How to use the creation on iPhone


How to use snapchat on iphone

Snapchat is a popular application that is a social network. The main feature of the service, thanks to which he became famous is a large number of varied masks to create creative photos. In this article we will tell you in detail how to use the scope for the iPhone.

Works in Snapchat.

Below we will look at the main nuances of using Snapchat in the IOS environment.

Download Snapchat.


If you decide to join millions of active users Snapchat, you will first need to create an account.

  1. Run the application. Select "Register".
  2. Registration in Snapchat on iPhone

  3. In the next window, you will need to specify your name and surname, and then tap on the "OK, Sign Up" button.
  4. Enter the name and surname when registering in Snapchat on the iPhone

  5. Specify the date of birth, then register the new username (login must be unique).
  6. Entering the date of birth and login when registering in Snapchat on the iPhone

  7. Enter a new password. The service requires that its durability amounted to at least eight characters.
  8. Creating a password when registering in Snapchat on the iPhone

  9. By default, the application offers to bind an email address to the account. Also, registration can be performed on a mobile phone number - for this you should select the "Registration phone number" button.
  10. Enter email address or mobile phone number when registering in Snapchat on iPhone

  11. Turn your number and select the Next button. If you do not want to specify it, select the "Skip" option in the upper right corner.
  12. Enter a mobile phone number when registering in Snapchat on the iPhone

  13. A window will appear with a task that will prove that the recorded person is not a robot. In our case, it was necessary to note all the images on which the number 4 is present.
  14. Checking the user when registering in Snapchat on the iPhone

  15. Skatechate will offer to find friends from the phone book. If you agree, click on the "Next" button, or skip this step by selecting the appropriate button.
  16. Search for friends when registering in Snapchat on the iPhone

  17. Ready, registration is completed. The application window will immediately appear on the screen, and the iPhone will ask you access to the camera and microphone. For further work it must be provided.
  18. Providing Snapchat access to the camera and the microphone on the iPhone

  19. To read the registration completed, you will need to confirm email. To do this, select the profile icon in the upper left corner. In a new window, tap the pictogram with a gear.
  20. Go to the Snapchat settings on the iPhone

  21. Open the Mail section, and then select the "Confirm Mail" button. An email will be sent to your email address with reference to which you need to go to complete the registration.

Email Confirmation in the Snapchat application on the iPhone

Search for friends

  1. Communication in Snapchat will be more interesting if you make a subscription to your friends. To find familiar registered in this social network, tap in the upper left corner on the profile icon, and then select the "Add Friends" button.
  2. Search for friends in the Snapchat application on the iPhone

  3. If you know the user login, suck it at the top of the screen.
  4. Search friend by user name in Snapchat application on iPhone

  5. To find friends via the phone book, go to the Contacts tab, and then select the "Find Friends" button. After providing access to the phonebook, the application will display the nickname of registered users.
  6. Search for friends in the Snapchat app among contacts on the iPhone

  7. For a convenient search for acquaintances, you can use the snap code - a kind of QR code generated in the application that refers to the profile of a particular person. If you have a saved image with a similar code, open the "Skapcode" tab, and then select a picture from the photo capture. Following the screen displays the user profile.

Search for friends on the snap code in the Snapchat application on the iPhone

Creating Snaps

  1. To open access to all masks, in the main application menu, select the emoticon icon. The service will start their download. By the way, the collection is regularly updated, causing new interesting options.
  2. Loading masks in the Snapchat application on the iPhone

  3. Make the swipe left or right to move between masks. In order to switch the main chamber to the front, select the appropriate icon in the upper right corner of the screen.
  4. Switch between MAKSSI in the Snapchat application on the iPhone

  5. In the same area, two additional camera settings are available - flash and night mode. However, the night mode works exclusively for the main chamber, the frontal is not supported in it.
  6. Flash and Night mode in the Snapchat application on the iPhone

  7. To remove the photos from the selected mask, tap the icon once, and for the video, clap your finger and hold.
  8. Creating a photo and video in the Snapchat application on the iPhone

  9. When a photo or video is created, it will automatically open in the embedded editor. In the left area of ​​the window, a small toolbar is located in which the following features are available:
    • Text imposition;
    • Free drawing;
    • Overlay stickers and gif pictures;
    • Creating your own sticker from the image;
    • Adding a reference;
    • Cadry;
    • Display timer.
  10. Photo processing and video in the Snapchat application on the iPhone

  11. To apply filters, make the swipe right left. An additional menu appears in which you will need to select the Enable Filters button. The following application will need to provide access to geodan.
  12. Providing access to the geodan in the Snapchat application on the iPhone

  13. Now you can use filters. To switch between them, make the swipe left right or right left.
  14. When editing is completed, you will have three further action scenarios:
    • Sending to friends. Select the "Send" button in the lower right corner to create a targeted snap and send it to one or more of your friends.
    • Sending Snap to friends in the Snapchat application on the iPhone

    • Save. In the lower left corner there is a button that allows you to save the created file in the memory of the smartphone.
    • Save Snap in a photo capture in the Snapchat application on the iPhone

    • History. A button, which allows you to save snap in history. Thus, the publication will be automatically deleted after 24 hours.

Publication of history in the Snapchat application on the iPhone

Chat with friends

  1. In the main window of the program, select the dialog icon in the lower left corner.
  2. Go to the dialog menu in the Snapchat application on the iPhone

  3. On the screen will display all users with whom you communicate. When you receive a new message from each other, under his nickname, the message "You got a snap!". Open it to display the message. If you shut up when playing a snap, you will display the chat window on the screen.

View incoming Snaps in the Snapchat application on the iPhone

View publication history

All snaps and stories created in the application are automatically saved to your personal archive that is available for viewing only to you. To open it, in the central bottom of the main menu window, select the button shown in the screenshot below.

View publishing archive in the Snapchat application on the iPhone

Application settings

  1. To open the Snapchat parameters, select the avatar icon, and then tap in the upper right corner on the gear image.
  2. Snapchat application options on iPhone

  3. The settings window opens. All menu items we will not consider, and go through the most interesting:
    • Skaps. Create your own snapcode. Send it to your friends so that they promptly come to your page.
    • Creating a snapode in the Snapchat application on the iPhone

    • Two-Factor authorization. Due to the frequent cases of hacking pages in the creation, it is strongly recommended to activate this type of authorization, in which to enter the application, you will need to specify not only the password, but also code from the SMS message.
    • Enabling two-factor authorization in the Snapchat application on the iPhone

    • Traffic saving mode. This parameter is hidden under the "Set up" item. Allows you to significantly reduce traffic consumption by compressing the quality of snaps and stories.
    • Traffic Saving Mode in Snapchat Application on iPhone

    • Clear cache. As the application is used, it will be constantly growing at the expense of the accumulated cache. Fortunately, the developers provided the ability to delete this information.
    • Cleaning the cache in the Snapchat application on the iPhone

    • Try Snapchat Beta. Useful users have a unique opportunity to participate in testing a new version of the application. You can one of the first to try out new features and interesting features, but should be prepared for the fact that the program can work unstable.
    • Testing the Beta version of the Snapchat application on the iPhone

In this article we tried to highlight the main aspects of working with the Snapchat application.

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