In what format format flash drive for radio


Formatting a USB carrier for radio

Many music lovers copy audio files from a computer to a flash drive for subsequent listening through the radio. But the situation is likely that after connecting the media to the device, you will not hear in the speakers or headphones of musical compositions. Perhaps simply this radio does not support the type of audio files in which music is recorded. But there may be another reason: the file format of the flash drive does not correspond to the standard version for the specified equipment. Next, we will find out which format you need to format the USB carrier and how to do it.

Formatting procedure

In order for the radio tape recorder to recognize the USB flash drive, its file system format must comply with the FAT32 standard. Of course, some modern equipment of this type can also work with the NTFS file system, but not all the radio tape recorders can do. Therefore, if you want to be 100% sure that the USB carrier is suitable for the device, you must format it in the format in FAT32 before recording audio files. Moreover, the process is important to fulfill in this order: first formatting, and only then copy musical compositions.

Attention! Formatting implies the removal of all data flash drive. Therefore, if it is stored for you important files, before the procedure, be sure to transfer them to another medium of information.

But first you need to check which file system at the flash drive at the moment. Perhaps it does not need to be formatted.

  1. To do this, connect a flash drive to a computer, and then through the main menu, the shortcut on the "Desktop" or the Start button go to the "Computer" section.
  2. Go to the computer window through the Start menu in Windows 7

  3. The specified window displays all discs connected to PCs, including rigid, USB and optical media. Find a USB flash drive to connect to the radio, and click on its name right mouse button (PCM). In the displayed list, click on the "Properties" item.
  4. Go to the flash drive properties in the computer window in Windows 7

  5. If the "File System" item is the "FAT32" parameter, this means that the carrier is already prepared for interacting with the radio and you can safely write music to it without additional actions.

    Flash drive is ready to connect to the radio in the properties window in Windows 7

    If, in front of the specified item, the name of any other type of file system is displayed, you should make a flash drive formatting procedure.

The flash drive is not ready for connecting to the radio in the properties window in Windows 7

Formatting a USB drive to FAT32 file format can be performed, both using third-party utilities and using the Windows operating system functionality. Next, we will look at both of these methods in more detail.

Method 1: third-party programs

First of all, we consider the procedure for formatting a flash drive in FAT32 format using third-party programs. The algorithm of action itself will be described on the example of the Format Tool.

  1. Connect the flash drive to the computer and activate the Format Tool utility on the person of the administrator. From the drop-down list in the "Device" field, select the name of the USB device you want to format. In the "File System" drop-down list, select the "FAT32" option. In the "Volume Label" field, be sure to enter a name that will be assigned to the drive after formatting. It can be arbitrary, but it is extremely desirable to use only the letters of the Latin alphabet and the numbers. If you do not enter the new name, simply you will not be able to start the formatting procedure. After executing these actions, click on the "Format Disk" button.
  2. Starting a flash drive formatting to FAT32 file system in the HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool program

  3. Next, the dialog box will open in which the warning will be displayed in English, which in case of launching the formatting procedure, all data on the carrier will be destroyed. If you are confident in your desire to format the USB flash drive and moved with it all the valuable data to another drive, press "Yes."
  4. Start formatting a flash drive to FAT32 file system in the HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool dialog box

  5. After that, the formatting procedure starts, the dynamics of which can be observed using a green indicator.
  6. Flashplay Formatting Procedure in FAT32 File System in HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool

  7. After the process is completed, the media will be formatted into the FAT32 file system format, that is, it is prepared for recording audio files with their subsequent listening through the radio.

    Lesson: Flashplay Formatting Programs

Method 2: Standard means Windows

The file system of the USB media can be formatted in FAT32 also with the help of an exceptionally built-in Windows toolkit. We will consider the Action Algorithm on the example of the Windows 7 system, but in general it will also suit the other OS of this line.

  1. Go to the "Computer" window where connected disks are displayed. This can be done in the same way as described when we viewed the procedure for verifying the current file system. Click the PCM to the name of the flash drive, which is planned to be connected to the radio. In the list that opens, select "Format ...".
  2. Go to flash drive formatting settings in the computer window in Windows 7

  3. The formatting settings window opens. Here you need to perform only two actions: in the "File System" drop-down list, select the "FAT32" option and click on the Start button.
  4. Starting a flash drive formatting procedure in FAT32 file system format in the Formatting window in Windows 7

  5. A warning window opens that the launch of the procedure will destroy all the information that is stored on the carrier. If you are confident in your actions, press OK.
  6. Starting a flash drive formatting procedure in FAT32 file system format in the Windows 7 dialog box

  7. The formatting process will be launched, after which the window with appropriate information opens. Now you can use a flash drive to connect to the radio.

    Formatting a flash drive in FAT32 file system format completed in Windows 7

    If the flash drive does not want to lose music when connecting to the radio, it is not necessary to despair, as it is likely to simply format it using a PC into the FAT32 file system. This can be done using third-party programs or using topics that is already built into the operating system.

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