Download Drivers for Lenovo G50


Download Drivers for Lenovo G50

In order to ensure the performance of any computer or laptop, in addition to the operating system, you must install compatible and, of course, official drivers. Lenovo G50, about which we will tell today, no exception.

Download drivers for Lenovo G50

Despite the fact that Lenovo's Lenovo series laptops were released for quite a long time, there are still a lot of search methods and installing drivers required for their operation. For the G50 model, there are at least five. We will tell about each of them.

Method 1: Search on the support page

The best, and often the only necessary search option and the subsequent download of the drivers is to visit the official website of the device manufacturer. In the case of the Lenovo G50 laptop under consideration under this article, we will need to visit his support page.

Lenovo Product Support Page

  1. After the transition to the following link, click on the image with the signature of "laptops and netbooks".
  2. Open section Laptops and netbooks on Lenovo support page

  3. In the drop-down listing, specify first a series of laptop, and then annile - G Series Laptops and G50- ... respectively.

    Select a series and subsection for Lenovo G50 laptop on the support page

    Note: As you can see in the screenshot above, five different models are submitted in the G50 line, and therefore you need to choose from this list that the name of which fully matches your one. You can find out this information on the sticker on the laptop housing attached to the documentation or box.

  4. Scroll down the page to which you will be redirected immediately after selecting the selection of the device, and click on the link "See all", to the right of the "Best Downloads" inscription.
  5. See all available support drivers for laptop Lenovo G50

  6. From the "Operating System" drop-down list, select Windows version and bit, which corresponds to installed on your Lenovo G50. You can additionally determine which "components" (devices and modules for which drivers are needed) will be shown in the list below, as well as their "seriousness" (the need for installation is optionally recommended, critical). In the last block (3) we recommend not changing anything or select the first option - "optional".
  7. OS version, components and severity of Drivers for Lenovo G50 laptop

  8. When specifying the necessary search parameters, scroll down a bit down. You will see the equipment categories for which you can download drivers. Opposite each component from the list there is a down arrow, and you should click it.

    View accessible drivers for Lenovo G50 laptop

    Next, you will need to click on another such pointer to deploy the invested list.

    Expand List Download Drivers Lenovo G50

    After that, you can download the driver separately or add it to "My downloads" to download all the files together.

    Add or download Lenovo G50 laptop driver

    In the case of a single downloading of the drivers, after clicking the "Download" button, you will need to specify the folder on the disk to save it, if you wish to set the file more intelligible and "save" it in the selected location.

    Save Download Lenovo G50 Laptop Driver

    Repeat similar actions with each equipment from the list - download its driver or add to the so-called basket.

  9. Download or add to basket drivers for laptop Lenovo G50

  10. If the drivers you marked for Lenovo G50 are in the download list, climb up the list of components and click on the "My Loan List" button.

    Open My Downloads Loader Lenovo G50 Laptop List

    Make sure that it has all the necessary drivers,

    Examine the downloads list of drivers for Lenovo G50 laptop

    And click on the button "Download".

    Download all Drivers for Lenovo G50 laptop

    Select the download version - one zip archive for all files or each in a separate archive. For obvious reasons, the first option is more convenient.

    Select the download option of several drivers for Lenovo G50 laptop

    Note: In some cases, the mass loading of the drivers does not begin, instead it is proposed to download the branded utility Lenovo Service Bridge, which we will also tell about in the second way. If you encounter this error, the drivers for a laptop will have to download separately.

  11. Download page Lenovo Service Bridge for Lenovo G50 laptop

  12. Whatever two ways you do not download drivers for your Lenovo G50, go to that folder on the disk, in which they were saved.

    Folder with drivers for Lenovo G50 laptop

    In order of queue, make the installation of these programs, running the executable file with double click and carefully following the prompts that will appear on each of the steps.

  13. Start installation driver for Lenovo G50 laptop

    Note: Some software components are packaged in ZIP archives, and therefore before starting installation, they will be needed to be removed. You can do this with standard Windows tools - with "Explorer" . Additionally, we suggest familiarizing yourself with the instructions on this topic.

    Method 2: Automatic Update

    If you do not know what specifically from Lenovo series laptops from Lenovo, or simply do not have an idea of ​​which drivers on it are definitely missing which you want to update, and from which of which you can refuse, we recommend to contact the Automatic update features. The latter is a web service built into the Lenovo support page - it scans your laptop, it will definitely define its model, the operating system, its version and bit, after which it will be offered to load only the necessary software components.

    1. Repeat the steps No. 1-3 from the previous way, while in the second step it is not necessary to specify the subsection of the device, you can choose any of the G50- ... Next, go to the "Automatic Driver Update" tab located on the top panel, and then click on the button " Start scanning. "
    2. Start automatic search and download drivers for Lenovo G50 laptop

    3. Wait for the verification to complete, then download, and then install all drivers for Lenovo G50 just as it was told in steps No. 5-7 of the previous way.
    4. Automatic scanning system to search for drivers on Lenovo G50 laptop

    5. It also happens that scanning does not give a positive result. In this case, you will see a detailed description of the problem, however, in English, and with it and the offer to download the branded utility - Lenovo Service Bridge. If you still want to get the drivers you need for a laptop by automatic scanning, click on the "Agree" button.
    6. Information about the error and consent to download the utility for Lenovo G50 laptop

    7. Wait for the completion of a short page download

      Offer Download branded utility for Lenovo G50 laptop

      And save the installation file application.

    8. Saving the branded utility for Lenovo G50 laptop

    9. Install Lenovo Service Bridge, following step-by-step prompts, after which it is re-scanning the system, that is, return to the first step in this method.
    10. Start installation of the Lenovo Service Bridge Utilities for Lenovo G50 laptop

      If you do not taking into account possible errors in the operation of the automatic definition of the necessary drivers from Lenovo, it is clearly called more convenient than the independent search and download.

    Method 3: Specialized Programs

    There are quite a lot of software solutions that work in a similar one with the algorithm discussed above the web service, but without errors and really automatically. Such applications not only find missing, increasing relevance or damaged drivers, but also download and install them. After reading the article below below, you can choose the most suitable tool for yourself.

    Using the program to search for drivers for Lenovo-G50 laptop

    Read more: Programs for searching and installing drivers

    All that will be required to install the software on Lenovo G50, it is downloaded and installing the application, and then run scanning. Then it remains only to get acquainted with the list of the software found, to make edits into it (optionally you can, for example, remove excess components) and activate the installation process, which will be made in the background. For a more accurate understanding of how this procedure is performed, we recommend to familiarize yourself with our detailed material dedicated to the use of DriverPack Solution - one of the best representatives of this segment.

    Using DriverPackSolution to install Drivers on Lenovo G50 laptop

    Read more: Automatic search and installation of drivers with DriverPack Solution

    Method 4: Equipment ID

    Each laptop hardware component has a unique number - identifier or ID, which can also be used to search for driver. This approach to solving our today's task cannot be called convenient and rapid, but in some cases it is only effective. If you want to use it on the Lenovo G50 laptop, check out the following article below:

    Search for Equipment Equipment Drivers Lenovo-G50 Laptop

    Read more: Search and download drivers by ID

    Method 5: Standard Search and Installation Tool

    The last option to search for drivers for Lenovo G50, about which we will tell me today is to use the device manager - the standard Windows component. Its advantage over all methods discussed above is that you will not need to attend various sites, use services, select and install programs from third-party developers. The system will do everything independently, but the direct search process will have to be initiated manually. About what it will be necessary to do is to learn from a separate material.

    Using the device manager to search and install drivers on Lenovo G50 laptop

    Read more: Search and install drivers using "Device Manager"


    Find and download Lenovo G50 laptop drivers is easy. The main thing is to determine the method of solving this problem by choosing one of the five offered by us.

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