Lost battery icon on laptop with windows 10


Lost battery icon on laptop with windows 10

Most laptops have a built-in battery, so users from time to time use it to work without connecting to the network. Tracking the amount of the remaining charge and time of work is the easiest way to use a special icon that is displayed on the taskbar. However, sometimes there are problems with the presence of this icon. Today we would like to consider the methods of solving this trouble on the laptops running the Windows 10 operating system.

We solve the problem with the missing battery icon in Windows 10

In the OS under consideration, there are parameters of personalization, allowing to adjust the display of elements by selecting the necessary. Most often, the user independently turns off the display of the battery icon, as a result of which the problem under consideration appears. However, sometimes the reason can go completely in the other. Let's take turns in turn all available options for fixing this problem.

Method 1: Enable the Battery Icon Display

As mentioned above, the user can manage the icons himself and sometimes by chance or intentionally turns off the display of icons. Therefore, first we recommend ensuring that the display of the battery status icon is turned on. This procedure is literally in several clicks:

  1. Open the Start menu and go to "Parameters".
  2. Go to the menu with parameters in Windows 10

  3. Run the category "Personalization".
  4. Open Personalization Window in Windows 10

  5. Pay attention to the left panel. Lay the "Taskbar" item and click on it LKM.
  6. Personalization of taskbar in Windows 10

  7. In the "Notifications Area" click on the link "Select the icons displayed in the taskbar".
  8. Configure the display of icons on the Windows 10 taskbar

  9. Find nutrition and install the slider into the "On" state.
  10. Enable the power icon in Windows 10

  11. In addition, you can activate the icon through "Enable and disable system icons".
  12. Configure the display of system icons in Windows 10

  13. Activation is done in the same way as in the previous embodiment - by moving the corresponding slider.
  14. Turn on the power in Windows 10 system icons

It was the easiest and most common option that allows you to return the "Power" icon in the taskbar. Unfortunately, it is not always effective, so if it is non-responding, we advise you to familiarize yourself with other methods.

Method 3: Registry Cleaning

In the registry editor, there is a parameter responsible for displaying the taskbar icons. Over time, some parameters change, garbage accumulates or errors of different kinds occur. Such a process can cause a problem with the show not only the battery icons, but also other elements. Therefore, we recommend cleaning the registry with one of the available methods. Expanded Guide to this topic read the article Next.

Cleaning the registry in Windows 10

Read more:

How to Clean Windows Registry from Errors

The best program for cleaning the registry

In addition, we advise you to familiarize yourself with our other material. If in the articles on previous links you could find a list of software or many additional methods, this guide is dedicated solely interaction with CCleaner.

See also: Cleaning the registry using CCleaner

Method 4: Scanning a laptop for viruses

Often infection with viruses leads to malfunctions of certain functions of the operating system. It is quite realistic that the malicious file damaged part of the OS, which is responsible for displaying the icon, or blocks the launch of the tool. Therefore, we strongly recommend running a laptop check for viruses and make cleaning from them with any convenient method.

Checking the system for viruses using Kaspersky Anti-Virus

Read more: Fighting computer viruses

Method 5: Restore system files

This method can be associated with the previous one, because often system files remain damaged even after cleaning against threats. Fortunately, Windows 10 has built-in tools to restore the necessary objects. Deployed Instructions on this topic read in another material below.

Restore Windows 10 system files

Read more: Restore system files in Windows 10

Method 6: Updating Motherboard Chipset Drivers

For the work of the battery and receiving information from it, the driver of the motherboard chipset is responsible. Periodically, developers produce updates that correct possible errors and failures. If you have not previously checked the presence of innovations for the motherboard, we advise you to make it one of the appropriate options. In another article, you will find the Installation Guide for the Necessary Software.

Download Driver for Motherboard

Read more: Installing and updating drivers for motherboard

Separately, I would like to mention the DRIVERPACK Solution program. Its functionality is focused on the search and installation of driver updates, including for the motherboard chipset. Of course, in such a software there are drawbacks associated with obsessive advertising and disabled installation offers of additional software, however, with its main task, the DRP copes well.

See also: How to update drivers on a computer using Driverpack Solution

Method 7: Motherboard BIOS Update

Like drivers, the BIOS motherboard has its own versions. Sometimes they work not entirely correctly, which leads to the emergence of various failures with the detection of connected equipment, including batteries. If on the official website of the laptop developers you will be able to find a newer version of the BIOS, we advise you to update it. About how it is done on different models of laptops, read further.

Read more: How to update BIOS on HP, Acer, Asus, Lenovo laptop

We put ways from the most efficient and simple to those that help only in the rarest cases. Therefore, it is better to start with the first, gradually moving to the next time to save your time and strength.

See also:

Solving problems with the missing desktop in Windows 10

Solving problems with missing icons on the desktop in Windows 10

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