Troubleshooting tool in Windows 10


Troubleshooting tool in Windows 10

Despite the fact that the tenth version of Windows regularly receives updates, errors and failures still occur in its operation. Their elimination is often possible by one of two ways - with the use of software tools from third-party developers or standard means. We will tell about one of the most important representatives of the latter today.

Windows troubleshooting tool 10

The tool considered by us under this article provides the ability to search for and eliminate various types of troubleshooting in the following components of the operating system:
  • Reproduction of sound;
  • Network and Internet;
  • Periphery equipment;
  • Security;
  • Update.

These are only the main categories, the problems in which can be found and solved by the Windows 10 basic tools. We will further talk about how to call a standard troubleshooting tool and which utilities are included in its composition.

Option 1: "Parameters"

With each update "Dozens", Microsoft developers carry more and more controls and standard tools from the "Control Panel" in the Operating System Parameters. A troubleshooting tool for us can also be found in this section.

  1. Run "Parameters" by pressing the "Win + I" keys on the keyboard or through its label in the Start menu.
  2. Open the parameters section in Windows 10

  3. In the window that opens, go to the "Update and Security" section.
  4. Go to Update and Security in Windows 10 parameters

  5. In its side menu, open the Troubleshooting tab.

    Troubleshooting section in Windows 10 parameters

    As can be seen in the screenshots above and below, this subsection is not a separate means, but a whole set of those. Actually, this is the same as described in its description.

    List of utilities in troubleshooting tools in Windows 10

    Depending on which particular component of the operating system or connected to a computer, you have problems, select the appropriate item from the list by clicking on it with the left mouse button, and click "Run the troubleshooting tool."

    Running troubleshooting tools in Windows 10

    • Example: You have problems with the microphone. In the "Search and elimination of other problems", find the "Voice Functions" item and run the process.
    • Launch troubleshooting tools in Windows 10

    • Waiting for the completion of the preliminary check,

      Search for problems with the microphone in Windows 10

      After that, choose a problem device from a list of detected or more specific problem (depends on the type of potential error and the selected utility) and start the re-search.

    • An example of problems in the operation of the microphone in Windows 10

    • Further events can develop one of two scenarios - the problem in the operation of the device (or OS component, depending on what you choose) will be found and eliminated automatically or your intervention will be required.
    • Check for specific equipment in Windows 10

    Option 2: "Control Panel"

    This section is present in all versions of the Windows Operating Systems of the Windows family, and the "dozen" did not exception. Its elements contained in it fully correspond to the name "panel", so it is not surprising that it is possible to start with it using a standard tool for troubleshooting, and the amount and names contained here are somewhat different from those in the "parameters", and it is very strange.


    In this small article, we talked about two different options for running a standard troubleshooting tool in Windows 10, and also familiarized you with the list of utilities included in its composition. We sincerely hope that you will not need to often refer to this section of the operating system and each such "visit" will have a positive result. We will finish this.

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