How to configure sharing in Windows 10


Setting up shared access in Windows 10

Share is an excellent tool if several users are working at a computer with different accounts (for example, working and personal). In our today's material, we want to introduce you to the methods of incorporating this function in the Windows operating system 10.

Share files and folders in Windows 10

Under general is usually implied by a network and / or local access option, as well as POPs. In the first case, this means providing permits for viewing and changing files to other users of one computer, in the second - provision of similar rights for users of a local network or Internet. Consider both options.

Closing the Local Sharing Window in Windows 10

Thus, we provided general access rights to the selected directory to local users.

Option 2: Access for users online

Setting up a network share option is not too different from local, but has its own characteristics - in particular, it may be necessary to create a separate network folder.

  1. Do steps 1-2 from the first way, but this time you use the "Extended Settings" button.
  2. Call extended access options in Windows 10

  3. Mark the "Open access to this folder" item. Then set the name of the directory in the "Shared Resource Name" field, if required - it is the name of the connected users selected here. After clicking "Permissions".
  4. Setting up the provision of network sharing in Windows 10

  5. Next, use the "Add" element.

    Adding users to provide shared network access to Windows 10

    In the next window, refer to the field input field of objects. Write in it the word network, be sure to large letters, after which you can consistently click on the "Check names" and "OK" buttons.

  6. Select a network group to provide shared network access in Windows 10

  7. Upon returning to the previous window, select the Network Group and set the required read-write permissions. Use the "Apply" and "OK" buttons to save the entered parameters.
  8. Complete network sharing in Windows 10

  9. Consistently close the window opening with the "OK" buttons in each of them, then call "Parameters". The easiest way to do it with the help of "Start".

    Open settings for network sharing protection settings in Windows 10

    Apply changes in network shared parameters in Windows 10 settings

    In case you do not want to leave the computer at all without protection, you can use the possibility of providing access to accounts, which have an empty password. This is done as follows:

    1. Open "Search" and start writing administration, then click on the result found.
    2. Run administration to configure network access with empty password Windows 10

    3. A directory will open where to find and run the application "Local security policy".
    4. Directory with Local Security Policy To configure network access with empty password Windows 10

    5. Expand the "Local Policies" and "Security Settings" directory, then find the entry with the name "Accounts: Allow the use of empty passwords" on the right side of the window.
    6. Call the desired parameter to configure network access with empty password Windows 10

    7. Mark the option "Disable", after which use the "Apply" and "OK" elements to save changes.

    Apply Network Access Settings with Empty Windows 10 password


    We considered methods for providing general access to users to individual directories in Windows 10. The operation does not constitute difficulties, and even inexperienced users can cope with it.

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