How to fix bugs «CRITICAL_SERVICE_FAILED» Windows 10


How to fix bugs «CRITICAL_SERVICE_FAILED» Windows 10

Most unpleasant errors when working with Windows are BSODy - "blue screens of death". They say that in the system there was a critical failure and its further use is impossible without rebooting or further manipulation. Today, we will discuss ways to correct one of these problems with the title «CRITICAL_SERVICE_FAILED».


Literally translated text on a blue screen can be as "critical service error". This may be a malfunction of the services or drivers, as well as their conflict. Usually the problem occurs after you install any software or updates. There is another reason - problems with the system hard drive. With it, and should begin to correct the situation.

Method 1: Check Disk

One of the factors for this BSOD could become error on the boot drive. In order to eliminate them, should be tested built-in Windows utility CHKDSK.EXE. If the system failed to load, then it means you can call directly from the GUI or the "Command Prompt".

Read more: Perform a hard disk diagnostics in Windows 10

In a situation where you can not download, use the recovery environment by running it as a "command line". This menu opens after the blue screen disappears information.

  1. Click the button "Advanced Settings".

    Go to setting of additional parameters in the recovery environment in Windows 10

  2. Go to the section "Troubleshooting".

    The transition to troubleshooting in Windows Recovery Environment 10

  3. There are also open bloc with the "Advanced Settings".

    Starting the settings for additional boot options in the medium vosstanovleniyaWindows 10

  4. Open the "Command Prompt".

    Run command line environment vosstanovleniyaWindows 10

  5. Run Disk Utility console command


    Starting cantilevered disk utility in the medium vosstanovleniyaWindows 10

  6. We ask to see a list of all the partitions on the disks in the system.

    lis vol

    We are looking for a system disk. Since the utility often changes the letter volume, to determine the appropriate size only. In our example «D:».

    Getting list of partitions on the hard disks in the medium vosstanovleniyaWindows 10

  7. Completing work Diskpart.


    Completing the console Disk Utility in Windows Recovery Environment 10

  8. Now run the test and error correction corresponding command with two arguments.

    CHKDSK D: / F / R

    Launching system drive test for recovery in the medium errors Windows 10

    Where «d:» - Lit. system carrier and / f / r - arguments, correct allowing utility "broken" sector, and programming errors.

  9. Once the process is complete, exit the console.


    Command line completion in Windows 10 Recovery Environment

  10. We try to start the system. It is better to do it, and then turn on the computer again.

    Turning off the computer in Windows 10 Recovery Environment

Method 2: Recovery when loading

This tool also works in the recovery environment, in automatic mode checking and correcting all sorts of errors.

  1. Perform the actions described in paragraphs 1 - 3 of the previous method.
  2. Select the corresponding block.

    Go to the recovery tool when downloading in Windows 10 Recovery Environment

  3. We wait until the tool completes the work, after which the PC automatic reboot will occur.

    Automatic correction of problems when downloading in the recovery environmentWindows 10

Method 3: Restore from the point

Recovery points are special disc records containing data on parameters and Windows files. They can be used if the system protection has been turned on. This operation will cancel all the changes that were made before a specific date. It concerns the installation of programs, drivers and updates, as well as the settings of "Windows".

Restoring the system from the recovery point in Windows 10

Read more: Rollback to the recovery point in Windows 10

Method 4: Delete updates

This procedure allows you to remove the latest fixes and updates. It will help in cases where the option with points did not work or they are missing. You can find the option all in the same recovery environment.

Please note that these actions will deprive you with the ability to use the instructions in the method 5, as the Windows folder will be deleted.

Method 5: Previous Assembly

This method will be effective if the failure occurs periodically, but the system is loaded and we have access to its parameters. At the same time, problems began to be observed after the next global update "Dozens".

  1. Open the "Start" menu and go to the parameters. The same result will give the Windows + I key combination.

    Go to the system parameters from the start menu in Windows 10

  2. We go to the update and security section.

    Go to the update and security section in Windows 10 parameters

  3. Go to the "Restore" tab and click the "Start" button in the return block to the previous version.

    Running the system return to the previous assembly in Windows 10 parameters

  4. A short preparation process will begin.

    Process Preparations for Return to Previous Build 10

  5. We put a tank opposite the alleged cause of recovery. It doesn't matter that we choose: during the operation it will not affect. Click "Next".

    Explanation of the reasons for return to the previous build of Windows 10

  6. The system will offer to check the updates. We refuse.

    Refusal to check the update when returning to the previous build of Windows 10

  7. Carefully read the warning. Special attention should be paid to file backups.

    Warning of the system when returning to the previous build of Windows 10

  8. Another warning about the need to remember the password from your account.

    Warning to save a password account when returning to the previous build of Windows 10

  9. On this preparation is completed, click "Return to an earlier assembly."

    Running return operation to previous build of Windows 10

  10. We are waiting for the completion of the recovery.

    The process of restoring the previous build of Windows 10

If the tool issued an error or the "Start" button is inactive, go to the next method.

Method 6: PC Return to the initial state

Under the initial one should understand the state in which the system was immediately after installation. You can run the procedure from both the working "Windows" and from the recovery environment when loading.

Computer Return to Source in Windows 10 Recovery Environment

Read more: We restore Windows 10 to the original state

Method 7: Factory Settings

This is another option to restore Windows. It implies a clean installation with automatic saving software installed by the manufacturer and licensed keys.

Rollback of the system to the factory coating with standard Windows 10 tools

Read more: Return Windows 10 to the factory state


If the application of the instructions given above did not help to cope with an error, only a new system setting from the corresponding media will help.

Read more: How to install windows 10 from a flash drive or disk

In addition, it is worth paying attention to the hard disk on which Windows is recorded. Perhaps he failed and requires replacement.

Read more