How to increase weight photo online


How to increase weight photo online

There are resources taking only downloaded photos whose weight is in a specific range. Sometimes the user has an image on the computer less than the minimum volume, in which case it is required to increase it. This can be done by following manipulation with its resolution or format. Perform this procedure is the easiest way to use online services.

We increase weight photos online

Today we will consider two Internet resources for changing the weight of the photo. Each of them offers unique tools that will be useful in different situations. Let's look in detail each of them to help you deal with work on these sites.

Method 1: Croper

First of all, we recommend to draw your attention to CROPER. This service has a fairly wide functionality that allows you to edit in every possible way and change pictures. It will be perfectly cope with the change in volume.

Go to the CROPER website

  1. Being on the Main Croper page, open the "Files" pop-up menu and select "Download from disk" or "Download from VKontakte album".
  2. Open files on the CROPER website

  3. You will be moved to a new window where you should click on the "Select File" button.
  4. Go to download CROPER files

  5. Mark the necessary images, open them and go to the change.
  6. Select files for opening on the CROPER website

  7. In the editor you are interested in the "Operations" tab. Here, select Edit.
  8. Go to editing the CROPER files

  9. Navigate to resizing.
  10. Jump to change of image size on the CROPER website

  11. Edit permission by moving the slider or manual input values. Do not increase this parameter too much to not lose picture quality. When the operation is completed, click on "Apply".
  12. Change image resolution on the CROPER website

  13. Start saving by selecting the "Save to disk" item in the Files pop-up menu.
  14. Save the image on the site CROPER

  15. Download all files as an archive or a separate pattern.
  16. Download image on a computer from the site CROPER

So thanks to the increase in the resolution of the photo, we were able to add a minor increase in its weight. If you have a need to apply additional parameters, for example, change the format, the next service will help you.

Method 2: ImGonline

Simple iMgonline service is designed to handle pictures of various formats. All actions here are made step by step in one tab, and then apply settings and further download. In the details, this procedure looks like this:

Go to Imgonline website

  1. Open the Imgonline site by clicking on the link above, and click on the "Change Size" link, which is on the top panel.
  2. Jump to change image resolution on Imgonline website

  3. First you need to download the file to the service.
  4. Upload images to change on Imgonline website

  5. It is now changing its permission. Do this by analogy with the first way, entering values ​​to the appropriate fields. Another marker can be noted preservation of proportions, rubber permission, which will allow you to enter any values, or customization of unnecessary edges.
  6. Change image resolution on Imgonline website

  7. In additional settings, interpolation and DPI values ​​are present. Change it only in case of need, and you can get acquainted with the concepts on the same site by clicking on the link provided in the Link section.
  8. Apply Advanced Image Settings on ImGonline website

  9. It remains only to choose the appropriate format and specify the quality. The better it will be, the more the size becomes. Consider this before saving.
  10. Change image format on Imgonline website

  11. When editing is completed, click on the "OK" button.
  12. Save changes to Imgonline website

  13. Now you have access to the download of the finished result.
  14. Download Images from ImGonline

Today we demonstrated how with two small free online services, performing simple actions, you can increase the amount of the necessary picture. We hope our instructions helped to deal with the embodiment of the task of life.

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