see a window on the screen with accessible actions. Click at the bottom of the Delete button.
  4. Avast Anti-Virus Removal Button via Revo Uninstaller

  5. The protective mechanism of the Anti-Virus will display a request for confirmation of removal. This is done so that the viruses cannot independently uninstall the application. Click "Yes" for a minute, otherwise the window closes and the operation will be canceled.
  6. Avast Anti-Virus Removal Confirmation from Windows 10

  7. Avast uninstall process will begin. Wait until the window appears on the screen with a proposal to restart the computer. Do not do that. Just click the Restart later button.
  8. Pressing the button to restart later after the removal of avast antivirus

  9. Close the delete program window and go back to Revo Uninstaller. From this point on, the active button "Scan" will be the active button. Click it. You can first choose one of the three scan modes - "safe", "moderate" and "advanced". Mark the second item.
  10. Button to start the scope of residual registry files after Avast

  11. The search for the search for the remaining files in the registry is launched. After some time, you will see their list in a new window. You should click on the "Select All" button to highlight the items, and then "Delete" to rub them.
  12. Selecting and deleting all the found registry values ​​after removing Avast

  13. Before deletion, a request for confirmation of the operation will appear. Click "Yes."
  14. Confirmation of removal of residual registry files after Avast uninstall

  15. After that, a similar window will appear. This time it will feature residual antivirus files on the hard disk. We do the same as with the registry files - click the "Select All" button, and then "Delete".
  16. Selecting and removing residual files on the hard disk after AVAST uninstall

  17. A request for removal is replied again "Yes."
  18. Request confirmation to remove residual files from hard disk after Avast

  19. At the end, a window will appear with information that there are still residual files in the system. But they will be erased in the process of the subsequent restart of the system. Click the "OK" button to end the operation.
  20. Avast Anti-Virus Removal Completion Message in Revo Uninstaller

This remove Avast is completed. You just need to close all open windows and restart the system. After the next login in Windows, there will be no trace from the antivirus. In addition, the computer can be simply turned off and on again.

Read more: Disable Windows 10 system

Method 2: Built-in OS utility

If you do not want to install an additional software in the system, you can use the Windows 10 to remove Avast. It can also spinning a computer from the antivirus and its residual files. It is implemented as follows:

  1. Open the Start menu by pressing the LCM by the button with the same name. In it, click on the icon in the form of a gear.
  2. Running Windows 10 settings through the Start menu

  3. In the window that opens, find the section "Applications" and go to it.
  4. Go to the application section from the Windows 10 parameters window

  5. The desired subsection "Application and Opportunities" will be automatically selected in the left half of the window. You need to scroll down the right part of it. At the very bottom there is a list of installed software. Find Avast Anti-virus among it and click on its name. A highlighted menu appears in which you should click the Delete button.
  6. Avast Anti-Virus Delete Button through Windows 10 settings

  7. Next to it will appear another window. In it, press the only "Delete" button again.
  8. Delete button in the optional Windows 10 settings window

  9. The removal program will be launched, which is very similar to the previously described. The only difference is that the staffing of Windows 10 automatically starts scripts that remove residual files. In the antivirus window that appears, click the Delete button.
  10. AVAST Anti-Virus Removal Button through Windows 10

  11. Confirm the intention of uninstalling by clicking on the "Yes" button.
  12. Avast Uninstall Confirmation through Windows 10

  13. Next, you need to wait a bit until the system fulfills full cleaning. At the end, a message appears on the successful completion of the operation and the offer to restart Windows. We perform this by clicking on the "Restart Computer" button.
  14. Button Reloading the system after removing Avast Anti-Virus

    After re-launching the AVAST system, there will be no on a computer / laptop.

This article is completed. As a conclusion, we would like to note that sometimes there may be unexpected situations in the process, for example, various errors and possible consequences of the detrimental influence of viruses that will not be allowed to remove Avast. In this case, it is best to resort to forced uninstalling, which we previously told about.

Read more: What to do if Avast is not removed

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