How to disable Windows 10 Defender


How to disable Windows 10 Defender

WINDOVS or Windows Defender defender is a built-in Microsoft tool, which is a PC security solution software solution. Together with such a utility as a Windows Firewall, they provide the user with reliable protection against malicious software and make your work on the Internet more secure. But many users prefer to protect the use of another set of programs or utilities, so it is often necessary to disable this service and forget about its existence.

The process of disconnecting the defender in Windows 10

You can deactivate Windows Defender using standard operating system tools or special programs. But if in the first case, the disconnection of the defender will pass without unnecessary problems, then with the choice of third-party applications, it is necessary to be extremely careful, since many of them contain malicious elements.


One of the easiest and most secure methods for detector Defender WINDOVS is the use of a simple utility with a user-friendly interface - Win Updates Disabler. With its help, any user without unnecessary problems in just a few clicks can solve the problem of turning off the defender without the need to dig in the operating system settings. In addition, this program can be downloaded both in the usual version and in portable, which is certainly an additional advantage.

Download Win Updates Disabler

So, to disable Windows Defender using the Win Updates Disabler application, you must pass the following steps.

  1. Open the utility. In the main menu, on the "Disable" tab, check the Windows Protector item on the tab and click the Apply button now.
  2. Disable Windows Defender With Win Updates Disabler

  3. Restart PC.

Check if antivirus deactivation occurred.

Method 2: Windows staff

Then we will discuss how you can deactivate Windows Defender, without resorting to the use of various programs. In this way, we will analyze how to fully stop the work of Windows Defender, and in the following - its temporary suspension.

Local Group Policy Editor

This option will suit all tens of dozens except the HOME edition. There is no tool in this version, so the alternative is described slightly below - the registry editor.

  1. Open the application by pressing the Win + R keys combination, scoring in the GPedit.msc field and pressing ENTER.
  2. Running gpedit.msc in the Run window

  3. Go along the path "Local Computer Policy"> Computer Configuration> Administrative Templates> Windows Components> "Anti-Virus Program" Windows Defender ".
  4. Switch to the Windows Defender anti-virus program in the Windows 10 Local Group Policy Editor

  5. In the main part of the window, you will find the option "Disable Anti-Virus Program" Windows Defender ". Click on it twice the left mouse button.
  6. Parameter Turn off the Windows Defender anti-virus program in Windows 10 Local Group Policy Editor

  7. A setup window opens where you specify the "Enabled" status and click OK.
  8. Window Disable Windows Defender Anti-virus program in Windows 10 Local Group Policy Editor

  9. Further, switch to the left side of the window, where expand the "Protection in Real-Time" folder.
  10. Real-time protection folder in Windows 10 Local Group Policy Editor

  11. Open the "Enable behavior monitoring" parameter by clicking on it twice the LX.
  12. Parameter Enable behavior monitoring in the Windows 10 Local Group Policy Editor

  13. Set the "Disabled" status and save the changes.
  14. Window Enable behavior monitoring in the Windows 10 Policy Editor

  15. Do the same with the "Check all downloaded files and attachments" options, "track the activity of programs and files on the computer" and "Enable process check if real-time protection is enabled" - disconnect them.
  16. Disable the parameters of the job of the defender in the Windows 10 Local Group Policy Editor

Now it remains to restart the computer and check how successful everything passed.

Registry editor

For users of Windows 10 home and all those who prefer to use the registry, this instruction will suit.

  1. Press Win + R, in the "Run" window, write Regedit and press ENTER.
  2. Run a REGEDIT in the execute window

  3. Insert the next path in the address bar and go through it:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ POLICIES \ Microsoft \ Windows Defender

  4. Transition to the DisableantiSpyware parameter in the Windows Registry Editor 10

  5. In the main part of the window, double-click on the DisableAntispyware item, put it value 1 and save the result.
  6. Changing the DISABLEANTISPYWARE parameter value in the Windows 10 Registry Editor

  7. If this parameter is missing, right-click on the folder name or on the right of the right, select "Create"> "DWORD Parameter (32 bits)". Then perform the previous step.
  8. Creating a DWORD 32 bit parameter in the Windows 10 Registry Editor

  9. Now go to the "Real-Time Protection" folder, which is located in Windows Defender.
  10. Section Real-Time Protection in the Windows 10 Registry Editor

  11. Set each of the four parameters value 1, as they did in step 3.
  12. Defender Disable Settings in Windows 10 Registry Editor

  13. If there is no such folder and parameters, create them manually. To create a folder, click on Windows Defender PCM and select "Create"> "Section". Name it "Real-Time Protection".

    Creating a section in the Windows 10 Registry Editor

    Inside it, create 4 parameters with the names "DisableBehaviormonitoring", "DisableonAccessProtection", "DisableScanonrealTimeEnable", "DisableScanonrealTimeEnable". Open alternately each of them, set them the value 1 and save.

Now restart the computer.

Method 3: Temporary Disabled Defender

The "Parameters" tool allows you to flexibly set up Windows 10, but the defender cannot be turned off there. There is only the possibility of its temporary shutdown before rebooting the system. This may be needed in situations when the antivirus blocks downloading / installing any program. If you are accurately confident in your actions, do the following:

  1. Open the alternative "Start" right click and select "Parameters".
  2. Switch to Windows 10 parameters

  3. Go to the "Update and Security" section.
  4. Switch to the Update and Security section in the Windows 10 parameters

  5. Find "Windows Security" on the panel.
  6. Windows Security page in Windows 10 parameters

  7. On the right side of the window, select "Open Windows Security".
  8. Open Windows Security Service button in Windows 10 parameters

  9. In the window that opens, go to the "Protection against Viruses and Threats" block.
  10. Transition to protection against viruses and threats in Windows 10 parameters

  11. Find the "Settings Management" link in the subtitle "Protection parameters from viruses and other threats".
  12. Reference Management settings in Windows 10 parameters

  13. Here in the "Protection in Real-Time" setting, click on the "On" toggle. If necessary, confirm your solution in the Windows Security window.
  14. Setting real-time protection in Windows 10 parameters

  15. You will see that the protection is disabled and this confirms the inscription appeared. It will disappear, and the defender will turn on again after the first reboot of the computer.
  16. Disable real-time protection in Windows 10 parameters

In such ways, you can turn off the defender of Windows. But you should not leave your personal computer without protection. Therefore, if you do not want to use Windows Defender, install another application for managing your PC security.

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