How to roll back Windows 10 to the recovery point


How to roll back Windows 10 to the recovery point

Microsoft operating system has never been ideal, but its latest version - Windows 10 - thanks to the efforts of developers slowly, but confidently goes to it. And yet, sometimes it works unstable, with some mistakes, failures and other problems. You can look for a long time, the correction algorithm and just try to establish everything yourself, but you can roll back to the recovery point, what we will tell today.

Method 2: Special OS download options

Go to the restoration of Windows 10 can be a little different, contacting it "parameters". Note that this option implies a reboot of the system.

  1. Press "WIN + I" to start the "Parameters" window, in which go to the "Update and Security" section.
  2. Go to Update and Security on a computer with Windows 10

  3. In the side menu, open the Restore tab and click on the "Restart Now" button.
  4. Reload the system to start its recovery in Windows 10

  5. The system will be launched in a special mode. On the "Diagnostics" screen, which will be first coming, select "Advanced Parameters".
  6. Click the Advanced Settings button in the Windows 10 Diagnostics window

  7. Next, use the "Restore System" option.
  8. Repeat from paragraphs 4-6 of the previous method.
  9. Advice: Run the operating system in the so-called special mode can be and directly from the lock screen. To do this, click on the button "Nutrition" located in the lower right corner, clamp the key SHIFT and select "Reboot" . After startup, you will see the same means. "Diagnostics" As used "Parameters".

Removing old recovery points

Rancing to the recovery point, you, if you wish, you can delete the available backups, thus released the place on the disk and / or to replace them with new ones. This is done as follows:

  1. Repeat actions from paragraphs 1-2 of the first method, but this time in the Restore window, click on the Recovery Setup link.
  2. Go to setting up the Windows 10 operating system recovery

  3. In the dialog box that opens, select the disk, the recovery point for which you plan to delete, and click on the "Configure" button.
  4. Configure the creation of a recovery point for the system disk in Windows 10

  5. In the next window, click "Delete".
  6. Removing all created Windows 10 recovery points

    Now you know not only two ways to roll back Windows 10 to the recovery point when it starts, but also on how after successfully executing this procedure, remove unnecessary backups from the system disk.

Option 2: The system does not start

Of course, much more likely the need to restore the operating system's performance occurs when it does not start. In this case, to roll back to the last stable point, you will need to log in to the "safe mode" or use the flash drive or disk with the recorded WINDOVS 10.

Method 1: "Safe Mode"

Earlier, we talked about how to run OS in "Safe Mode", therefore, within the framework of this material, we will immediately move on to the actions that must be performed to roll back, while directly in its environment.

Read more: Running Windows 10 in "Safe Mode"

Run OS in secure mode with command line support Windows 10

Note: From all available startup options "Safe Mode" It is necessary to choose the one in which support is implemented "Command Line".

Method 2: disk or flash drive with image Windows 10

If for some reason you fail to run OS in "Safe Mode", you can roll back to the recovery point using an external drive with the image of Windows 10. An important condition - the recorded operating system must be the same version and bit, as the installed On your computer or laptop.

  1. Run PCs, log in to its BIOS or UEFI (depending on which system is preset) and set up the download from the flash drive or optical disk, depending on what you use.

    Installing a flash drive for first place in AMI BIOS

    Read more: Like in BIOS / UEFI Starting from a flash drive / disk

  2. After re-starting, wait until the Windows installation screen appears. It define the parameters of the language, date and time, as well as the input method (it is desirable to install "Russian") and click "Next".
  3. Click the Next button in the Windows 10 installation window

  4. At the next stage, click on the link "Restore System" located in the lower area.
  5. Press the system restore button in the Windows 10 installation window

  6. Next, at the point of choice, go to the "Troubleshooting" section.
  7. We click the Troubleshooting button

  8. Once on the "Advanced Parameters" page, similar to that we switched in the second method of the first part of the article. Select "Restore System",

    After that, it will be necessary to perform the same actions as in the last (third) step of the previous method.

  9. See also: Creating Windows 10 Recovery Disk

    As you can see, even if the operating system refuses to start, it can still be returned to the last recovery point.


    Now you know how to roll back Windows 10 to the recovery point, when errors and failures begin to be observed in its operation or if it does not start at all. There is nothing complicated in this, do not forget to make a backup timely and have at least an approximate idea of ​​when problems have appeared in the operation system. We hope this article was useful for you.

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